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Dirk Sudholt
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2022) 30 (1): 1–26.
Published: 01 March 2022
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Niching methods have been developed to maintain the population diversity, to investigate many peaks in parallel, and to reduce the effect of genetic drift. We present the first rigorous runtime analyses of restricted tournament selection (RTS), embedded in a ( μ + 1) EA, and analyse its effectiveness at finding both optima of the bimodal function TwoMax . In RTS, an offspring competes against the closest individual, with respect to some distance measure, amongst w (window size) population members (chosen uniformly at random with replacement), to encourage competition within the same niche. We prove that RTS finds both optima on TwoMax efficiently if the window size w is large enough. However, if w is too small, RTS fails to find both optima even in exponential time, with high probability. We further consider a variant of RTS selecting individuals for the tournament without replacement. It yields a more diverse tournament and is more effective at preventing one niche from taking over the other. However, this comes at the expense of a slower progress towards optima when a niche collapses to a single individual. Our theoretical results are accompanied by experimental studies that shed light on parameters not covered by the theoretical results and support a conjectured lower runtime bound.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2019) 27 (3): 403–433.
Published: 01 September 2019
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Clearing is a niching method inspired by the principle of assigning the available resources among a niche to a single individual. The clearing procedure supplies these resources only to the best individual of each niche: the winner. So far, its analysis has been focused on experimental approaches that have shown that clearing is a powerful diversity-preserving mechanism. Using rigorous runtime analysis to explain how and why it is a powerful method, we prove that a mutation-based evolutionary algorithm with a large enough population size, and a phenotypic distance function always succeeds in optimising all functions of unitation for small niches in polynomial time, while a genotypic distance function requires exponential time. Finally, we prove that with phenotypic and genotypic distances, clearing is able to find both optima for T w o M a x and several general classes of bimodal functions in polynomial expected time. We use empirical analysis to highlight some of the characteristics that makes it a useful mechanism and to support the theoretical results.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2017) 25 (4): 673–705.
Published: 01 December 2017
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Randomized search heuristics are frequently applied to NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. The runtime analysis of randomized search heuristics has contributed tremendously to our theoretical understanding. Recently, randomized search heuristics have been examined regarding their achievable progress within a fixed-time budget. We follow this approach and present a fixed-budget analysis for an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. We consider the well-known Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) and analyze the fitness increase that randomized search heuristics are able to achieve within a given fixed-time budget. In particular, we analyze Manhattan and Euclidean TSP instances and Randomized Local Search (RLS), (1+1) EA and (1+ ) EA algorithms for the TSP in a smoothed complexity setting, and derive the lower bounds of the expected fitness gain for a specified number of generations.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2017) 25 (2): 205–236.
Published: 01 June 2017
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Geometric crossover is a formal class of crossovers that includes many well-known recombination operators across representations. In previous work, it was shown that all evolutionary algorithms with geometric crossover (but no mutation) do the same form of convex search regardless of the underlying representation, the specific selection mechanism, offspring distribution, search space, and problem at hand. Furthermore, it was suggested that the generalised convex search could perform well on generalised forms of concave and approximately concave fitness landscapes regardless of the underlying space and representation. In this article, we deepen this line of enquiry and study the runtime of generalised convex search on concave fitness landscapes. This is a first step toward linking a geometric theory of representations and runtime analysis in the attempt to (1) set the basis for a more general, unified approach for the runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms across representations, and (2) identify the essential matching features of evolutionary search behaviour and landscape topography that cause polynomial performance. We present a general runtime result that can be systematically instantiated to specific search spaces and representations and present its specifications to three search spaces. As a corollary, we obtain that the convex search algorithm optimises LeadingOnes in fitness evaluations, which is faster than all unbiased unary black box algorithms.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2017) 25 (2): 237–274.
Published: 01 June 2017
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We reinvestigate a fundamental question: How effective is crossover in genetic algorithms in combining building blocks of good solutions? Although this has been discussed controversially for decades, we are still lacking a rigorous and intuitive answer. We provide such answers for royal road functions and OneMax, where every bit is a building block. For the latter, we show that using crossover makes every ( + ) genetic algorithm at least twice as fast as the fastest evolutionary algorithm using only standard bit mutation, up to small-order terms and for moderate and . Crossover is beneficial because it can capitalize on mutations that have both beneficial and disruptive effects on building blocks: crossover is able to repair the disruptive effects of mutation in later generations. Compared to mutation-based evolutionary algorithms, this makes multibit mutations more useful. Introducing crossover changes the optimal mutation rate on OneMax from to . This holds both for uniform crossover and k -point crossover. Experiments and statistical tests confirm that our findings apply to a broad class of building block functions.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2015) 23 (4): 559–582.
Published: 01 December 2015
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The migration interval is one of the fundamental parameters governing the dynamic behaviour of island models. Yet, there is little understanding on how this parameter affects performance, and how to optimally set it given a problem in hand. We propose schemes for adapting the migration interval according to whether fitness improvements have been found. As long as no improvement is found, the migration interval is increased to minimise communication. Once the best fitness has improved, the migration interval is decreased to spread new best solutions more quickly. We provide a method for obtaining upper bounds on the expected running time and the communication effort, defined as the expected number of migrants sent. Example applications of this method to common example functions show that our adaptive schemes are able to compete with, or even outperform, the optimal fixed choice of the migration interval, with regard to running time and communication effort.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2014) 22 (3): 405–437.
Published: 01 September 2014
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We present a general method for analyzing the runtime of parallel evolutionary algorithms with spatially structured populations. Based on the fitness-level method, it yields upper bounds on the expected parallel runtime. This allows for a rigorous estimate of the speedup gained by parallelization. Tailored results are given for common migration topologies: ring graphs, torus graphs, hypercubes, and the complete graph. Example applications for pseudo-Boolean optimization show that our method is easy to apply and that it gives powerful results. In our examples the performance guarantees improve with the density of the topology. Surprisingly, even sparse topologies such as ring graphs lead to a significant speedup for many functions while not increasing the total number of function evaluations by more than a constant factor. We also identify which number of processors lead to the best guaranteed speedups, thus giving hints on how to parameterize parallel evolutionary algorithms.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2013) 21 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 March 2013
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Extending previous analyses on function classes like linear functions, we analyze how the simple (1+1) evolutionary algorithm optimizes pseudo-Boolean functions that are strictly monotonic. These functions have the property that whenever only 0-bits are changed to 1, then the objective value strictly increases. Contrary to what one would expect, not all of these functions are easy to optimize. The choice of the constant c in the mutation probability p ( n )= c / n can make a decisive difference. We show that if c <1, then the (1+1) EA finds the optimum of every such function in iterations. For c =1, we can still prove an upper bound of O ( n 3/2 ). However, for , we present a strictly monotonic function such that the (1+1) EA with overwhelming probability needs iterations to find the optimum. This is the first time that we observe that a constant factor change of the mutation probability changes the runtime by more than a constant factor.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2010) 18 (1): 1–26.
Published: 01 March 2010
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Evolutionary algorithms are general randomized search heuristics and typically perform an unbiased random search that is guided only by the fitness of the search points encountered. However, in applications there is often problem-specific knowledge that suggests some additional bias. The use of appropriately biased variation operators may speed up the search considerably. Problems defined over bit strings of finite length often have the property that good solutions have only very few 1-bits or very few 0-bits. A mutation operator tailored toward such situations is studied under different perspectives and in a rigorous way discussing its assets and drawbacks. We consider the runtime of evolutionary algorithms using biased mutations on illustrative example functions as well as on function classes. A comparison with unbiased operators shows on which functions biased mutations lead to a speedup, on which functions biased mutations increase the runtime, and in which settings there is almost no difference in performance. The main focus is on theoretical runtime analysis yielding asymptotic results. These findings are accompanied by the results of empirical investigations that deliver additional insights.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2009) 17 (4): 455–476.
Published: 01 December 2009
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Maintaining diversity is important for the performance of evolutionary algorithms. Diversity-preserving mechanisms can enhance global exploration of the search space and enable crossover to find dissimilar individuals for recombination. We focus on the global exploration capabilities of mutation-based algorithms. Using a simple bimodal test function and rigorous runtime analyses, we compare well-known diversity-preserving mechanisms like deterministic crowding, fitness sharing, and others with a plain algorithm without diversification. We show that diversification is necessary for global exploration, but not all mechanisms succeed in finding both optima efficiently. Our theoretical results are accompanied by additional experiments for different population sizes.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2009) 17 (1): 1–2.
Published: 01 March 2009