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Nelisiwe Xaba
Nelisiwe Xaba: Dancing between South Africa and the Global North
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 8–15.
Venus and the (R)uses of Power: Nelisiwe Xaba’s They Look at Me and That’s All They Think
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 18–27.
Fremdes Erbe: Nelisiwe Xaba and German Dance Heritage
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 38–53.
Nelisiwe Xaba: Reflections on Nelisiwe Xaba’s
Black K-Pop: Racial Surplus and Global Consumption
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 88–100.
When Neoliberalism and Patriarchy Conspire: Plastic Surgery in the South Korean Reality TV Show Let Me In
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 101–116.
Rethinking Anna Halprin’s Parades and Changes: Postmodern Dance, Racialized Urban Restructuring, and Mid-1960s San Francisco
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 117–137.
Public Library: Crystal Meth, Choreography, Conceptual Art
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 138–154.
Critical Acts
(Re)Presenting Calais’s Camp: In the Heart of The Jungle with the Good Chance Theatre
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 155–162.
What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? First Nations Dialogues
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 162–170.
Carnival and Power: Play and Politics in a Crown Colony
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 171–173.
Theaters of the Everyday: Aesthetic Democracy on the American Stage
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 175–177.
Performing Endurance: Art and Politics since 1960
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 177–180.
Making Dances That Matter: Resources for Community Creativity
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (2 (246)): 182–184.
TDR Continued…
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