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Unequal effects on working time: immigrants’ vulnerability in the German labor market in the early COVID-19 pandemic
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1307–1332.
Age of entry into early childhood education and care, literacy and reduction of educational inequality in Nordic countries
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1333–1362.
Opinion polarization of immigration and EU attitudes between social classes – the limiting role of working class dissensus
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1363–1394.
A configurational approach to job quality analysis: forms of inequalities at work in Europe
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1395–1419.
Health selection into migration from Poland to the Netherlands: a matched case–control analysis
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1420–1443.
Parental ages and the intergenerational transmission of education: evidence from Germany, Norway, and the United States
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1444–1471.
Inequality at the top. Educational expansion, financial constraints and opportunities of university graduation by social origin
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1472–1509.
Is the association between long-term care and subjective well-being socio-economically stratified? Evidence from Europe
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1510–1544.
Convergence in action: framing the climate crisis at the 2021 Pre-COP counter-summit in Milan
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1545–1571.
Welfare stigma in a social democratic welfare regime during a decade of national public debate: production, contestation and continuities
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1572–1595.
The gendered maths confidence gap, social influence and social integration
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1596–1631.
Young adult mental health during the United Kingdom’s first COVID-19 lockdown: the benefit of living with parents and siblings
European Societies (2024) 26 (5): 1632–1661.