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Constance Zaytoun
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
TDR/The Drama Review (2011) 55 (3 (211)): 110–123.
Published: 01 September 2011
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Contemporary painter Deborah Kass appropriates the forms of post-war masters such as Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, and Frank Stella in her work, but her subject choices are often conscious manifestations of her nostalgic identifications with middlebrow Jewish artists and Broadway musicals. Her radical take on nostalgia draws from lyrics, idiomatic sayings, and iconic Jewish figures to promote a progressive rather than conservative agenda. Kass's performative interventions insert her feminist-Jewish-lesbian self squarely at the center of visual culture's frame and on the stage of art's history.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
TDR/The Drama Review (2008) 52 (3 (199)): 134–159.
Published: 01 September 2008
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Deb Margolin and the late Hannah Wilke, along with other feminist artists, defiantly create fluid and intimate relationships between the self and the other in performance, and as such, create a space for us to see ourselves. Margolin and Wilke insist on the body in performance and find particular truths through the very personal experiences they reveal in their work. Both artists create a space for permeating the boundaries of identity; they ask only that we bear witness.