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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2012) 20 (4): 641–664.
Published: 01 December 2012
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Many researchers have focused on the satisfiability problem and on many of its variants due to its applicability in many areas of artificial intelligence. This NP-complete problem refers to the task of finding a satisfying assignment that makes a Boolean expression evaluate to True. In this work, we introduce a memetic algorithm that makes use of the multilevel paradigm. The multilevel paradigm refers to the process of dividing large and difficult problems into smaller ones, which are hopefully much easier to solve, and then work backward toward the solution of the original problem, using a solution from a previous level as a starting solution at the next level. Results comparing the memetic with and without the multilevel paradigm are presented using problem instances drawn from real industrial hardware designs.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2012) 20 (2): 301–319.
Published: 01 June 2012
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Altruistic punishment occurs when an agent incurs a cost to punish another but receives no material benefit for doing so. Despite the seeming irrationality of such behavior, humans in laboratory settings routinely pay to punish others even in anonymous, one-shot settings. Costly punishment is ubiquitous among social organisms in general and is increasingly accepted as a mechanism for the evolution of cooperation. Yet if it is true that punishment explains cooperation, the evolution of altruistic punishment remains a mystery. In a series of computer simulations I give agents the ability to punish one another while playing a continuous prisoner's dilemma. In simulations without social structure, expected behavior evolves—agents do not punish and consequently no cooperation evolves. Likewise, in simulations with social structure but no ability to punish, no cooperation evolves. However, in simulations where agents are both embedded in a social structure and have the option to inflict costly punishment, cooperation evolves quite readily. This suggests a simple and broadly applicable explanation of cooperation for social organisms that have nonrandom social structure and a predisposition to punish one another. Results with scale-free networks further suggest that nodal degree distribution plays an important role in determining whether cooperation will evolve in a structured population.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2009) 17 (4): 595–626.
Published: 01 December 2009
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In many different fields, researchers are often confronted by problems arising from complex systems. Simple heuristics or even enumeration works quite well on small and easy problems; however, to efficiently solve large and difficult problems, proper decomposition is the key. In this paper, investigating and analyzing interactions between components of complex systems shed some light on problem decomposition. By recognizing three bare-bones interactions—modularity, hierarchy, and overlap, facet-wise models are developed to dissect and inspect problem decomposition in the context of genetic algorithms. The proposed genetic algorithm design utilizes a matrix representation of an interaction graph to analyze and explicitly decompose the problem. The results from this paper should benefit research both technically and scientifically. Technically, this paper develops an automated dependency structure matrix clustering technique and utilizes it to design a model-building genetic algorithm that learns and delivers the problem structure. Scientifically, the explicit interaction model describes the problem structure very well and helps researchers gain important insights through the explicitness of the procedure.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2008) 16 (4): 557–578.
Published: 01 December 2008
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Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) are population-based randomized search heuristics that often solve problems successfully. Here the focus is on the possible effects of changing the parent population size in a simple, but still realistic, mutation-based EA. It preserves diversity by avoiding duplicates in its population. On the one hand its behavior on well-known pseudo-Boolean example functions is investigated by means of a rigorous runtime analysis. A comparison with the expected runtime of the algorithm's variant that does not avoid duplicates demonstrates the strengths and weaknesses of maintaining diversity. On the other hand, newly developed functions are presented for which the optimizer considered that even a decrease of the population size by a single increment leads from efficient optimization to enormous runtime and overwhelming probability. This is proven for all feasible population sizes and thereby this result forms a hierarchy theorem. In order to obtain all these results new methods for the analysis of the EA are developed.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2007) 15 (4): 493–517.
Published: 01 December 2007
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Efficiency has become one of the main concerns in evolutionary multiobjective optimization during recent years. One of the possible alternatives to achieve a faster convergence is to use a relaxed form of Pareto dominance that allows us to regulate the granularity of the approximation of the Pareto front that we wish to achieve. One such relaxed forms of Pareto dominance that has become popular in the last few years is ε-dominance, which has been mainly used as an archiving strategy in some multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Despite its advantages, ε-dominance has some limitations. In this paper, we propose a mechanism that can be seen as a variant of ε-dominance, which we call Pareto-adaptive ε-dominance ( pa ε-dominance). Our proposed approach tries to overcome the main limitation of ε-dominance: the loss of several nondominated solutions from the hypergrid adopted in the archive because of the way in which solutions are selected within each box.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Evolutionary Computation (2006) 14 (1): 87–118.
Published: 01 March 2006
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The frequency with which various elements of the search space of a given evolutionary algorithm are sampled is affected by the family of recombination (reproduction) operators. The original Geiringer theorem tells us the limiting frequency of occurrence of a given individual under repeated application of crossover alone for the classical genetic algorithm. Recently, Geiringer's theorem has been generalized to include the case of linear GP with homologous crossover (which can also be thought of as a variable length GA). In the current paper we prove a general theorem which tells us that under rather mild conditions on a given evolutionary algorithm, call it A , the stationary distribution of a certain Markov chain of populations in the absence of selection is unique and uniform. This theorem not only implies the already existing versions of Geiringer's theorem, but also provides a recipe of how to obtain similar facts for a rather wide class of evolutionary algorithms. The techniques which are used to prove this theorem involve a classical fact about random walks on a group and may allow us to compute and/or estimate the eigenvalues of the corresponding Markov transition matrix which is directly related to the rate of convergence towards the unique limiting distribution.