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Franz Rothlauf
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2024) 32 (4): 307–337.
Published: 02 December 2024
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Genetic Programming (GP) often uses large training sets and requires all individuals to be evaluated on all training cases during selection. Random down-sampled lexicase selection evaluates individuals on only a random subset of the training cases, allowing for more individuals to be explored with the same number of program executions. However, sampling randomly can exclude important cases from the down-sample for a number of generations, while cases that measure the same behavior (synonymous cases) may be overused. In this work, we introduce Informed Down-Sampled Lexicase Selection. This method leverages population statistics to build down-samples that contain more distinct and therefore informative training cases. Through an empirical investigation across two different GP systems (PushGP and Grammar-Guided GP), we find that informed down-sampling significantly outperforms random down-sampling on a set of contemporary program synthesis benchmark problems. Through an analysis of the created down-samples, we find that important training cases are included in the down-sample consistently across independent evolutionary runs and systems. We hypothesize that this improvement can be attributed to the ability of Informed Down-Sampled Lexicase Selection to maintain more specialist individuals over the course of evolution, while still benefiting from reduced per-evaluation costs.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2022) 30 (1): 51–74.
Published: 01 March 2022
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Linear Genetic Programming (LGP) represents programs as sequences of instructions and has a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) dataflow. The results of instructions are stored in registers that can be used as arguments by other instructions. Instructions that are disconnected from the main part of the program are called noneffective instructions, or structural introns. They also appear in other DAG-based GP approaches like Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP). This article studies four hypotheses on the role of structural introns: noneffective instructions (1) serve as evolutionary memory, where evolved information is stored and later used in search, (2) preserve population diversity, (3) allow neutral search, where structural introns increase the number of neutral mutations and improve performance, and (4) serve as genetic material to enable program growth. We study different variants of LGP controlling the influence of introns for symbolic regression, classification, and digital circuits problems. We find that there is (1) evolved information in the noneffective instructions that can be reactivated and that (2) structural introns can promote programs with higher effective diversity. However, both effects have no influence on LGP search performance. On the other hand, allowing mutations to not only be applied to effective but also to noneffective instructions (3) increases the rate of neutral mutations and (4) contributes to program growth by making use of the genetic material available as structural introns. This comes along with a significant increase of LGP performance, which makes structural introns important for LGP.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2003) 11 (4): 381–415.
Published: 01 December 2003
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This paper discusses how the use of redundant representations influences the performance of genetic and evolutionary algorithms. Representations are redundant if the number of genotypes exceeds the number of phenotypes. A distinction is made between synonymously and non-synonymously redundant representations. Representations are synonymously redundant if the genotypes that represent the same phenotype are very similar to each other. Non-synonymously redundant representations do not allow genetic operators to work properly and result in a lower performance of evolutionary search. When using synonymously redundant representations, the performance of selectorecombinative genetic algorithms (GAs) depends on the modification of the initial supply. We have developed theoretical models for synonymously redundant representations that show the necessary population size to solve a problem and the number of generations goes with O(2 k r /r) , where k r is the order of redundancy and r is the number of genotypic building blocks (BB) that represent the optimal phenotypic BB. As a result, uniformly redundant representations do not change the behavior of GAs. Only by increasing r , which means overrepresenting the optimal solution, does GA performance increase. Therefore, non-uniformly redundant representations can only be used advantageously if a-priori information exists regarding the optimal solution. The validity of the proposed theoretical concepts is illustrated for the binary trivial voting mapping and the real-valued link-biased encoding. Our empirical investigations show that the developed population sizing and time to convergence models allow an accurate prediction of the empirical results.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2002) 10 (1): 75–97.
Published: 01 March 2002
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When using genetic and evolutionary algorithms for network design, choosing a good representation scheme for the construction of the genotype is important for algorithm performance. One of the most common representation schemes for networks is the characteristic vector representation. However, with encoding trees, and using crossover and mutation, invalid individuals occur that are either under or overspecified. When constructing the offspring or repairing the invalid individuals that do not represent a tree, it is impossible to distinguish between the importance of the links that should be used. These problems can be overcome by transferring the concept of random keys from scheduling and ordering problems to the encoding of trees. This paper investigates the performance of a simple genetic algorithm (SGA) using network random keys (NetKeys) for the one-max tree and a real-world problem. The comparison between the network random keys and the characteristic vector encoding shows that despite the effects of stealth mutation, which favors the characteristic vector representation, selectorecombinative SGAs with NetKeys have some advantages for small and easy optimization problems. With more complex problems, SGAs with network random keys significantly outperform SGAs using characteristic vectors. This paper shows that random keys can be used for the encoding of trees, and that genetic algorithms using network random keys are able to solve complex tree problems much faster than when using the characteristic vector. Users should therefore be encouraged to use network random keys for the representation of trees.