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Network Connections and the Emergence of the Hub-and-Spokes Alliance System in East Asia
International Security (2020) 45 (2): 7–50.
Death Dust: The Little-Known Story of U.S. and Soviet Pursuit of Radiological Weapons
International Security (2020) 45 (2): 51–94.
The Stopping Power of Norms: Saturation Bombing, Civilian Immunity, and U.S. Attitudes toward the Laws of War
International Security (2020) 45 (2): 140–169.
Does the Noncombatant Immunity Norm Have Stopping Power? A Debate
International Security (2020) 45 (2): 170–186.
Correspondence: Clandestine Capabilities and Technological Diffusion Risks
International Security (2020) 45 (2): 194–198.
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