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Research Articles
Sustainable Global Governance? Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Institutions
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 1–20.
Interrogating Urban Climate Leadership: Toward a Political Ecology of the C40 Network
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 21–38.
Sharing the Global Climate Finance Effort Fairly with Limited Coordination
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 39–62.
Deadlock or Transformational Change? Exploring Public Discourse on REDD+ Across Seven Countries
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 63–84.
Book Review Essay
Book Reviews
Bulkeley, Harriet, Liliana B. Andonova, Michele M. Betsill, Daniel Compagnon, Thomas Hale, Matthew J. Hoffmann, Peter Newell, Matthew Paterson, Charles Roger, and Stacy VanDeveer. 2014. Transnational Climate Change Governance. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 136–138.
Litfin, Karen. 2013. Ecovillages: Lessons for Sustainable Community. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 138–140.
Ridgeway, Sharon J., and Peter J. Jacques. 2014. The Power of the Talking Stick: Indigenous Politics and the World Ecological Crisis. Boulder, CO: Paradigm.
Global Environmental Politics (2015) 15 (4): 140–141.
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