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In Memory
Choreopolice and Choreopolitics: or, the task of the dancer
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 13–27.
The World of the Neurology Ward: Hauntology and European Modernism mal tourné in Butoh
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 60–85.
Student Essay Contest Winners
Making Space for a Creative Economy: The Work of La Machine
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 120–134.
“The Unnatural History and Petticoat Mystery of Boulton and Park”: A Victorian Sex Scandal and the Theatre Defense
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 135–156.
Critical Acts
Staging the Twitter War: Toneelgroep Amsterdam's Roman Tragedies
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 163–170.
As If: An Autobiography. By Herbert Blau. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2011; 302 pp.; illustrations. $60.00 cloth, $29.95 paper, e-book available
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 171–172.
Reality Principles: From the Absurd to the Virtual. By Herbert Blau. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2011; 300 pp. $85.00 cloth, $35.00 paper, e-book available
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 172–174.
Butoh: Metamorphic Dance and Global Alchemy. By Sondra Fraleigh. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2010; 280 pp.; illustrations. $85.00 cloth, $30.00 paper, e-book available; Butoh Ritual Mexicano / Alchemy is Dancing. By Shakina Nayfack. Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010; 224 pp.; illustrations. €79.00 paper
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 174–177.
Choreographing Empathy: Kinesthesia in Performance. By Susan Leigh Foster. London: Routledge, 2010; 286 pp.; illustrations. $120.00 cloth, $55.95 paper, e-book available
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 177–180.
The Vakhtangov Sourcebook. Edited and translated by Andrei Malaev-Babel. London: Routledge, 2011; 400 pp.; illustrations. $120.00 cloth, $33.95 paper, e-book available; Yevgeny Vakhtangov: A Critical Portrait. By Andrei Malaev-Babel. London: Routledge, 2012; 294 pp.; illustrations. $126.00 cloth, $31.95 paper, e-book available
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 180–184.
Worldly Stage: Theatricality in Seventeenth-Century China. By Sophie Volpp. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011; 350 pp.; illustrations. $44.95 cloth
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 184–185.
Suzan-Lori Parks: Essays on the Plays and Other Works. Edited by Philip C. Kolin. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010; 219 pp. $39.95 paper, e-book available
TDR/The Drama Review (2013) 57 (4 (220)): 186–187.
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