The ritual of portraying the Cold War as an epic global struggle—expressed through U.S.-Soviet bipolarity—inevitably downplays its cooperative and multilateral features. Northern Europe in the Cold War, 1965–1990 seeks to counterbalance this “bias in international historiography” (p. 12) and to offer a more inclusive interpretation. Edited by Poul Villaume, Ann-Marie Ekengren, and Rasmus Mariager, it centers on East-West interactions and collaboration—from the 1960s until the 1980s—in general, and on the role of (Northern) European multipolarity during this period in particular. Moreover, it emphasizes smaller national and transnational actors at the expense of great powers to give “neglected” Cold War themes and topics the attention they deserve. As Villaume points out in his introduction, this perspective is consistent with what scholars at the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki—the publisher of the volume—have termed a new Cold War research paradigm based on interpretive frameworks of East-West transfers and interactive communications....
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Fall 2017
December 01 2017
Northern Europe in the Cold War, 1965–1990: East-West Interactions of Trade, Culture, and Security
Northern Europe in the Cold War, 1965–1990: East-West Interactions of Trade, Culture, and Security
. By Poul
, Ann-Marie
, and Rasmus
, eds., Helsinki
: Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki
, 2016
. 332 pp.
Valur Ingimundarson
Valur Ingimundarson
University of Iceland
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Valur Ingimundarson
University of Iceland
Online ISSN: 1531-3298
Print ISSN: 1520-3972
© 2017 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
President and Fellows of Harvard College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Journal of Cold War Studies (2017) 19 (4): 283–286.
Valur Ingimundarson; Northern Europe in the Cold War, 1965–1990: East-West Interactions of Trade, Culture, and Security. Journal of Cold War Studies 2017; 19 (4): 283–286. doi:
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