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Saddam's Weapons and Iraq's Wars
Chronic Misperception and International Conflict: The U.S.-Iraq Experience
International Security (2011) 36 (1): 73–100.
Saddam, Israel, and the Bomb: Nuclear Alarmism Justified?
International Security (2011) 36 (1): 133–166.
A Crude Threat: The Limits of an Iranian Missile Campaign against Saudi Arabian Oil
International Security (2011) 36 (1): 167–201.
The Rubicon Theory of War: How the Path to Conflict Reaches the Point of No Return
International Security (2011) 36 (1): 7–40.
After Unipolarity: China's Visions of International Order in an Era of U.S. Decline
International Security (2011) 36 (1): 41–72.
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