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Measuring the Negotiation Burden of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 1–13.
Research Articles
The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: A Framework for Analysis
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 14–40.
The Climate Change Regime Post-Kyoto: Why Compliance is Important and How to Achieve it
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 41–63.
On the Modern and the Nonmodern in Deliberative Environmental Democracy
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 64–80.
Performing Symbolic Politics and International Environmental Regulation: Tracing and Theorizing a Causal Mechanism beyond Regime Theory
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 81–110.
Environmental Space as a Basis for Legitimating Global Governance of Environmental Limits
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 111–135.
Book Review Essay
The Sustainability Debate: Déjà Vu All Over Again?
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 136–141.
Book Reviews
Adaptive Governance: The Dynamics of Atlantic Fisheries Management
Global Environmental Politics (2009) 9 (4): 146–148.
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