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Military Dimensions of U.S.-China Relations
Future Warfare in the Western Pacific: Chinese Antiaccess/Area Denial, U.S. AirSea Battle, and Command of the Commons in East Asia
International Security (2016) 41 (1): 7–48.
Should the United States Reject MAD? Damage Limitation and U.S. Nuclear Strategy toward China
International Security (2016) 41 (1): 49–98.
Influencing Clients in Counterinsurgency: U.S. Involvement in El Salvador's Civil War, 1979–92
International Security (2016) 41 (1): 99–146.
The Origins of Transnational Alliances: Rulers, Rebels, and Political Survival in the Congo Wars
International Security (2016) 41 (1): 147–181.
Correspondence: The Effects of Acquiring Nuclear Weapons
International Security (2016) 41 (1): 186–190.
Reviewers for Volume 40
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