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Jacqueline E. Bixler
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
TDR/The Drama Review (2020) 64 (4 (248)): 108–128.
Published: 01 December 2020
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The 50th commemoration of the 2 October 1968 massacre of students and bystanders in the Plaza de Tlatelolco included performances that forced spectators to confront the nagging legacy of 1968 and to think collectively about what a future Mexico could look like if nothing is done to change the course of its history. Auxilio: Au secours by TeatroSinParedes and El pasado nunca se muere by Lagartijas Tiradas al Sol share a mix of genres, a tripartite structure, and spatiotemporal dislocations that oblige the audience to leave their seats, to connect the dots, and, ultimately, to determine for themselves the meaning of each work.