In Living with War, Robert Teigrob challenges predominant English Canadian viewpoints on Canada's military history and memory. These perspectives postulate that the national military past has been a unifying force in the country's history, that Canada is a more peaceable nation than the United States of America, and (paradoxically) that Canada's war efforts have been more noble than those of its southern neighbor, where the glorification of war goes hand-in-hand with being American. Teigrob uses a transnational, comparative approach to Canada-U.S. relations, war and memory, and the nature of international conflict to argue that although Canada and the United States share a “synchronicity of twentieth-century experiences” that contribute “to national cultures which are given to celebrate rather than regret war” (p. 16), English Canadians have had the greater inclination to venerate rather than critique military actions. By contrast, in the United States there is “a powerful current of self-censure”...
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Fall 2017
December 01 2017
Living with War: Twentieth-Century Conflict in Canadian and American History and Memory
Living with War: Twentieth-Century Conflict in Canadian and American History and Memory
. By Robert
. Toronto
: University of Toronto Press
, 2016
. 471 pp. $85.00.
Alexander W. G. Herd
Alexander W. G. Herd
University of Toronto
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Alexander W. G. Herd
University of Toronto
Online ISSN: 1531-3298
Print ISSN: 1520-3972
© 2017 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Journal of Cold War Studies (2017) 19 (4): 273–275.
Alexander W. G. Herd; Living with War: Twentieth-Century Conflict in Canadian and American History and Memory. Journal of Cold War Studies 2017; 19 (4): 273–275. doi:
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