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Current Debates
Institutional Design for EMS-Based Government Procurement Policies
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 13–22.
Research Articles
The Influence of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Comparing Mexico, China and South Africa
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 23–55.
Discounting the Discount Rate: Ecocentrism and Environmental Economics
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 56–72.
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Investor-State Disputes and the Protection of the Environment in Developing Countries
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 73–100.
Contested Regimes in the International Political Economy: Global Regulation of Genetic Resources and the Internationalization of the State
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 101–123.
Book Review Essay
Theorizing and Teaching Global Environmental Politics
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 124–127.
Book Reviews
Paths to a Green World: The Political Economy of the Global Environment
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 128–130.
EU Enlargement and the Environment: Institutional Change and Environmental Policy in Central and Eastern Europe
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 132–134.
A Land on Fire. The Environmental Consequences of the Southeast Asian Boom
Global Environmental Politics (2006) 6 (4): 135–136.
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