Despite the huge potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in mapping and exploring the brain, MRI measures can often be limited in their consistency, reproducibility, and accuracy which subsequently restricts their quantifiability. Nuisance nonbiological factors, such as hardware, software, calibration differences between scanners, and post-processing options, can contribute to, or drive trends in, neuroimaging features to an extent that interferes with biological variability. Such lack of consistency, known as lack of harmonisation, across neuroimaging datasets poses a great challenge for our capabilities in quantitative MRI. Here, we build a new resource for comprehensively mapping the extent of the problem and objectively evaluating neuroimaging harmonisation approaches. We use a travelling-heads paradigm consisting of multimodal MRI data of 10 travelling subjects, each scanned at five different sites on six different 3 T scanners from all the three major vendors and using five neuroimaging modalities, providing more comprehensive coverage than before. We also acquire multiple within-scanner repeats for a subset of subjects, setting baselines for multimodal scan-rescan variability. Having extracted hundreds of imaging-derived phenotypes, we compare three forms of variability: (i) between-scanner, (ii) within-scanner (within-subject), and (iii) biological (between-subject). We characterise the reliability of features across scanners and use our resource as a testbed to enable new investigations that until now have been relatively unexplored. Specifically, we identify optimal pipeline processing steps that minimise between-scanner variability in extracted features (implicit harmonisation). We also test the performance of post-processing harmonisation tools (explicit harmonisation) and specifically check their efficiency in reducing between-scanner variability against baseline standards provided by our data. Our explorations allow us to come up with good practice suggestions on processing steps and sets of features where results are more consistent, while our publicly released dataset (which we refer to as ON-Harmony) establishes references for future studies in this field.
1 Introduction
A key challenge in extracting robust quantitative information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of the brain is the dependence of imaging-derived phenotypes (IDPs) on nuisance non-biological factors. These factors range from hardware and software differences, and scanning protocol parameters and implementation, which are different between vendors and can vary with site (Han et al., 2006; Zhu et al., 2011). Operator variability can also contribute to this challenge, as well as scanner upgrades (Jovicich et al., 2009; Potvin, Khademi, et al., 2019). Additionally, image processing options (for IDP extraction, for example) vary across research groups, thus introducing additional non-biological sources of variability. All these factors can affect IDPs in non-trivial ways (Takao et al., 2011; Zhu et al., 2011), leading to biases and increased variability in measurements obtained from different settings (J. Chen et al., 2014; Jovicich et al., 2006; Vollmar et al., 2010). This is true, even in cases where scans have been acquired with a rigid acquisition protocol or calibrated with phantoms; quantitative measurements can still show variance reflecting non-biological causes (Cheng & Halchenko, 2020; Lee et al., 2021).
This lack of consistency or “harmonisation” across sites and scanners impedes and reduces the potential for quantitative applications of MRI. At the extreme, variability of measures obtained from the same subject but on different scanners can be as large as biological between-subject variability (Mirzaalian et al., 2016), creating obvious interpretation issues and questions on usefulness of some of these metrics in real-world scenarios (Rao et al., 2017). Reduced quantifiability can have downstream effects on the reproducibility and generalisability of findings and direct consequence in two key scenarios: (i) the pooling of multi-site neuroimaging datasets (Zhu et al., 2011), potentially acquired at also different times, and (ii) relating new IDPs acquired under different scanning conditions to an existing set of normative data (Bayer et al., 2022). The pooling of multi-site neuroimaging datasets is arguably the most sustainable way for having studies of larger scale, as exampled by the recently published brain charts which combine over 100 studies (Bethlehem et al., 2022). It is also a pragmatic approach for increasing the diversity of cohort demographics, a key factor in ensuring robust and generalisable science (Oh et al., 2015). However, non-biological sources of variation have a direct negative effect on this pooling, and thus on reproducibility and representation of diverse populations. The construction of normative models, that is, models that capture healthy biological variation of a phenotype (Bethlehem et al., 2022; Marquand et al., 2016), is vital in the uptake of quantitative MRI in clinical settings. Non-biological sources of variation hinder comparisons of newly acquired data with normative models, reducing the confidence in whether deviations are due to biological or non-biological effects. Hence, visual (and therefore subjective) inspection by radiologists is still the preferred way forward in clinical settings (Bruno et al., 2015; Rogers et al., 2020). Finally, non-biological variability may mask true effects, or lead to the false conclusion of group differences, thereby affecting not only reproducibility, but also the sensitivity and specificity of a study. Such challenges also underlie the relatively limited, albeit growing, uptake/success of modern MRI technologies in clinical trials (Ellingson et al., 2015; Nigri et al., 2022; Sadraee et al., 2021).
A good preliminary step for minimising these issues is to ensure the standardisation of scanning protocols across scanners/sites (Chalavi et al., 2012). However, this is a non-trivial task that is not always scalable or practical and does not resolve the problem fully. Firstly, vendor-specific proprietary implementations can often lead to only nominal matching of parameter acquisitions rather than true matching, causing signal/contrast/distortion differences. There are ongoing efforts to develop scanner/vendor-neutral open-source data acquisition and reconstruction platforms, which have the potential to reduce inter-vendor variability (Cordes et al., 2020; Herz et al., 2021; Karakuzu et al., 2022). However, extending these principles to multiple modalities and across scanners with varying hardware capabilities will be challenging. Secondly, expert knowledge of implementation differences by local physicists is needed, which is not always available. Thirdly, even using the same raw datasets acquired using the same protocols, variability in processing and filtering options can lead to significantly different IDPs and results (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020; Griffanti et al., 2016; Schilling et al., 2021). Harmonisation therefore needs to be considered at all points of a study, from study design and data acquisition, to data processing and IDP extraction. Attempts to standardise acquisition alone will most likely lead to aligned protocols, but with inevitable differences across platforms.
For that reason, post-acquisition harmonisation approaches of neuroimaging data have been developed (Cetin Karayumak et al., 2019; Fortin et al., 2018) that aim to remove non-biological variability while still preserving variance in IDPs associated with biological factors. Such approaches are likely to have higher success rates when some effort is first made to align acquisition protocols. In general, harmonisation methods fall into two main categories, depending on whether they harmonise IDPs directly (Fortin et al., 2018; Garcia-Dias et al., 2020; Yamashita et al., 2019) or indirectly, by standardising the raw scans (Cetin Karayumak et al., 2019; Mirzaalian et al., 2016; Tax et al., 2019). Nevertheless, what is generally missing are objective ways and datasets to evaluate and compare such approaches. Different studies have relied so far on a range of indirect metrics, from using population distributions as a reference (Garcia-Dias et al., 2020), to subject group matching by attributes such as age, sex, gender, race, and handedness (Fortin et al., 2017). An alternative and more direct approach for assessing the quality of harmonisation is to use within-scanner repeats. For example, in Vollmar et al. (2010), two within-scanner repeats were used as a baseline within-subject variability reference towards which harmonisation success was assessed. In Kurokawa et al. (2021), two within-scanner repeat scans from four subjects and scan-rescan Human Connectome Project (HCP) (Van Essen et al., 2013) data were used as a baseline. Despite these previous efforts, there is still limited understanding of which brain MRI modalities and which IDPs within each modality are less sensitive to between-scanner effects and hence will benefit more/less from harmonisation methods.
In this study, we provide the Oxford-Nottingham Harmonisation (ON-Harmony) resource aimed at better understanding the nature of the challenge and for setting the foundations to address it. Firstly, we present a unique comprehensive dataset for multimodal brain MRI harmonisation acquired using a travelling-heads paradigm; 10 healthy individuals scanned multiple times across multiple sites and scanners using T1-weighted (T1w), T2-weighted (T2w), susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), diffusion MRI (dMRI), and resting-state functional MRI (rfMRI) sequences. We extend previous similar approaches (Badhwar et al., 2020; Duchesne et al., 2019; Duff et al., 2022; Kurokawa et al., 2021; Maikusa et al., 2021; Pohl et al., 2016; Potvin, Chouinard, et al., 2019; Tanaka et al., 2021; Tax et al., 2019; Tian et al., 2022; Tong et al., 2020; Yamashita et al., 2019) in a number of ways: (i) by considering six scanners from all three major vendors (GE, Philips, Siemens), (ii) by considering multiple generations of scanners within each vendor, (iii) by having multiple within-scanner repeats for the same subjects in addition to between-scanner repeats, (iv) by acquiring multiple neuroimaging modalities, and (v) by collecting data at five imaging sites in total. We use the UK Biobank imaging protocol (Miller et al., 2016) as a rough guide to align protocols, but within that scope we intentionally avoid nominal matching of acquisition parameters and allow for reasonable variation. This approach enables us to reflect more realistic scenarios and leverage the strengths of each considered system by preserving best practices at each imaging site.
Subsequently, we use this data resource to map the extent of the problem in hundreds of IDPs. For each of these IDPs, we compare between-scanner variability against within-scanner variability, as well as biological variability, and also explore the consistency of cross-subject ranking across scanners. We further demonstrate how we can evaluate existing harmonisation approaches, such as ComBat and CovBat (A. A. Chen et al., 2022; Fortin et al., 2017, 2018) (explicit harmonisation), as well as comparing the robustness and precision of image processing pipeline alternatives in extracting specific IDPs when handling data from multiple scanners (implicit harmonisation). We find that implicit harmonisation can offer complementary benefits to explicit harmonisation in the explored examples; and that between-scanner reliability of very commonly used IDPs, such as cortical or subcortical volumes, can be significantly affected by how data are handled and processed. We also showcase how the acquired within-subject, within-scanner repeats can highlight challenges for existing filtering algorithms (such as diffusion MRI denoising (Veraart et al., 2016)), stemming from non-linear effects that appear to be common across different scanners, contrary to expectation. ON-Harmony is publicly released in BIDS format via OpenNeuro and will be further augmented with more scanners and subjects in the near future. In addition, we make the processing pipeline and resultant IDPs available.
2 Methods
2.1 Data acquisition
We used a travelling-heads paradigm to acquire multimodal brain MRI data of 10 healthy travelling subjects (two females, eight males, age range: 24-48), each scanned on six different 3 T scanners covering all three major vendors (Siemens/Philips/GE), from five different sites, and covering a range of hardware features (for instance, bore size, gradient strength, number of head coil channels, acceleration capabilities). Scanners include a GE MR750, Philips Achieva, Philips Ingenia, Siemens Prisma (32 channel head coil), Siemens Prisma (64 channel head coil), and Siemens Trio. For a subset of four subjects, we acquired five additional within-scanner repeats using a different scanner for each subject (i.e., for each subject, we had six within-scanner sessions for one scanner and one session on the remaining five scanners), resulting in 80 sessions in total. In each session, five imaging modalities were acquired: T1w, T2w, SWI, dMRI, and rfMRI. Scanner details are summarised in Figure 1 and subject demographics are summarised in Supplementary Table 1. The within-scanner repeats were acquired using the Philips Achieva, Siemens Prisma (32ch), Siemens Trio, and Siemens Prisma (64ch) systems.
ON-Harmony: the multimodal harmonisation database. (a) Ten subjects were scanned on six 3T scanners covering the three main vendors (GE, Siemens, Philips) at five different sites. On four scanners, one of the subjects was chosen to complete five within-scanner repeats. In each session, five modalities are acquired: T1-weighted, T2-weighted, susceptibility-weighted imaging, diffusion MRI, and resting-state rfMRI. Data were pre-processed and converted to BIDS format, which are publicly available. (b) A summary of key scanner details and specifications. Oxf = University of Oxford; Nott = University of Nottingham. (c) A summary of key acquisition parameters for the five modalities, for all six scanners, highlighting parameters that vary across scanners. A blipreversed spin-echo fieldmap was also acquired for correcting susceptibility-induced distortions with the phase encoding direction switching along the anterior-posterior orientation.
ON-Harmony: the multimodal harmonisation database. (a) Ten subjects were scanned on six 3T scanners covering the three main vendors (GE, Siemens, Philips) at five different sites. On four scanners, one of the subjects was chosen to complete five within-scanner repeats. In each session, five modalities are acquired: T1-weighted, T2-weighted, susceptibility-weighted imaging, diffusion MRI, and resting-state rfMRI. Data were pre-processed and converted to BIDS format, which are publicly available. (b) A summary of key scanner details and specifications. Oxf = University of Oxford; Nott = University of Nottingham. (c) A summary of key acquisition parameters for the five modalities, for all six scanners, highlighting parameters that vary across scanners. A blipreversed spin-echo fieldmap was also acquired for correcting susceptibility-induced distortions with the phase encoding direction switching along the anterior-posterior orientation.
Data acquisition was performed after obtaining ethical approval from both Nottingham and Oxford Universities. Ethics protocol for healthy volunteers at Nottingham was FMHS-36-1220-03, H14082014/47 (PI: Sotiropoulos). Oxford data acquisition was performed under an agreed technical development protocol approved by the Oxford University Clinical Trials and Research Governance office, in accordance with International Electrotechnical Commission and United Kingdom Health Protection Agency guidelines. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Scanner operators were provided with standard operating procedures to guide acquisition.
Scanning protocols were aligned using the UK Biobank (UKBB) neuroimaging study as a guide (Miller et al., 2016), which is a relatively short multimodal protocol (about 35 minutes in total), that does not rely heavily on specialised hardware/software and hence it is anticipated to be relatively generalisable across scanners. We did not aim to perfectly match every single parameter in this protocol, but instead respected best practice for each scanner/site and remained within the limitations of scanner hardware/software. Perfectly matching protocols is not always possible, nor realistic; and it can lead to nominal-only matching of acquisition parameters, rather than matching of image quality and features across scanners. We show in the Supplementary Information (Supplementary Fig. 1, and discussion below) an example case for resting-state functional MRI. Protocol summaries are provided in Figure 1, highlighting differences between scanners. Shimming was performed at the beginning of each session and auto-reshimming during the session was disabled. To correct for susceptibility-induced distortions for dMRI and rfMRI, we acquired a blip-reversed spin-echo fieldmap (Andersson et al., 2003) with the phase-encoding (PE) direction switching along the anterior-posterior orientation.
2.1.1 T1-weighted
We used T1w gradient echo (3D MPRAGE (Mugler III & Brookeman, 1990) for Siemens and Philips scanners, 3D BRAVO for the GE MR750) scans with an isotropic spatial resolution of 1 mm3. As in the original UKBB protocols, gradient non-linearity distortion correction (GDC) was turned off for the Siemens scanners because the Siemens on-scanner corrections have been found to provide inconsistent results, particularly for 2D EPI acquisitions (scanner-corrected 3D and 2D acquisitions of the same subject cannot be successfully aligned with a rigid body transformation). Instead, these corrections were performed offline using vendor-supplied gradient non-linearity descriptor files (Alfaro-Almagro et al., 2018). For the non-Siemens scanners, GDC correction was performed on the scanner. This applies to all other modalities we acquired. Vendor-provided pre-scan normalise was used for all scanners. Scan time was on the order of 5 minutes.
2.1.2 T2-weighted FLAIR
With the exception of the GE MR750, all the T2w scans were performed using a 3D T2w FLAIR sequence that allowed high-resolution data (almost (1 mm)3 isotropic) in 4 minutes. The software version on the MR750 did not have 3D T2w FLAIR functionality (it could provide either a 3D FLAIR with no T2-weighting or a 2D T2w FLAIR). Therefore, we obtained a 3D FLAIR without T2w and also acquired a 2D T2w FLAIR, which is inherently slower than 3D and compromised spatial resolution. We acquired three versions: (i) 1 mm isotropic 3D FLAIR, (ii) 1.5 mm isotropic 2D T2w FLAIR, and (iii) 1 × 1 × 2 mm 2D T2w FLAIR. The same GDC and pre-scan normalise options were followed as before. For analysis, we used the 1.5 mm isotropic 2D FLAIR for the GE scans, but we provided the others in the public release.
2.1.3 Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI)
The SWIs were acquired using anisotropic, complex data for two echoes, roughly matching around TE1~9s and TE2~20s. For the GE scanner, we used the SWAN sequence, which acquired seven echoes, and the two echoes closer to TE1 and TE2 were extracted during processing. This resulted in a higher bandwidth for the GE data (~350 Hz/pixel for GE vs ~140 Hz/pixel for Philips and Siemens). Accurate reconstruction of phase images required the complex sensitivity of the individual coil data as anomalous phase transitions in regions of focal dropout have been reported (Alfaro-Almagro et al., 2018; Robinson et al., 2017). For the Siemens scanners, as in the original UKBB protocol, data from individual coils were saved separately, and phase images were subsequently high-pass filtered and combined during post-processing. For the non-Siemens scanners, such anomalous phase transitions are less common and hence individual coil data were combined on the scanner. Magnitude and phase images were saved for all the scanners. Scan times were on the order of 2.5 minutes for all scanners.
2.1.4 Diffusion MRI (dMRI)
The diffusion images were acquired with a monopolar pulsed gradient spin-echo (PGSE) EPI sequence at 2 mm3 isotropic spatial resolution. We used an anterior-posterior phase encoding direction and acquired reversed spin-echo EPI b = 0 s/mm2 scans on all scanners. Differences in gradient strength and simultaneous multi-slice (multiband) acceleration capabilities affected the achievable minimum TE and TR across scanners. Both the Philips Achieva and GE MR750 did not have multiband capabilities, therefore the resulting TR was above 10 seconds. For the MR750, we opted for only relatively low b-value data (up to b = 1000 s/mm2), because of the low gradient strength and excessively long TR. TR was also long for the Philips Achieva, but the much stronger gradients allowed usable data in a reasonable scan time. In the absence of multi-slice acceleration for the Achieva and MR750, in-plane parallel imaging with an acceleration of two was used to minimise TE. We were able to approximately match angular resolution across b-shells for all scanners. In summary, total scan times were on the order of 6.5 minutes for the Siemens scanners, 7.5 minutes for the Philips Ingenia, 18 minutes for the Philips Achieva, and 12 minutes for the GE MR750.
2.1.5 Resting-state functional MRI (rfMRI)
The rfMRI images were acquired with 2D gradient echo planar imaging (GE EPI). All subjects were asked to keep their eyes open during scanning. As in dMRI, deviations from the UK Biobank protocols were required due to the differences in the acceleration capabilities of each scanner. We acquired two sets of rfMRI data for the GE MR750 and Philips Ingenia using (a) protocols that were as nominally matched as possible and (b) protocols that were more in-line with scanner-specific best practices. We compared image quality across scanners in each case. For the Philips Ingenia scanner, pushing the multiband acceleration factor beyond four caused excessive artefacts and data had reduced temporal signal to noise ratio (tSNR). In comparison, we were able to achieve a multiband acceleration factor of eight on Siemens scanners without problematic artefacts. We therefore opted for acquisitions that had the same spatial resolution as the Siemens scanners and roughly the same number of timepoints (400 in Philips vs 490 in Siemens) but differed in the temporal resolution. For GE (no multiband available), we accepted a reduced spatial resolution (3.3 mm isotropic compared to 2.4 mm isotropic with Siemens) in order to keep tSNR more consistent with Siemens’ data. In total, the scan times were 6 minutes for Siemens scanners, 7.5 minutes for the Philips Achieva, 9.5 minutes for the Philips Ingenia, and 7.5 minutes for the GE MR750. In each case, the flip angle was set to the Ernst angle for the corresponding TR, assuming T1 = 1.5 seconds for grey matter at 3 T. A summary of fMRI data image quality metrics is provided in Supplementary Figure 1, comparing all the alternatives.
2.2 Data processing
2.2.1 Imaging-derived phenotype extraction
Hundreds of multimodal IDPs were extracted from each session using an adapted version (https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/ON-Harmony_UKBB_pipeline/tree/manuscript_updates) of the UKBiobank pipeline (https://git.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/falmagro/UK_biobank_pipeline_v_1) (Alfaro-Almagro et al., 2018).
First, raw data were converted to NIFTI format using dcm2niix (v1.0.20211006) (Li et al., 2016) and subsequently converted to the BIDS data structure (Gorgolewski et al., 2016). All data have been anonymised, while the high-resolution anatomical images have been “defaced” following the UKBB pipeline defacing procedures (Alfaro-Almagro et al., 2018). Anonymised and defaced BIDS format data (the “ON-Harmony” resource) are publicly available via OpenNeuro (https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds004712). ON-Harmony will be further augmented in the coming years with more subjects and scanners, including two GE Premier Signa wide-bore 3 T scanners at two different sites.
For dMRI and rfMRI data, we obtained the effective echo spacing and total readout time required for susceptibility-induced distortion correction using spin-echo fieldmaps (Andersson et al., 2003). These were extracted from dcm2niix, which takes into account nominal echo-spacing, in-plane acceleration, as well as bandwidth and matrix dimensions. The Supplementary Information summarises the equations used by dcm2niix to calculate the total readout times and Supplementary Tables 2-3 provide a summary of acceleration factors and the associated effective echo spacings and total readout times across the scanners.
The modified version of the UKBB pipeline (Alfaro-Almagro et al., 2018) was applied to extract IDPs, providing a full processing stream for all acquired modalities, from allowing data in different formats from different vendors, distortion correction, and template alignment, to generating a set of IDPs for each session and subject. The pipeline relies primarily on FSL tools (FSL v6.0.3 was used). For SWI processing, the pipeline calls on MATLAB packages, for which we used MATLAB R2018a. We ran the pipeline using a bare metal implementation on a CentOS Linux 7 system with GPU (NVIDIA Tesla K80) acceleration for several aspects of the pipeline.
The pipeline was originally designed for Siemens-acquired UKBB data. We adjusted it in various ways to allow the processing of data obtained from other vendors and modified acquisition protocols (https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/ON-Harmony_UKBB_pipeline/tree/manuscript_updates). Key to this were modifications to data onboarding, making gradient nonlinearity distortion correction optional (as these are already performed by the scanner for GE and Philips data), making it optional whether to use an acquired or pipeline-generated single-band reference volume during fMRI registrations, and modifying the SWI processing pipeline to allow for data in vendor-specific formats. We also augmented the pipeline to allow additional processing steps/tools. For instance, we replaced the original tractography processing with the XTRACT toolbox (Warrington et al., 2020), we replaced the approximate NODDI-AMICO fit (Daducci et al., 2015) with a GPU-accelerated NODDI model (Zhang et al., 2012) fitting routine (Hernandez-Fernandez et al., 2019), and we added the option for performing dMRI denoising (Veraart et al., 2016). We derived multimodal IDPs, including a range of structural, microstructural, connectional, and functional IDPs, specifically: volumes of tissue types; cortical surfaces and their metrics (parcel-wise volumes, curvature, thickness, area); subcortical region-wise volumes; measures of white matter microstructure within various white matter tracts; iron deposition proxies in grey matter; and measures of regional functional connectivity. An overview of the IDPs extracted from each modality is shown in Supplementary Figure 2. For a complete list of IDPs, see the associated code repository (https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/ON-Harmony_UKBB_pipeline/blob/bb_modifications/bb_IDP/list.txt).
In addition to the IDPs, we obtained image quality metrics (IQMs) in order to characterise data quality for each of the scanning sessions. We used a docker container of MRIQC (v22.0.6, https://hub.docker.com/r/nipreps/mriqc/) (Esteban et al., 2017) for T1w (e.g., smoothing extent, SNR, tissue-specific SNR, and regional CNR) and rfMRI (e.g., smoothing, tSNR, motion artefact measures) data. For dMRI, we used eddyQC (v1.0.2) (Bastiani et al., 2019) to quantify SNR, angular CNR, motion, and outliers. A summary of IQMs is provided in Supplementary Table 4.
2.2.2 Mapping between-scanner effects
The extracted IDPs and IQMs may be used to assess between-scanner effects and assess variability in data quality and IDP values across scanners. We first used the IQMs to explore the presence of any outliers across either scanners or subjects in terms of overall data quality. To do so, IQMs reflecting the image quality of the anatomical (T1w), microstructural (dMRI), and functional (rfMRI) data were (i) z-scored across scanners and averaged across subjects, providing a measure of scanner data quality relative to other scanners, and (ii) z-scored across subjects and averaged across scanners, providing a measure of subject data quality relative to other subjects. In each case, to avoid bias towards any given scanner, we excluded within-scanner repeats. We also excluded IQMs describing the b = 2000 s/mm2 dMRI data as these were not available for all scanners.
Next, we assessed the between-session IDP similarity to reflect how similar IDPs from sessions and are on average ( where in our data, spanning all subjects and scanners). IDPs were grouped into categories, including subcortical volumes, brain tissue volumes, subcortical T2*, cortical parcel volumes, dMRI regional and tract-wise microstructure (FA, MD, MO, L1, L2, L3), and rfMRI functional connectivity node amplitudes and edges. For each of the IDP categories, the Spearman’s rank correlation was calculated between pairs of sessions and , giving in total correlation values , one for each IDP category. The median correlation across all IDP categories was used to reflect the between-session similarity for sessions and :
where is the Spearman’s rank correlation, < > is the median across , and is a vector containing the IDPs for session and category . Note that for functional connectivity we used the IDPs extracted from a 25-dimensional group ICA with partial correlation as a connectivity measure (giving 210 edges and 21 node amplitudes). To reduce the dimensionality, we kept only the top 5% (31) strongest edges. We identified the top 5% strongest edges by calculating the mean edge weight across within-scanner repeats for each of the subjects with within-scanner repeats. The top 5% strongest edges were used throughout these analyses.
Subsequently, for each of the extracted IDPs, we calculated the coefficient of variation (CoV) across the between-scanner repeats of a subject (i.e., between-scanner, within-subject) and we compared it with two baselines: (i) the CoV of within-scanner, within-subject repeats, (ii) the CoV of within-scanner, between-subject repeats. The former provides a measure of within-scanner variability to compare against and the latter a measure of between-subject (biological) variability. We also compared IDP bias by exploring the agreement of the mean across between-scanner measurements against the mean across within-scanner measurements.
Finally, we explored how the ranking of subjects varied across scanners for each IDP , that is, quantifying the consistency in the rank ordering of subject IDPs between scanners (where is the number of scanners and the list of all IDPs). To do so, for each IDP , we calculated the Spearman’s rank rcorr across the 10 subjects between all scanner pairs. We compared ranking consistency after grouping IDPs into sub-categories and in the case where all scanners are included () and in the case where the pool of scanners is restricted to those from a single vendor ( Siemens scanners). We assessed ranking consistency against an indicative “null” baseline; this was obtained by simulating random rankings, calculating the Spearman’s rank correlation, and taking the interquartile range of the distribution of correlation values.
where is a vector containing the IDPs for all subjects for scanner and IDP .
2.3 Evaluating harmonisation approaches
We utilised our data resource as a testbed for existing harmonisation approaches. Having within-scanner repeats, as well as scans of the same brain across multiple scanners, allows for multiple explicit and quantitative comparisons. As an exemplar for this study, we used the within-scanner variability as a baseline and we assessed how closely harmonisation approaches can bring between-scanner variability to this baseline for different IDPs. We also explored how stability of between-subject ranking can be affected by harmonisation approaches. We explored two groups of methods: (a) implicit harmonisation: given the plethora of processing approaches for extracting the same IDPs from neuroimaging data, we evaluated how robust and consistent different approaches are in extracting the same IDPs across scanners in the same subject. We postulate that an optimal processing pipeline is as immune as possible to site/scanner effects and returns similar values for the same IDPs in the same subject scanned in various systems. We demonstrate how our database can be used for pipeline optimisation to maximise reproducibility and robustness. (b) Explicit harmonisation: we used our resource to directly evaluate approaches that have been explicitly designed to remove nuisance scanner (i.e., “batch”) effects; and characterise their efficacy across different modalities and IDPs.
2.3.1 Implicit harmonisation
First, we compared approaches for extracting subcortical volumes from anatomical images using both unimodal and multimodal subcortical segmentation. Specifically, we compared unimodal subcortical segmentation approaches, FSL’s FIRST (Patenaude et al., 2011) and FreeSurfer (v7.1.0) (Dale et al., 1999), to the more recently developed unimodal/multimodal FSL’s MIST (Visser et al., 2016). MIST was run in three ways: (i) using only T1w data, providing a direct comparison with FIRST, (ii) using two modalities, T1w and T2w data, and (iii) using three modalities, T1w, T2w, and dMRI data. For the multimodal runs, we registered to the T2w and dMRI data to the T1w data. For the T2w registration, we used linear registration and for the dMRI data we used a boundary-based registration (Greve & Fischl, 2009). In each case, MIST was trained using all sessions excluding the within-scanner repeats (60 sessions in total) and the trained model was subsequently applied to all sessions to extract subcortical segmentations. The set of subcortical structures were restricted to those available from each of the approaches, which includes left/right thalamus, pallidum, putamen, hippocampus, amygdala, and caudate nucleus combined with nucleus accumbens. We then compared subcortical volume variability for within- and between-scanner repeats and preservation of subject ranking across the approaches.
As a second example of pipeline optimisation, we compared approaches for deriving cortical region volumes. Specifically, we compared (i) the atlas-based approach used in the UK Biobank pipeline, where atlas-based registered ROIs are constrained by the subject-specific grey matter mask, (ii) FreeSurfer (v7.1.0) (Dale et al., 1999), and (iii) the recently developed FastSurfer (v2.0.0, https://github.com/deep-mi/FastSurfer) (Henschel et al., 2020, 2022), a deep learning alternative to FreeSurfer. These steps provided coarse and fine resolution cortical parcellations for each subject that were then compared.
Finally, we used a further example to demonstrate the richness of our resource in using within-scanner repeats to evaluate pre-processing steps. We assessed the effect of dMRI denoising on variability of microstructural IDPs, such as tract-wise FA and MD. As we expect thermal noise to be a large contributing factor to within-scanner, within-subject variability, we assessed whether dMRI denoising approaches reduce within-scanner variability across a range of IDPs. To do so, we denoised the raw dMRI data using MP-PCA (Veraart et al., 2016) (as implemented in MRtrix3 v3.0.2 (Tournier et al., 2019)), prior to any other processing. The denoised data were then processed using the UKBB pipeline to generate the standard dMRI IDPs. We then compared the variability of IDPs across within-scanner repeats from our pipelines run with and without denoising. In addition, we repeated the above processing but applied the denoising step after distortion corrections.
2.3.2 Explicit harmonisation
We explored explicit harmonisation methods using our dataset. Specifically, we applied python implementations of ComBat (v0.2.12, https://github.com/Jfortin1/neuroCombat) (Fortin et al., 2017) and CovBat (https://github.com/oliver-xie/CovBat_Harmonization) (A. A. Chen et al., 2022) to a representative set of IDPs: atlas-based cortical grey mater volumes and subcortical volumes derived from T1w, subcortical T2* derived from SWI, and tract-wise microstructural measures (mean fractional anisotropy) derived from dMRI. We applied each harmonisation approach to the whole cohort and compared how between-scanner CoVs before and after harmonisation compares against within-scanner repeat CoVs. We also explored how harmonisation approaches affect between-scanner stability of subject ranking. For both ComBat and CovBat, subject demographics (age, sex) were used as covariates.
3 Results
3.1 A comprehensive multimodal harmonisation resource
In total, 80 sessions were acquired from 10 subjects (60 between-scanner and 20 within-scanner repeats). Qualitative demonstrations of the multimodal data for a single subject across the six scanners are shown in Figure 2. Consistency in quality and contrast can be observed in general for all modalities/scanners, although, as expected, there are appreciable differences between scanners. Supplementary Figure 3 provides examples of modalities where between-scanner differences are more/less appreciable. For example, dMRI-derived FA maps show greater between-scanner differences compared to within-scanner repeats. On the other hand, between-scanner variability in T1w scans is, qualitatively, comparable to within-scanner variability. These results provide an early demonstration that inter-site effects and the need for harmonisation are not equivalent across imaging modalities and IDPs.
Illustration of acquired multimodal data for a single subject across all six scanners and five imaging modalities. For dMRI, a single b = 1000 s/mm2 is shown corresponding to the same diffusion-sensitising orientation (left-right orientation).
Illustration of acquired multimodal data for a single subject across all six scanners and five imaging modalities. For dMRI, a single b = 1000 s/mm2 is shown corresponding to the same diffusion-sensitising orientation (left-right orientation).
To perform a more quantitative comparison across scan sessions, quality control was performed (as described in Methods section). The scanner/subject averaged z-scored IQMs are shown in Figure 3 for each of the considered IQMs. In the case of scanner performance (Fig. 3a), since three out of six scanners were Siemens, we expect the mean IQM values to be significantly determined by the systems of this vendor. Indeed, IQMs for the Siemens scanners are closer overall to the means (i.e., z-scores closer to zero), with some modality-specific differences. Nevertheless, we observe that all metrics for all other scanners are within two standard deviations of their respective means, that is, there are no major outliers in terms of raw image quality and/or artefacts (74% of the IQMs are within one standard deviation from their respective means). The Philips Achieva T1w and dMRI data are also closer to the mean scanner quality, while the GE rfMRI is closer to the respective rfMRI IQM mean. Similarly, at the subject level, we find that the vast majority of IQMs (99%) are within two standard deviations from their respective means. In summary, there were no scanners/subjects in our cohort that were different enough to be considered outliers with respect to the other observations.
Heatmaps of Image quality metrics (IQM) variability. (a) IQM variability across scanners. Each quality metric for each subject was z-scored across the six scanners. The z-scores were then averaged across the subjects. (b) IQM variability across subjects. Each quality metric was z-scored across subjects and then averaged across the six scanners. In each case, we exclude within-scanner repeats. Higher positive or negative values represent large deviations from the mean z-scored IQM across scanners/subjects. We were unable to acquire multi-shell data for all scanners, hence we exclude higher b-value IQMs in these comparisons.
Heatmaps of Image quality metrics (IQM) variability. (a) IQM variability across scanners. Each quality metric for each subject was z-scored across the six scanners. The z-scores were then averaged across the subjects. (b) IQM variability across subjects. Each quality metric was z-scored across subjects and then averaged across the six scanners. In each case, we exclude within-scanner repeats. Higher positive or negative values represent large deviations from the mean z-scored IQM across scanners/subjects. We were unable to acquire multi-shell data for all scanners, hence we exclude higher b-value IQMs in these comparisons.
3.2 Mapping between-scanner variability for multimodal IDPs
We subsequently used the data to extract multimodal IDPs (a complete spreadsheet of all IDPs is available via GitHub: https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/3T_MRI_harmonisation) and explored their between-scanner variability. First, we used the IDPs to assess between-session similarity. To do so, we initially looked at individual IDP categories and calculated the Spearman’s rank correlation (see Eq. 2.1) for each IDP category between all session pairs (Supplementary Fig. 5, an interactive version of these plots is available via the GitHub repository). Between-session similarity matrices based on T1w-derived IDPs had larger correlation values and tended to be more structured overall, but more so for some IDP categories than others, for example, within-subject similarity was higher than between-subject for FreeSurfer cortical features, but less so for subcortical ones. This pattern was also present for correlation matrices derived from dMRI IDPs, although the magnitude of correlation values was typically reduced. Correlation matrices derived from fMRI IDPs were less structured and had considerably lower correlation values.
Subsequently, we took the median across IDP categories (Eq. 2.1) to obtain an overall between-session similarity metric considering all IDP categories for each session (Supplementary Fig. 6). The pattern previously described was apparent. In addition, we also observed how within-scanner repeats of the same subject were more similar than between-scanner repeats of the same subject, highlighting the harmonisation challenge. To better visualise these differences, we focused on the sessions of the four subjects that had both between- and within-scanner repeats (Fig. 4, left). This qualitatively demonstrates greater similarity for within-scanner repeats (blue outline) compared to between-scanner repeats (green outline). This is confirmed when comparing the distribution of between-session correlation values (Fig. 4, right), illustrating a greater consistency in values of IDPs derived from within-scanner measurements compared to those derived from between-scanner data. Importantly, we also observe an overlap in correlation distributions for between-subject-within-scanner sessions and within-subject-between-scanner repeats. This indicates that IDP similarity for the same subject scanned on different scanners may be as low as the IDP similarity for different subjects scanned on the same scanner.
Between-session similarity. Left: Correlation (Spearman’s rank) matrices Pij (see Eq. 2.1) depicting the similarity of IDPs between scanning sessions for the four subjects with within-scanner repeat scans. Spearman’s rank correlation is calculated between all session pairs for IDP categories (Supplementary Fig. 5) and the median across categories (Supplementary Fig. 6) is presented for the subset of subjects. IDP categories include subcortical volumes, brain tissue volumes, subcortical T2*, cortical parcel volumes, dMRI regional and tract-wise microstructure (FA, MD, MO, L1, L2, L3), and rfMRI functional connectivity node amplitude and edges. Right: The distributions of within-/between-scanner/subject session similarities. Each data point represents the median (across IDP categories) correlation between a pair of sessions, that is, entries of Pij.
Between-session similarity. Left: Correlation (Spearman’s rank) matrices Pij (see Eq. 2.1) depicting the similarity of IDPs between scanning sessions for the four subjects with within-scanner repeat scans. Spearman’s rank correlation is calculated between all session pairs for IDP categories (Supplementary Fig. 5) and the median across categories (Supplementary Fig. 6) is presented for the subset of subjects. IDP categories include subcortical volumes, brain tissue volumes, subcortical T2*, cortical parcel volumes, dMRI regional and tract-wise microstructure (FA, MD, MO, L1, L2, L3), and rfMRI functional connectivity node amplitude and edges. Right: The distributions of within-/between-scanner/subject session similarities. Each data point represents the median (across IDP categories) correlation between a pair of sessions, that is, entries of Pij.
We subsequently explored, for each IDP, the presence of scanner-related bias, by checking how the mean values for that IDP across between-scanner repeats agreed against the mean across within-scanner repeats (Fig. 5) ([between-scanner mean − within-scanner mean]/within-scanner mean, expressed as percentage). Even if the differences were larger for some dMRI-extracted IDPs and considerably higher for fMRI-extracted IDPs, bias was consistent and relatively low across the group level and subject level and mostly in the range of 10%.
The bias of imaging-derived measures comparing the mean of between-scanner measurements from six different scanners and six within-scanner measurements, reflecting the average across four subjects/scanners (top), the average across scanners from the same vendor (second row), and single subjects (rows 3-6). Bias is calculated IDP-wise as the relative difference between the mean of the between-scanner repeats and the mean of the within-scanner repeats, that is, 100*(between-scanner mean − within-scanner mean)/within-scanner mean. Dashed vertical lines and the colours delineate IDP groups.
The bias of imaging-derived measures comparing the mean of between-scanner measurements from six different scanners and six within-scanner measurements, reflecting the average across four subjects/scanners (top), the average across scanners from the same vendor (second row), and single subjects (rows 3-6). Bias is calculated IDP-wise as the relative difference between the mean of the between-scanner repeats and the mean of the within-scanner repeats, that is, 100*(between-scanner mean − within-scanner mean)/within-scanner mean. Dashed vertical lines and the colours delineate IDP groups.
We then explored how within-subject between-scanner variability for all considered IDPs compares against two baselines: (a) within-scanner variability, (b) between-subject (biological) variability. Figure 6 shows the CoVs for each IDP for within-scanner repeats and for between-scanner repeats. Plotted together (third row), and by comparing IDP-group means (fourth row), it becomes apparent that the between-scanner variability can be on average as large as ~5 times the within-scanner variability, as confirmed by the relative difference (fifth row). We also compared between-scanner repeat variability to “biological” variability (between-subject-within-scanner: orange in rows three and four), and we found that the between-scanner variability is not always smaller than the biological variability (bottom row) for several of the IDP groups. IDP-group-wise medians in the relative difference (rows five and six) are reported in Supplementary Table 5. Certain IDPs (e.g., T1w-extracted atlas-based parcellation IDPs) showed between-scanner variability exceeding 5 times that of the within-scanner variability and over twice that of biological variability. At the IDP-group level, the median between-scanner CoV exceeds a relative difference of 200% in 6 of 23 IDP groups when comparing against within-scanner repeat variability (Fig. 6, fourth row). Comparing to biological variability, median between-scanner CoV exceeds that of biological variability in 5 of 23 IDP groups (Fig. 6, fifth row).
The coefficients of variation (CoVs) of IDPs within-/between-scanner repeats. Top row: the IDP-wise CoVs across six within-scanner repeats, averaged across the four subjects with within-scanner repeats. Second row: the IDP-wise CoVs across six between-scanner repeats, averaged across all subjects. Third row: the within-scanner (blue), between-scanner (green), and between-subject-within-scanner (orange, reflecting biological variability) CoVs plotted on a log-scale. Fourth row: the IDP-group-wise mean of the CoVs (from the third row) plotted on a log scale for within-scanner (blue), between-scanner (green), and between-subject-within-scanner (orange) sessions. Fifth row: the IDP-wise (red) and IDP-group-wise (black) relative difference (betweenwithin/within [scanner]) in CoVs. Bottom row: the IDP-group-wise relative difference in between-scanner CoVs (within scanner, blue; between-scanner, green) and between-subject (biological) CoVs. The dashed horizontal line in rows five and six indicates relative difference of 100%. Dashed vertical lines delineate IDP groups. Colours in the top two plots help delineate IDP groups.
The coefficients of variation (CoVs) of IDPs within-/between-scanner repeats. Top row: the IDP-wise CoVs across six within-scanner repeats, averaged across the four subjects with within-scanner repeats. Second row: the IDP-wise CoVs across six between-scanner repeats, averaged across all subjects. Third row: the within-scanner (blue), between-scanner (green), and between-subject-within-scanner (orange, reflecting biological variability) CoVs plotted on a log-scale. Fourth row: the IDP-group-wise mean of the CoVs (from the third row) plotted on a log scale for within-scanner (blue), between-scanner (green), and between-subject-within-scanner (orange) sessions. Fifth row: the IDP-wise (red) and IDP-group-wise (black) relative difference (betweenwithin/within [scanner]) in CoVs. Bottom row: the IDP-group-wise relative difference in between-scanner CoVs (within scanner, blue; between-scanner, green) and between-subject (biological) CoVs. The dashed horizontal line in rows five and six indicates relative difference of 100%. Dashed vertical lines delineate IDP groups. Colours in the top two plots help delineate IDP groups.
We observed trends in variability relating not only to the modality from which the IDPs are derived, but also to the type of processing used to derive said IDPs. For instance, T1w-extracted atlas-based parcellation IDPs show greater between-scanner variability compared to T1w-extracted FreeSurfer IDPs, reflecting sources of variability introduced in the processing pipeline. Whilst dMRI-extracted IDPs show relatively high between-scanner variability, they are relatively consistent across processing methods although with reduced variability on average for the tractography-based IDPs compared to the atlas-based IDPs, and with some expected trends. For example, between-scanner variability for both atlas-based and tractography-based IDPs is larger for L3 compared to L2 and compared to L1. IDPs extracted from the NODDI-modelled dMRI data generally have higher between-scanner variability compared to those extracted from the DTI model (Supplementary Fig. 7). IDPs derived from SWI showed high between-scanner variability, exceeding biological variability, but a within-scanner variability comparable with other IDP groups. rfMRI-extracted IDPs were particularly variable, with connectivity edges showing very high variability for both biological and scanner-related variability and within-scanner variability exceeding biological variability. A version of Figure 6, but using only the four subjects with within-scanner repeats when calculating the between-scanner CoVs, is provided in Supplementary Figure 8, revealing very similar trends.
For each IDP, we also explored the consistency in subject ranking across scanners (Fig. 7). A value of 1 indicates perfect consistency, that is, all 10 subjects are ranked in the same way when using the same IDP across the different scanners. As expected, we see that ranking is preserved more for scanners from the same vendor, with it becoming less consistent when we include scanners from different vendors. However, there are only a few categories of IDPs that are close to the ideal consistency described above. Furthermore, the extent to which ranking is preserved depends on the imaging modality. Between-subject ranking is preserved the most for IDPs from anatomical imaging modalities, followed by susceptibility and diffusion, and the least for functional modalities.
Between-scanner consistency of subject ranking (see Eq. 2.2) for all IDPs grouped by IDP category. The Spearman’s rank correlation is calculated across subjects for each scanner, both for all scanners and restricted to scanners from the same vendor (Siemens). The red region depicts the null distribution’s interquartile range.
Between-scanner consistency of subject ranking (see Eq. 2.2) for all IDPs grouped by IDP category. The Spearman’s rank correlation is calculated across subjects for each scanner, both for all scanners and restricted to scanners from the same vendor (Siemens). The red region depicts the null distribution’s interquartile range.
To summarise, our database reveals interesting patterns of between-scanner non-biological effects and demonstrates the important need for harmonisation in hundreds of multimodal IDPs. In the following section, we explore how our database can be used as a testbed for both implicit and explicit harmonisation approaches.
3.3 A testbed for evaluating harmonisation approaches
3.3.1 Implicit harmonisation
Our data can also be used to assess the robustness of processing pipelines when applied to data from different scanners and compare alternatives for extracting similar IDPs. In this section, we demonstrate three examples of such pipeline optimisation, (i) for extracting cortical area volumes from anatomical images, (ii) for extracting subcortical volumes from anatomical images, and (iii) on the effect of dMRI denoising on DTI metrics.
We first explored how different approaches for obtaining cortical area volumes (i.e., atlas-based vs FreeSurfer vs FastSurfer) affect between-scanner variability of volumetric IDPs, using the within-scanner variability as a baseline (Fig. 8a). To do so, we compared the CoV and consistency of subject ranking for cortical area volumes derived using an atlas-based registration approach (with 96 parcels, as done in the UK Biobank pipeline) to those derived from FreeSurfer (coarse with 63 parcels, and Destrieux fine with 148 parcels) and FastSurfer (coarse DK only). We found comparable within-scanner variability across approaches, although with greater variability for the fine FreeSurfer (Destrieux) parcellation scheme. However, between-scanner variability is most consistent with the within-scanner variability for the two FreeSurfer-based approaches (DK: 0.033 compared to 0.019; Destrieux: 0.049 compared to 0.037 for median between-scanner and within-scanner respectively), followed by FastSurfer (0.048 between-scanner and 0.019 within-scanner) and lowest for the atlas-based approach (0.056 between-scanner and 0.015 within-scanner). When considering the consistency of subject ranking, a similar trend is observed (though with numbers inverted as the best rank correlation is high, not low), with the atlas-based (median correlation 0.91) and fine FreeSurfer parcellation (0.87) IDPs showing worse ranking consistencies compared to the coarser parcellation (DK) FreeSurfer/FastSurfer (0.93 and 0.92 respectively) volumes.
Reproducibility of cortical and subcortical segmentations using different approaches. (a) Comparing cortical volumes derived through (i) the registration of an atlas-based parcellation scheme (96 parcels), (ii) FreeSurfer using the Desikan-Killiany parcellation (63 parcels), (iii) FastSurfer with the Desikan-Killiany parcellation, and (iv) FreeSurfer using the Destrieux parcellation scheme (148 parcels). (b) Comparing subcortical segmentation volumes derived through (i) unimodal (T1w) segmentation with FIRST, (i) unimodal (T1w) segmentation with FreeSurfer, (iii) unimodal (T1w) segmentation with MIST, (iv) multimodal (T1w and T2w) segmentation with MIST, and (v) multimodal (T1w, T2w, and dMRI-derived FA map) segmentation with MIST. In each case, we compare the within-/between-scanner coefficients of variation and the consistency of subject ranking across approaches. The red regions depict the null distribution’s interquartile range.
Reproducibility of cortical and subcortical segmentations using different approaches. (a) Comparing cortical volumes derived through (i) the registration of an atlas-based parcellation scheme (96 parcels), (ii) FreeSurfer using the Desikan-Killiany parcellation (63 parcels), (iii) FastSurfer with the Desikan-Killiany parcellation, and (iv) FreeSurfer using the Destrieux parcellation scheme (148 parcels). (b) Comparing subcortical segmentation volumes derived through (i) unimodal (T1w) segmentation with FIRST, (i) unimodal (T1w) segmentation with FreeSurfer, (iii) unimodal (T1w) segmentation with MIST, (iv) multimodal (T1w and T2w) segmentation with MIST, and (v) multimodal (T1w, T2w, and dMRI-derived FA map) segmentation with MIST. In each case, we compare the within-/between-scanner coefficients of variation and the consistency of subject ranking across approaches. The red regions depict the null distribution’s interquartile range.
As a second example, we compared the consistency of ROI-wise subcortical volumes derived using a range of segmentation algorithms, specifically unimodal (using FIRST, single-modality MIST, and FreeSurfer) and multimodal (using two/three modalities with MIST) segmentation. Figure 8b shows comparable variability for unimodal FIRST and FreeSurfer (0.035 and 0.021 for between- and within-scanner repeats respectively for Freesurfer and 0.033 and 0.018 for FIRST). The trend holds when considering the consistency of subject ranking with a median consistency of 0.895 for FreeSurfer and 0.931 for FIRST. Unimodal MIST follows with slightly reduced variability (0.030 and 0.016) and comparable consistency in subject ranking (0.919). Multimodal subcortical segmentation with MIST (using two anatomical modalities) achieves the best consistency when comparing between-scanner and within-scanner variability (0.025 and 0.015 respectively) and high subject ranking consistency (median correlation 0.938).
We next used our resource in a slightly different way, capitalising on the availability of multiple within-scanner repeats. We explored the effect of denoising on dMRI data, anticipating that since thermal noise is a major contributor to within-scanner variability, denoising the data should lead to a reduction in within-scanner variability of IDPs compared to raw (not denoised) data. When considering tract-wise averaged DTI metrics (FA/MD) across within-subject-within-scanner repeats, Figure 9a demonstrates that denoising induces relatively small differences, most likely reflecting relatively high SNR in the data. Even if, for a number of IDPs, variability was reduced with denoising, this was not always the case, contrary to expectation. We observed IDPs, particularly for tracts in inferior regions (cerebellum, brainstem, uncinate fascicle) where within-scanner variability without denoising was smaller than the one obtained from denoised data. As the type of denoising that we performed is patch-based and the main processing that occurs after denoising and before the extraction of IDPs is distortion correction (including susceptibility-induced distortion corrections), we explored whether these counter-intuitive results in the inferior parts of the brain were related to distortion levels that are higher in these brain regions. We found that regional off-resonance frequency (which is proportional to the amount of distortions) explains some of this behaviour (Fig. 9b, moderate correlations that are statistically significant), hinting at interactions between patch-based denoising and distortion correction. We hence re-processed the data and denoised it only after distortion correction. This approach is suboptimal as it changes the statistical properties of the signal and violates assumptions that denoising methods rely on, hence it is not suggested in the general case. Nevertheless, it was used here as a confirmatory test, since it reduces potential interactions between the denoising patches and the shape corrections performed to reverse susceptibility-induced distortions. In doing so, we found reduced associations between the relative difference in CoVs and regional off-resonance frequency (Fig. 8c, magnitude of correlations dropped and statistical significance was no longer observed).
The effect of denoising on tract-wise (TBSS) IDPs. (a) The relative difference in region-wise CoV before and after denoising for tract-wise mean FA (top) and MD (bottom). CoV for each IDP is calculated for each subject across the six within-scanner repeats and plotted for each tract. Grey bars represent the mean and standard deviation across the four scanners. MCP: middle cerebellar peduncle; CST: cortico-spinal tract; ML: medial lemniscus; CHG: cingulum (hippocampal gyrus); UF: uncinate fasciculus; ICP: inferior cerebellar peduncle; AIC: anterior limb of internal capsule; FX: fornix. (b) The session-wise tract-wise CoV against tract-wise mean offresonance frequency (absolute value in Hz) for regions showing more variability after denoising. (c) As in (b), except here, we perform denoising after distortion correction.
The effect of denoising on tract-wise (TBSS) IDPs. (a) The relative difference in region-wise CoV before and after denoising for tract-wise mean FA (top) and MD (bottom). CoV for each IDP is calculated for each subject across the six within-scanner repeats and plotted for each tract. Grey bars represent the mean and standard deviation across the four scanners. MCP: middle cerebellar peduncle; CST: cortico-spinal tract; ML: medial lemniscus; CHG: cingulum (hippocampal gyrus); UF: uncinate fasciculus; ICP: inferior cerebellar peduncle; AIC: anterior limb of internal capsule; FX: fornix. (b) The session-wise tract-wise CoV against tract-wise mean offresonance frequency (absolute value in Hz) for regions showing more variability after denoising. (c) As in (b), except here, we perform denoising after distortion correction.
In summary, these results highlight the importance of carefully considering the different steps in processing pipelines and how data resources like the one presented here can provide important testbeds towards better understanding the implications of processing choices.
3.3.2 Explicit harmonisation
In addition to the implicit harmonisation examples presented, we used the resource to evaluate existing harmonisation approaches, again using the within-scanner variability as a baseline. These approaches are meant to explicitly reduce between-scanner variability. We applied ComBat and CovBat to a number of multimodal IDPs, including atlas-based cortical area volumes, subcortical volumes obtained from FIRST, ROI-averaged T2* values extracted from susceptibility-weighted images, and the FA of white matter ROIs obtained from diffusion MRI. We compared the between-scanner CoV before and after harmonisation (Fig. 10, top), with within-scanner CoV as a baseline, and the consistency of subject ranking before and after harmonisation (Fig. 10, bottom). In all cases, the CoVs were greater for between-scanner repeats compared to within-scanner repeats. Both harmonisation approaches reduced the between-scanner variability towards the within-scanner variability baseline in each set of IDPs. Success in doing so is variable across IDPs. For instance, ComBat/CovBat worked better in harmonising SWI T2* values compared to atlas-based cortical area volumes. Interestingly, however, and common across all IDPs, between-scanner subject ranking consistency before and after harmonisation was almost identical. ComBat and CovBat modify IDP values such that variability is reduced but they are not beneficial for improving cross-subject ranking between scanners. This is not the case for the pipeline modifications presented in the previous section, suggesting that blindly performing explicit harmonisation without carefully considering processing pipelines may be suboptimal, and that a combination of explicit and implicit methods is desirable.
The effect of harmonising IDPs using ComBat and CovBat. Top: the IDP-wise coefficient of variation (CoV) before and after harmonisation. For each of the four subjects with within-scanner repeats, CoV was computed for each IDP across the six repeats (either within-scanner or between-scanner), prior to harmonisation. After harmonisation, the IDP-wise CoV is calculated for the between-scanner repeats. Bottom: the IDP-wise correlation of subject ranking before and after harmonisation for scanners of the same vendor and for all scanners. The red regions depict the null distribution’s interquartile range.
The effect of harmonising IDPs using ComBat and CovBat. Top: the IDP-wise coefficient of variation (CoV) before and after harmonisation. For each of the four subjects with within-scanner repeats, CoV was computed for each IDP across the six repeats (either within-scanner or between-scanner), prior to harmonisation. After harmonisation, the IDP-wise CoV is calculated for the between-scanner repeats. Bottom: the IDP-wise correlation of subject ranking before and after harmonisation for scanners of the same vendor and for all scanners. The red regions depict the null distribution’s interquartile range.
4 Discussion
We have presented a comprehensive harmonisation resource (ON-Harmony) for multimodal neuroimaging data, based on a travelling-heads paradigm. We have used this to map between-scanner effects across hundreds of multimodal IDPs and shown that between-scanner variability is up to 10 times larger than within-scanner variability of the same modality IDPs for the same subject. Importantly, for a number of IDPs, between-scanner variability can be of the same size as between-subject (“biological”) variability. We also found that consistency in subject ranking across scanners can be compromised relatively easily, particularly for certain modalities and IDPs. Our dataset complements but extends on previous travelling-heads studies (Badhwar et al., 2020; Duchesne et al., 2019; Duff et al., 2022; Kurokawa et al., 2021; Maikusa et al., 2021; Pohl et al., 2016; Potvin, Chouinard, et al., 2019; Tanaka et al., 2021; Tax et al., 2019; Tian et al., 2022; Tong et al., 2020; Yamashita et al., 2019), providing a more comprehensive harmonisation resource in a number of ways: (i) data are acquired from all three major vendors and from different generations of scanners from the same vendor, (ii) data are acquired from different imaging sites where radiographers and practices are different, (iii) data are acquired from many neuroimaging modalities, (iv) multiple scan-rescan data are acquired which allows the assessment of within-scanner, within-subject variability in addition to between-scanner variability, and (v) hundreds of multimodal IDPs are considered using a modified version of the UK Biobank pipeline. The ON-Harmony resource is publicly released (https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds004712) and will be augmented with further subjects and scanners (two new GE MR Premier wide-bore scanners are already installed in two different sites of our study) in the coming years, including additional within-scanner repeats.
Our resource has been designed to allow for different baselines to compare between-scanner effects: multiple within-scanner-within-subject repeats to capture within-scanner variability baselines and multiple subjects to capture between-subject (biological) variability. We found that IDPs derived from T1w imaging are, in general, the most consistent, but we also observed that this heavily depends on the processing approach. These were followed by IDPs derived from dMRI yet, even within these IDPs, there was a spectrum of variabilities depending on the type of measure (e.g., NODDI more variable than DTI, atlas-based more variable than subject-specific tractography). The IDPs derived from rfMRI were most variable. These trends are consistent with findings of other recent multimodal studies that considered fewer scanners (Duff et al., 2022). We have also shown that the least between-scanner variability is observed when using scanners from the same vendor, as anticipated. Introducing different vendors increases the variability in IDPs and also decreases consistency in ranking of subjects across scanners.
Previous work has reported similar trends to the ones reported here. For instance, structural IDPs were the most reproducible of the IDPs we present, and this is consistent with past findings. High repeatability of these IDPs has been shown across a range of segmentation approaches (de Boer et al., 2010), across multiple sites (Jovicich et al., 2006), and across scanners of varying magnetic field strength (Fujimoto et al., 2014). Cortical areas and volumes derived from FreeSurfer have been shown to even be robust to different acquisition sequences (Knussmann et al., 2022). It is worth noting that among the various groups of structural IDPs, a previous study (Duff et al., 2022) has shown that cortical area and thickness as derived from FreeSurfer are more robust than the grey matter volumes which were estimated for 139 ROIs and this is in agreement with our findings.
For diffusion-related IDPs, previous studies have shown that generally, NODDI parameters have larger between-subject variations than DTI IDPs (Chung et al., 2016, p. 216; De Luca et al., 2022). The CoV for ISOVF has been observed to be consistently the largest among diffusion IDPs (Chung et al., 2016, p. 216), which is in agreement with our results (Supplementary Fig. 7). Of the DTI IDPs, FA has been found to be less robust than MD (Chung et al., 2016; Farrell et al., 2007), as it reflects a higher moment of the tensor eigenvalues. This is in agreement with our results, which also show that L1, which is larger in magnitude, is less sensitive to between-scanner effects than the smaller L2 and L3. Methods have recently been developed specifically to harmonise IDPs derived from higher-order dMRI models (De Luca et al., 2022).
For rfMRI IDPs, it has been reported previously that test-retest reproducibility is a limiting factor (Castellanos et al., 2013), which also explains the large relative variability values we found. The results we have presented demonstrate that the difference in the variability of between- vs. within-scanner repeats in rfMRI was low, since within-scanner variability was already high. Other studies that performed similar analyses (Duff et al., 2022) pointed out that IDPs reflecting pairwise connectivity (as well as node amplitudes) do not show a high level of reliability across sites, therefore consistency in summary ICA components was instead evaluated. Furthermore, in the study performed by Jovicich et al. (2006), significant inter-site differences in connectivity scores were found.
We demonstrated how our resource can be used as a testbed to explore and evaluate harmonisation approaches. The existence of multiple within-scanner repeats allowed us to define a consistent and interpretable reference to compare harmonisation efficacy against and avoided the need to use ad-hoc methods, such as group matching based on covariates (Fortin et al., 2018; Garcia-Dias et al., 2020), for validation. Specifically, we have shown how our data can be used to optimise processing steps used in IDP extraction pipelines (implicit harmonisation), such that between-scanner variability in extracted IDPs is minimised compared to, for example, within-scanner variability. We have also tested the performance of post-processing harmonisation tools (explicit harmonisation) and specifically checked whether the harmonised IDPs are indeed less variable between-scanners (and by how much) compared to no harmonisation. Overall, we found that even though the tested explicit harmonisation methods did remove parts of non-biological variability, they did not recover inconsistent cross-subject ranking across scanners. This was not the case for implicit harmonisation methods, suggesting that a consideration of both is needed to achieve optimal results.
More specifically, for anatomical IDPs, we found that cortical area volumes extracted from FreeSurfer and subcortical volumes extracted from multimodal segmentation have between-scanner variability that is closer to the respective within-scanner variability (and hence are less sensitive to between-scanner effects) compared to other approaches explored. Previous studies have shown that cortical volumes derived from FreeSurfer have a strong degree of robustness against scanner effects. For instance, in Iscan et al. (2015), it is shown that for the DK atlas, cortical volume measures showed test-retest correlation scores (from scans acquired at four different sites) of 0.88. This study also showed higher test-retest correlation and inter-class correlation scores for volumes from the DK atlas (coarse) than the Destrieux atlas (fine), which is in agreement with the results we obtained. These results confirm what we expect since regions defined by the DK atlas are larger than those in the Destrieux atlas.
For subcortical volumes, we found volumes derived using a multimodal segmentation method (MIST) were more reproducible than those derived using a unimodal approach (FIRST, unimodal MIST, and FreeSurfer). We also assessed the advantage of using MIST with data from three modalities (T1w, T2w, and dMRI data) compared to training it using two modalities (T1w and T2w), and in a unimodal fashion (T1w only). Intuition would suggest that leveraging imaging information from more modalities would result in more reproducible results; however, our results show that adding dMRI data as an input to MIST decreased between-scanner reproducibility. These findings agree with results in Visser et al. (2016), who found that increasing the number of modalities used for MIST segmentation can increase variability. This can happen for regions where the contrast is very clear from structural images. In this case, segmentations from the structural images alone are highly reproducible and adding another modality, particularly a more noisy one like dMRI, introduces new sources of variability.
We found a slightly unexpected trend for dMRI denoising using MP-PCA (Veraart et al., 2016). Within-scanner variability of extracted dMRI IDPs did not always decrease after denoising compared to IDPs extracted from “raw” data. It is worth pointing out that raw SNR and CNR values do increase after denoising in this data (Supplementary Fig. 9). The natural question to ask is why then does the variability of these IDPs not improve after denoising? A possible explanation is that we observed highly variable IDPs in the caudal regions of the brain where denoising appeared to have increased the variability. These are areas known to be prone to susceptibility artefacts (Andersson et al., 2003) and therefore distortion correction is more impactful in these areas. The fact that we see these areas significantly affected after denoising suggests that there is a possible interaction between denoising and distortion correction (Fig. 9b). This could happen because, even prior to distortion correction, denoising assumes that every voxel is in the correct place yet this is not true in the presence of distortions. As denoising is patch-based, incorrectly placed voxels would end up influencing the denoising process, meaning a distortion correction like this could lead to misplaced voxels and in slightly different ways for the different repeats. To further explore this, we applied denoising after distortion correction and found a reduced association between differences in variability and off-resonance frequency (Fig. 9c). However, we should note that by applying distortion correction prior to denoising will break some of the assumptions in the MP-PCA algorithm. These findings suggest that the optimal way of denoising requires more exploration and suggests that denoising and distortion correction may ideally have to be considered simultaneously (similar in spirit to the simultaneous consideration of all distortion fields and their correction in Andersson and Sotiropoulos (2016)).
We also compared explicit harmonisation approaches in ways that have not been evaluated before. We showed that both ComBat (Fortin et al., 2017) and CovBat (A. A. Chen et al., 2022) reduced the between-scanner variability for a range of IDPs derived from different modalities towards the level of the respective within-scanner variability. The relatively small difference in subcortical volumes corrected with ComBat compared to the uncorrected volumes is in agreement with findings from other studies (Treit et al., 2022). The authors in this study used ComBat to reduce systematic variations in the brain volumes of 23 travelling subjects scanned in 3 different scanners and they found minimal changes (of less than 5%) between corrected and raw volumes for several subcortical regions (caudate, globus pallidus, putamen, and thalamus). The authors in Treit et al. (2022) point out that the degree to which ComBat decreases inter-subject variability likely depends on the magnitude of site effects in the raw data implying that ComBat has less of an effect on results that are more robust to site effects. Our findings support this notion as of the three IDPs tested (subcortical volumes, T2* values, and FA values), the subcortical volumes had on average the least between-scanner variability of the three and were also affected the least by ComBat. It is important to note that with 10 subjects and 6 scanning sessions, we were at the lower end of the recommended sample size for ComBat for independent subjects across different scanners (Fortin et al., 2017); however, we are above the minimum suggested requirements for the case of travelling heads (Maikusa et al., 2021). This demonstration of how our harmonisation resource may be used to assess explicit harmonisation efficacy is only an example. For simplicity and brevity, we chose a widely used and well-established tool (and a variant of that tool). Developers of such harmonisation approaches should consider using our resource in the assessment of their method’s performance.
There are limitations to our resource worth noting. Data collection started before the first lockdowns of the Covid-19 pandemic and was completed during the pandemic. This caused extra challenges for such a multi-site study, resulting in longer than ideal between-scan intervals (Supplementary Table 1) for some subjects. We explored the effects of subject age and inter-scan delays and found that these factors did not drive the reported trends (see Supplementary Information and Supplementary Fig. 10). For the same reason, our cohort is not balanced in terms of gender (8/10 subjects are male), as simply these happened to be the subjects we could recruit during the unprecedented pandemic times. Due to the delays, even if data were acquired in a consistent manner for the majority of subjects, scanner software was updated for the two Philips scanners halfway through the study. This, however, did not change data quality trends as depicted by the IQM Metrics (Supplementary Fig. 4).
In addition, whilst we aimed for our protocols to be reasonably aligned, there were challenges caused by hardware differences in some cases (e.g., no multiband capability for EPI). Given all these limitations, we are currently collecting a second cohort resulting in ON-Harmony2.0. This includes additional subjects with a more even gender split, additional scanners (two new GE scanners with multiband and multi-shell functionality), and additional within-scanner repeats. Further, we acquire these follow-up data with considerably shorter between-scan intervals.
It is also worth mentioning that we present IDP variability extracted from our data using a single image processing pipeline (the UKBB pipeline), yet we demonstrate the choice of image processing steps can have considerable effect on IDP robustness. For these reasons, we release raw (defaced NIFTI) data, allowing the community to explore their own image processing pipelines. It is known that the choice of image defacing procedure for anonymisation can have significant impact on the extraction of IDPs (Bhalerao et al., 2022) and we will explore this in a future study. Due to ethical considerations, it is not possible to make the raw data publicly available prior to defacing.
Finally, there could be much debate regarding the best way in which to develop a harmonisation resource like the one we present. We sought to reflect real-world scenarios, thus building a resource which is not “artificially optimal.” Our resource includes, for example, scanner operator variability and protocols that are aligned, but not perfectly nominally matched. We consider such factors as inevitable parts of the between-scanner variability that should be reflected in such a resource. Vendor-neutral open-source acquisition and reconstruction platforms (Cordes et al., 2020; Herz et al., 2021; Karakuzu et al., 2022) could provide ways of minimising such variability in the future.
In summary, we have presented a comprehensive harmonisation resource that we publicly release and will continue to extend in the future. Capitalising on a travelling-heads paradigm and the availability of scanners from all three major MR vendors, the data allow assessment of within-/between-subject and within-/between-scanner effects. As we have shown, this enables novel evaluations of efficacy of both implicit and explicit harmonisation methods. The resource can be used as a testbed for existing harmonisation approaches, as well as for new ones to be developed in the future.
Data and Code Availability
Anonymised BIDS format data are freely available on OpenNeuro (https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds004712). The adapted UKBB pipeline used is available via GitHub (https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/ON-Harmony_UKBB_pipeline/tree/manuscript_updates). All analyses were performed in Python 3.10.9. Data were handled using numpy 1.21.6 and pandas 1.5.3. Plots were generated using matplotlib 3.7.0 and seaborn v0.11.0. Statistical analyses were performed using pandas and scipy 1.10.0. Jupyter Notebooks used for analyses and data (including all IDPs) are available on GitHub (https://github.com/SPMIC-UoN/3T_MRI_harmonisation). Software used are freely available.
Author Contributions
Conceptualisation: S.N.S., M.J., and P.S.M. Methodology: S.W., O.M., A.N., J.C., A.T., K.L.M., P.S.M., M.J., and S.N.S. Software: S.W., A.N., M.C., F.A.-A., M.J., and S.N.S. Formal analysis: S.W., A.N., M.J., and S.N.S. Investigation: S.W., A.N., O.M., J.C., P.S.M., M.J., and S.N.S. Data curation: S.W., A.N. Writing—Original Draft: S.W., A.N., O.M., P.S.M., M.J., and S.N.S. Writing—Review & Editing: J.C., A.T., M.C., F.A.-A., and K.L.M. Visualisation: S.W., A.N., and S.N.S. Supervision: S.N.S. Project administration: S.N.S. Funding acquisition: S.N.S.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare no competing interests.
S.W., A.T., and S.N.S. are supported by an ERC Consolidator grant (101000969 to S.N.S.). A.N. has been supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Medical Research Council (MRC) (ONBI CDT). Scan time costs were provided in part by the Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre, by the SPMIC-School of Medicine PhD student and scan time allocation fund, and by the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging (WIN). The WIN is supported by core funding from the Wellcome Trust (203139/Z/16/Z and 203139/A/16/Z). This research was partly supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) and the NIHR Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre (NIHR203316). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. Scanners were operated by local radiographers and physicists (Mr Jon Campbell, Mr Michael Sanders, Mrs Juliet Semple, Mr David Parker, Mrs Caroline Young, and Mrs Nicky Aikin for FMRIB Primsa, OCMR Trio and FMRIB OHBA, Mr Andrew Cooper for SPMIC-QMC, Dr Olivier Mougin and Prof Paul Morgan for SPMIC-UP Philips Ingenia and SPMIC-UP Philips Achieva).
Supplementary Materials
Supplementary material for this article is available with the online version here: https://doi.org/10.1162/imag_a_00042.
Author notes
Equal contribution