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Special Issue: Transformative Water Relations: Indigenous Interventions in Global Political Economies. Kate J. Neville and Glen Coulthard, Editors
Transformative Water Relations: Indigenous Interventions in Global Political Economies
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 1–15.
Research Articles
(En)gendering Shoreline Law: Nishnaabeg Relational Politics Along the Trent Severn Waterway
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 16–32.
Engaging Colonial Entanglements: “Treatment as a State” Policy for Indigenous Water Co-Governance
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 33–56.
“Our Winters’ Rights”: Challenging Colonial Water Laws
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 57–76.
Finding Common Ground: Negotiating Downstream Rights to Harvest with Upstream Responsibilities to Protect—Dairies, Berries, and Shellfish in the Salish Sea
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 77–97.
Rendering Technical, Rendering Sacred: The Politics of Hydroelectric Development on British Columbia’s Saaghii Naachii/Peace River
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 98–119.
Including Indigenous Knowledge Systems in Environmental Assessments: Restructuring the Process
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 120–132.
Book Review Essay
Rare Earth Politics across Time, Space, and Scale
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 133–138.
Book Reviews
Rules without Rights: Land, Labor, and Private Authority in the Global Economy
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 139–141.
International Organizations and Environmental Protection: Conservation and Globalization in the Twentieth Century; Our Common Future; Silent Spring; Population Bomb; The Limits to Growth
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 141–143.
Regulating the Polluters: Markets and Strategies for Protecting the Global Environment; Journal of Regulatory Economics; Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Global Environmental Politics (2019) 19 (3): 143–145.
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