Editorial Information
Global Environmental Politics examines relationships between global political forces and environmental change, with particular attention given to the implications of local-global interactions for environmental management, as well as to the implications of environmental change and environmental governance for world politics. Each issue contains several full-length research articles, and may also contain shorter forum articles and/or a research note. The journal seeks to publish on a broad range of issues, from water to waste management to climate change. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, states and non-state actors in environmental governance, multilateral institutions and agreements, innovative governance arrangements, trade, global finance, corporations and markets, environmental (in)security, science and technology, and transnational and grassroots movements. Contributions come from many disciplines, including political science, international relations, sociology, history, human geography, anthropology, public policy, science and technology studies, and environmental ethics, law, and economics.
Editorial Address
Global Environmental Politics
[email protected]
Susan Park, University of Sydney, Australia
Henrik Selin, Boston University, US
D. G. Webster, Dartmouth College, US
Associate Editors
Mark Lawrence Axelrod, Michigan State University, US
Joanna Lewis, Georgetown University, US
Kate Neville, University of Toronto
Yixian Sun, University of Bath, UK
Managing Editor
Caitlin Hamilton, Hamilton Editorial, Australia
Assistant Managing Editor
Genevieve Quirk, University of Adelaide, Australia
Book Review Editor
Kemi Fuentes-George, Middlebury College, US
Founding Editor
Peter Dauvergne, University of British Columbia, Canada
Representative to Environmental Studies Section of ISA
Juliann Emmons Allison
Editorial Board
- Isabella Alcañiz, University of Maryland, US
- Liliana Andonova, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
- Steinar Andresen, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway
- Harro van Asselt, University of Cambridge, UK / University of Eastern Finland
- Graeme Auld, Carleton University, Canada
- Jörg Balsiger, University of Geneva, Switzerland
- J. Samuel Barkin, University of Massachusetts Boston, US
- Steven Bernstein, University of Toronto
- Michele Betsill, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Eve Bratman, Franklin & Marshall College, US
- Harriet Bulkeley, Durham University, UK
- Mark Buntaine, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Pamela Chasek, International Institute for Sustainable Development, US
- Jennifer Clapp, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Beth DeSombre, Wellesley College, US
- Navroz K. Dubash, Princeton University, US
- Robyn Eckersley, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Robert Falkner, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
- Tim Forsyth, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
- Lars Gulbrandsen, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway
- Aarti Gupta, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
- Peter M. Haas, University of Massachusetts Amherst, US
- Jennifer Hadden, University of Maryland, US
- Thomas Hale, University of Oxford
- Kathryn Hochstetler, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
- Matthew Hoffmann, University of Toronto
- Cristina Y. A. Inoue, Radboud University, Netherlands
- Maria Ivanova, Northeastern University, Boston, US
- Peter Jacques, Monmouth University, US
- Sikina Jinnah, University of California Santa Cruz, US
- Kimberly R. Marion Suiseeya, Northwestern University
- Jean-Frédéric Morin, Laval University, Canada
- Taedong Lee, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
- Ronald Mitchell, University of Oregon
- Peter Newell, University of Sussex, UK
- Sebastian Oberthür, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Chukwumerije Okereke, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Nigeria
- Kate O'Neill, University of California Berkeley, US
- Raul Pacheco-Vega, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Mexico
- Matthew Paterson, University of Manchester, UK
- Aseem Prakash, University of Washington, Seattle, US
- Simone Pulver, University of California, Santa Barbara, US
- Heike Schroeder, University of East Anglia, UK
- Jeannie Sowers, University of New Hampshire, US
- Detlef Sprinz, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
- Paul Steinberg, Harvey Mudd College, US
- Johannes Stripple, Lund University, Sweden
- Stacy D. VanDeveer, University of Massachusetts Boston, US
- Paul Wapner, American University, US
- Erika Weinthal, Duke University
- Marc Williams, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Fengshi Wu, University of New South Wales, Australia
- Oran Young, University of California Santa Barbara, US