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Deng Xiaoping and China's Decision to Go to War with Vietnam
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 3–29.
The First Uprising of the Cultural Revolution at Nanjing University: Dynamics, Nature, and Interpretation
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 30–49.
Soviet Campaigns against “Capitalist Ideological Subversives” during the Cold War: The Latvian Experience
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 91–114.
Review Essay
Managing Religion in Communist-Era Poland: Catholic Priests versus the Secret Police
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 115–120.
Book Reviews
Kristin L. Ahlberg, Transplanting the Great Society: Lyndon Johnson and Food for Peace
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 129–131.
James MacGregor Burns. Running Alone: Presidential Leadership from JFK to Bush II: Why It Has Failed and How We Can Fix It
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 131–132.
Simona Tobia, Advertising America: The United States Information Service in Italy (1945–1956)
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 133–137.
Christian Saehrendt, Kunst als Botschafter einer künstlichen Nation: Studien zur Rolle der bildenden Kunst in der auswärtigen Kulturpolitik der DDR
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 141–142.
Chad Bryant, Prague in Black. Nazi Rule and Czech Nationalism
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 142–144.
Horst Möller and Aleksandr Tschubarjan, eds., Mitteilungen der Gemeinsamen Kommission für die Erforschung der jüngeren Geschichte der deutsch-russischen Beziehungen / Soobshcheniya Sovmestnoi komissii po izucheniyu noveishei istorii rossiiskogermanskikh otnoshenii, Vol. 2
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 144–147.
Andrew Port, Conflict and Stability in the German Democratic Republic
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 147–149.
Zbynek Zeman and Rainer Karlsch, Uranium Matters: Central European Uranium in International Politics, 1900–1960
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 149–150.
Lubna Z. Qureshi, Nixon, Kissinger and Allende: US Involvement in the 1973 Coup in Chile
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 153–155.
Bradley R. Simpson, Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indonesian Relations, 1960–1968
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 157–159.
Mark Atwood Lawrence, The Vietnam War: A Concise International History
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 159–160.
Gary R. Hess, Vietnam: Explaining America's Lost War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 160–162.
Max Hastings, Retribution: The Battle for Japan, 1944–1945
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 162–164.
Seymour Topping, On the Front Lines of the Cold War: An American Correspondent's Journal from the Chinese Civil War to the Cuban Missile Crisis and Vietnam
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 165–168.
Vladislav Zubok, Zhivago's Children: The Last Russian Intelligentsia
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 171–173.
Yale Richmond, Practicing Public Diplomacy: A Cold War Odyssey
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 173–174.
Richard H. Cummings, Cold War Radio: The Dangerous History of American Broadcasting in Europe, 1950–1989
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 175–179.
Tracy C. Davis, Stages of Emergency: Cold War Nuclear Civil Defense
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 182–184.
Melvyn P. Leffler, For the Soul of Mankind: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 184–186.
Hannfried von Hindenburg, Demonstrating Reconciliation: State and Society in West German Foreign Policy toward Israel, 1952–1965
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 186–188.
Alexander Stephan, ed., Americanization and Anti-Americanism: The German Encounter with American Culture after 1945
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 188–189.
Gilbert Joseph and Daniela Spenser, eds., In from the Cold: Latin America's New Encounter with the Cold War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 190–193.
Karl E. Meyer and Shareen Blair Brysac, Kingmakers: The Invention of the Modern Middle East
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 193–195.
Oliver Bange and Gottfried Niedhart, eds., Helsinki 1975 and the Transformation of Europe
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 197–199.
Michael S. Goodman, Spying on the Nuclear Bear: Anglo-American Intelligence and the Soviet Bomb
Journal of Cold War Studies (2010) 12 (3): 199–201.
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