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Decentering the Cold War in Southern Africa: The Portuguese Policy of Decolonization and Détente in Angola and Mozambique (1974–1984)
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 3–51.
“The World Was Not Turning in Their Direction”: The United States and the Decolonization of Angola
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 52–65.
Independence, Intervention, and Internationalism: Angola and the International System, 1974–1975
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 97–124.
“Yugoslavia's Help Was Extraordinary”: Political and Material Assistance from Belgrade to the MPLA in Its Rise to Power, 1961–1975
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 125–150.
Apartheid's Bomb and Regional Liberation: Cold War Perspectives
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 151–165.
The Secret War of Intelligence: The Mysterious Mission of “Jack Strong” and its Impact on the Cold War in the 1970s and 1980s
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 166–185.
Book Reviews
Man of the Hour: James B. Conant, Warrior Scientist
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 186–189.
Crash Course: From the Good War to the Forever War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 189–193.
Southeast Asia's Cold War: An Interpretive History
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 195–196.
Sovetskaya politika po rasshireniyu yuzhnykh granits: Stalin i azerbaidzhanskaya karta v bor'be za neft’ (1939–1945)
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 196–200.
Kremlin jalanjäljet: Suomettuminen ja vuoden 2002 vakoilukohun tausta
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 203–206.
So Much to Lose: John F. Kennedy and American Policy in Laos
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 206–207.
Comrades of Color: East Germany in the Cold War World
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 211–213.
Dealing with Dictators: The United States, Hungary, and East Central Europe, 1943-1989
Journal of Cold War Studies (2019) 21 (1): 214–217.
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