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The Enemy of My Enemy: The Soviet Union, East Germany, and the Iranian Tudeh Party's Support for Ayatollah Khomeini
Journal of Cold War Studies (2018) 20 (2): 3–37.
Soviet Inturist and Foreign Travel to the Latvian SSR in the Post-Stalin Era: A Case of Ethnic Tourism
Journal of Cold War Studies (2018) 20 (2): 38–62.
The Challenge of Western Neutralism during the Cold War: Britain and the Buildup of a Nigerian Air Force
Journal of Cold War Studies (2018) 20 (2): 99–128.
Economic Growth in the Governance of the Cold War Divide: Mikoyan's Encounter with Japan, Summer 1961
Journal of Cold War Studies (2018) 20 (2): 129–154.
Book Reviews
Die Einheit: Das Auswärtige Amt, das DDR-Außenministerium und der Zwei-plus-Vier-Prozess
Journal of Cold War Studies (2018) 20 (2): 157–159.
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