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José A. Lozano
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2023) 31 (3): 163–199.
Published: 01 September 2023
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Comparing combinatorial optimization problems is a difficult task. They are defined using different criteria and terms: weights, flows, distances, etc. In spite of this apparent discrepancy, on many occasions, they tend to produce problem instances with similar properties. One avenue to compare different problems is to project them onto the same space, in order to have homogeneous representations. Expressing the problems in a unified framework could also lead to the discovery of theoretical properties or the design of new algorithms. This article proposes the use of the Fourier transform over the symmetric group as the tool to project different permutation-based combinatorial optimization problems onto the same space. Based on a previous study (Kondor, 2010 ), which characterized the Fourier coefficients of the quadratic assignment problem, we describe the Fourier coefficients of three other well-known problems: the symmetric and nonsymmetric traveling salesperson problem and the linear ordering problem. This transformation allows us to gain a better understanding of the intersection between the problems, as well as to bound their intrinsic dimension.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2019) 27 (3): 435–466.
Published: 01 September 2019
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Solving combinatorial optimization problems efficiently requires the development of algorithms that consider the specific properties of the problems. In this sense, local search algorithms are designed over a neighborhood structure that partially accounts for these properties. Considering a neighborhood, the space is usually interpreted as a natural landscape, with valleys and mountains. Under this perception, it is commonly believed that, if maximizing, the solutions located in the slopes of the same mountain belong to the same attraction basin, with the peaks of the mountains being the local optima. Unfortunately, this is a widespread erroneous visualization of a combinatorial landscape. Thus, our aim is to clarify this aspect, providing a detailed analysis of, first, the existence of plateaus where the local optima are involved, and second, the properties that define the topology of the attraction basins, picturing a reliable visualization of the landscapes. Some of the features explored in this article have never been examined before. Hence, new findings about the structure of the attraction basins are shown. The study is focused on instances of permutation-based combinatorial optimization problems considering the 2-exchange and the insert neighborhoods. As a consequence of this work, we break away from the extended belief about the anatomy of attraction basins.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2019) 27 (2): 291–311.
Published: 01 June 2019
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In the last decade, many works in combinatorial optimisation have shown that, due to the advances in multi-objective optimisation, the algorithms from this field could be used for solving single-objective problems as well. In this sense, a number of papers have proposed multi-objectivising single-objective problems in order to use multi-objective algorithms in their optimisation. In this article, we follow up this idea by presenting a methodology for multi-objectivising combinatorial optimisation problems based on elementary landscape decompositions of their objective function. Under this framework, each of the elementary landscapes obtained from the decomposition is considered as an independent objective function to optimise. In order to illustrate this general methodology, we consider four problems from different domains: the quadratic assignment problem and the linear ordering problem (permutation domain), the 0-1 unconstrained quadratic optimisation problem (binary domain), and the frequency assignment problem (integer domain). We implemented two widely known multi-objective algorithms, NSGA-II and SPEA2, and compared their performance with that of a single-objective GA. The experiments conducted on a large benchmark of instances of the four problems show that the multi-objective algorithms clearly outperform the single-objective approaches. Furthermore, a discussion on the results suggests that the multi-objective space generated by this decomposition enhances the exploration ability, thus permitting NSGA-II and SPEA2 to obtain better results in the majority of the tested instances.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2013) 21 (4): 625–658.
Published: 01 November 2013
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The solution of many combinatorial optimization problems is carried out by metaheuristics, which generally make use of local search algorithms. These algorithms use some kind of neighborhood structure over the search space. The performance of the algorithms strongly depends on the properties that the neighborhood imposes on the search space. One of these properties is the number of local optima. Given an instance of a combinatorial optimization problem and a neighborhood, the estimation of the number of local optima can help not only to measure the complexity of the instance, but also to choose the most convenient neighborhood to solve it. In this paper we review and evaluate several methods to estimate the number of local optima in combinatorial optimization problems. The methods reviewed not only come from the combinatorial optimization literature, but also from the statistical literature. A thorough evaluation in synthetic as well as real problems is given. We conclude by providing recommendations of methods for several scenarios.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2013) 21 (3): 471–495.
Published: 01 September 2013
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Understanding the relationship between a search algorithm and the space of problems is a fundamental issue in the optimization field. In this paper, we lay the foundations to elaborate taxonomies of problems under estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs). By using an infinite population model and assuming that the selection operator is based on the rank of the solutions, we group optimization problems according to the behavior of the EDA. Throughout the definition of an equivalence relation between functions it is possible to partition the space of problems in equivalence classes in which the algorithm has the same behavior. We show that only the probabilistic model is able to generate different partitions of the set of possible problems and hence, it predetermines the number of different behaviors that the algorithm can exhibit. As a natural consequence of our definitions, all the objective functions are in the same equivalence class when the algorithm does not impose restrictions to the probabilistic model. The taxonomy of problems, which is also valid for finite populations, is studied in depth for a simple EDA that considers independence among the variables of the problem. We provide the sufficient and necessary condition to decide the equivalence between functions and then we develop the operators to describe and count the members of a class. In addition, we show the intrinsic relation between univariate EDAs and the neighborhood system induced by the Hamming distance by proving that all the functions in the same class have the same number of local optima and that they are in the same ranking positions. Finally, we carry out numerical simulations in order to analyze the different behaviors that the algorithm can exhibit for the functions defined over the search space .
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2010) 18 (4): 515–546.
Published: 01 December 2010
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Estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) that use marginal product model factorizations have been widely applied to a broad range of mainly binary optimization problems. In this paper, we introduce the affinity propagation EDA (AffEDA) which learns a marginal product model by clustering a matrix of mutual information learned from the data using a very efficient message-passing algorithm known as affinity propagation. The introduced algorithm is tested on a set of binary and nonbinary decomposable functions and using a hard combinatorial class of problem known as the HP protein model. The results show that the algorithm is a very efficient alternative to other EDAs that use marginal product model factorizations such as the extended compact genetic algorithm (ECGA) and improves the quality of the results achieved by ECGA when the cardinality of the variables is increased.