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Rio+20: Sustainable Development in a Time of Multilateral Decline
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 12–21.
Research Articles
Three Ways to Understand State Actors in International Negotiations: Climate Change in the Clinton Years (1993–2000)
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 22–40.
No Talk, Some Walk: Obama Administration First-Term Rhetoric on Climate Change and US International Climate Budget Commitments
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 41–60.
Explaining Growing Climate Policy Differences Between the European Union and the United States
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 61–80.
Wild Spaces or Polluted Places: Contentious Policies, Consensus Institutions, and Environmental Performance in Industrialized Democracies
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 81–100.
Framing “The Climate Issue”: Patterns of Participation and Prognostic Frames among Climate Summit Protesters
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 101–122.
Neoliberalism, Environmental Justice, and the Convention on Biological Diversity: How Problematizing the Commodification of Nature Affects Regime Effectiveness
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 144–163.
Book Reviews
Adapting Institutions: Governance, Complexity and Social-Ecological Resilience
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 164–165.
Building International Climate Cooperation: Lessons for the Weapons and Trade Regimes for Achieving International Climate Goals
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 166–167.
Integrating Climate, Energy, and Air Pollution Policies
Global Environmental Politics (2013) 13 (4): 168–169.
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