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Notes on the Theorizing of Global Environmental Politics
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 1–5.
Research Articles
The Architecture of Global Environmental Governance: Bringing Science to Bear on Policy
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 14–32.
The World Trade Organization's Report on the EU's Moratorium on Biotech Products: The Wisdom of the US Challenge to the EU in the WTO
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 33–52.
Underneath Kyoto: Emerging Subnational Government Initiatives and Incipient Issue-Bundling Opportunities in China and the United States
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 53–77.
Business and International Environmental Agreements: Domestic Sources of Participation and Compliance by Advanced Industrialized Democracies
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 78–110.
When Ambiguity in Treaty Design Becomes Destructive: A Study of Transboundary Water
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 111–136.
Book Review Essay
Book Reviews
Denaturalizing Ecological Politics: Alienation from Nature from Rousseau to the Frankfurt School and Beyond
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 143–144.
The Multi-Governance of Water: Four Case Studies
Global Environmental Politics (2008) 8 (1): 145–146.
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