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The Early Post-Stalin Succession Struggle and Upheavals in East-Central Europe: Internal-External Linkages in Soviet Policy Making (Part 1)
Journal of Cold War Studies (1999) 1 (1): 3–55.
Politics, Power, and U.S. Policy in Iran, 1950–1953
Journal of Cold War Studies (1999) 1 (1): 56–89.
A Few Unresolved Mysteries about Stalin and the Cold War in Europe: A Modest Agenda for Research
Journal of Cold War Studies (1999) 1 (1): 110–116.
Book Reviews
Imperial Overstretch: Germany in Soviet Policy from Stalin to Gorbachev
Journal of Cold War Studies (1999) 1 (1): 117–119.
Time and Revolution: Marxism and the Design of Soviet Institutions
Journal of Cold War Studies (1999) 1 (1): 119–122.
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