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TDR Comment
Theatre of War in the Former Yugoslavia, Event, Script, Actors
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 5–13.
Puppets, Masks, and Performing Objects at the End of the Century
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 15–27.
A Puppet Tree: A Model for the Field of Puppet Theatre
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 28–35.
The End of Our Domestic Resurrection Circus: Bread and Puppet Theater and Counterculture Performance in the 1990s
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 62–80.
Performing the Intelligent Machine: Deception and Enchantment in the Life of the Automaton Chess Player
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 81–96.
Modicut Puppet Theatre: Modernism, Satire, and Yiddish Culture
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 115–134.
If Gandhi Could Fly…: Dilemmas and Directions in Shadow Puppetry of India
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 154–168.
The Art of Puppetry in the Age of Media Production
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 182–195.
Unpopular Cultures: The Birth of Law and Popular Culture; Bertolt Brecht and Critical Theory: Marxism, Modernity and the Threepenny Lawsuit
TDR/The Drama Review (1999) 43 (3 (163)): 196–199.
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