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Limits of Détente or Limits of Democracy? Belgium, the Netherlands, and NATO's Dual-Track Decision: 1977–1979
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 4–36.
The “KGB Wanted List” and the Evolving Soviet Pursuit of Defectors
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 37–60.
North Korea in the Twilight of Communism: Ideological Transformation and International Relations during the Cold War's Final Decade
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 61–84.
More than “Soul Catchers”: Understanding Eastern Europe through Audience and Opinion Surveys at Radio Free Europe during the Cold War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 85–121.
West Germany, Guatemala, and the Transnational Dynamics of Cold War Police Assistance
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 169–203.
Book Forum
European Security, NATO–Russia Relations, and the Post–Cold War Order
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 204–241.
Book Reviews
Kenneth Waltz: An Intellectual Biography by Paul R. Viotti
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 242–243.
In the Labyrinth of the KGB: Ukraine's Intelligentsia in the 1960s–1970s by Olga Bertelsen
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 243–246.
Voennopolitichesko prognozirane chrez analiz na natsionalni doktrini by Marian Ninov
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 248–249.
Socialist Internationalism and the Gritty Politics of the Particular: Second-Third World Spaces in the Cold War by Kristin Roth-Ey
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 249–251.
Days of Opportunity. The United States and Afghanistan Before the Soviet Invasion by Robert B. Rakove
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 254–256.
Opposition, Repression, and Cold War: The Case of the 1956 Student Movement in Timișoara by Corina Snitar
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 258–262.
Die Deutschen und Gorbatschow: Der Gorbatschow-Diskurs im doppelten Deutschland 1985–1991 by Hermann Wentker
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 262–264.
The Bondian Cold War: The Transnational Legacy of a Cultural Icon by Martin D. Brown, Ronald J. Granieri, and Muriel Blaive
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 264–265.
Communist Pigs: An Animal History of East Germany's Rise and Fall by Thomas Fleischman
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 266–268.
Arise, Africa! Roar, China! Black and Chinese Citizens of the World in the Twentieth Century by Yunxiang Gao
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 268–270.
Red Reckoning: The Cold War and the Transformation of American Life by Mark Boulton and Tobias T. Gibson
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 270–271.
Käänne: Suomen irtiotto Kremlistä Eurooppaan by Juho Ovaska
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 272–274.
Vzlety a pády: Pohled do historie Československých aerolinií v letech 1923–1993 by Lenka Krátká
Journal of Cold War Studies (2024) 26 (3): 274–276.
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