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British “Black” Productions: Forgeries, Front Groups, and Propaganda, 1951–1977
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 4–42.
Spain and the Early Cold War: The “Isolation Paradigm” Revisited
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 43–79.
Friendly Assistance and Self-Reliance: The Hungarian Geophysical Expedition in China, 1956–1962
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 116–150.
Reevaluating Democracy Promotion: The Reagan Administration, Allied Authoritarian States, and Regime Change
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 151–199.
“Japan Still Has Cadres Remaining”: Japanese in the USSR and Mainland China, 1945–1956
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 200–230.
Book Reviews
Beatriz Allende: A Revolutionary Life in Cold War Latin America
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 233–238.
The Beatles and the 1960s: Reception, Revolution and Social Change
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 238–240.
Thomas Sankara: A Revolutionary in Cold War Africa
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 240–242.
Selling the Economic Miracle: Economic Reconstruction and Politics in West Germany, 1949–1957
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 244–246.
Inside the Teaching Machine: Rhetoric and the Globalization of the U.S. Public Research University
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 246–248.
Neutrality in Twentieth-Century Europe: Intersections of Science, Culture, and Politics after the First World War
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 248–250.
Security Empire: The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 252–254.
The Limits of Détente: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1969–1973
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 255–258.
Poland's Solidarity Movement and the Global Politics of Human Rights
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (3): 258–260.
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