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“Thinking About Tomorrows”: Scenarios, Global Environmental Politics, and Social Science Scholarship
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 1–13.
The Politics of Water Science: On Unresolved Water Problems and Biased Research Agendas
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 14–23.
Research Articles
Translating Sustainable Development: The Greening of Japan's Bilateral International Cooperation
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 24–51.
Closing the Legitimacy Gap in Global Environmental Governance? Lessons from the Emerging CDM Market
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 74–100.
The Origin, Evolution and Consequences of the EU Emissions Trading System
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 101–122.
Book Review Essay
What Have Future Generations Done for Me Lately?: Climate Change Causes, Consequences, and Challenges in the New Millennium
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 123–128.
Book Reviews
Marine Conservation Agreements: The Law and Policy of Reservations and Vetoes
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 131–133.
Atmospheric Justice: A Political Theory of Climate Change
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (2): 133–135.
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