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Selling a New Vision of America to the World: Changing Messages in Early U.S. Cold War Print Propaganda
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 3–45.
Hidden Currents during the Honeymoon: Mao, Khrushchev, and the 1957 Moscow Conference
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 74–117.
The Community That Never Was: The European Defense Community and Its Image in Polish Visual Propaganda of the 1950s
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 118–141.
Exchange on the Nixon Administration and the Vietnam War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 142–144.
Book Reviews
Elizabeth Lutes Hillman, Defending America: Military Culture and the Cold War Court-Martial
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 145–147.
Michael Kort, The Columbia Guide to Hiroshima and the Bomb
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 147–149.
Jon Hunner, Inventing Los Alamos: The Growth of an Atomic Community
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 149–151.
Michael Dobbs, One Minute to Midnight: Kennedy, Khrushchev, and Castro on the Brink of Nuclear War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 151–153.
Athan Theoharis, The Quest for Absolute Security: The Failed Relations among U.S. Intelligence Agencies
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 153–155.
Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow, eds., Dealing with Dictators: Dilemmas of U.S. Diplomacy and Intelligence Analysis, 1945–1990
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 155–157.
David F. Schmitz, The United States and Right-Wing Dictatorships
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 157–160.
Paul G. Gillespie, The Development of Precision Guided Munitions
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 160–162.
Fredrik Logevall and Andrew Preston, eds., Nixon in the World: American Foreign Relations, 1969
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 164–165.
Asaf Siniver, Nixon, Kissinger, and U.S. Foreign Policy Making: The Machinery of Crisis
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 165–167.
Mark Moyar, Triumph Forsaken: The Vietnam War 1954–1965
Journal of Cold War Studies (2009) 11 (4): 167–170.
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