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Kathryn Mederos Syssoyeva; V.E. Meyerhold. Nasledie. 1. Avtobiograficheskie materialy. Dokumenty 1896–1903 [V.E. Meyerhold—Research, Vol. 1 Autobiographical Materials: Documents 1896–1903] edited by O.M. Feldman. V.E. Meyerhold. Lektsii: 1918–1919 [V.E. Meyerhold—Lectures: 1918–1920] edited by O.M. Feldman. V.E. Meyerhold. Nasledie. 2. Tovarischestvo novoi dramy. Sozdanie Studii na Povarskoi. Leto 1903–vesna 1905 [Research, Vol. 2: The Fellowship of the New Drama and the Founding of the Studio on Povarskaia Street, Summer 1903–Spring 1905] by V.E. Meyerhold, edited by O.M. Feldman. TDR/The Drama Review 2010; 54: 3 (207), 170–174. doi:
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