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Containing Technology and Allies Alike: The Cold War, Intra-NATO Relations, and the U.S. Centrifuge Classification Initiative, 1958–1962
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 59–111.
Informal Cold War Envoys: West German and East German Cultural Diplomacy in East Asia
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 112–156.
U.S.-Soviet Détente and the SALT I Accords of 1972: A 50-Year Retrospective
The United States and Strategic Arms Limitation during the Nixon-Kissinger Period: Building a Stable International System?
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 157–197.
Book Reviews
The First Counterspy: Larry Haas, Bell Aircraft, and the FBI’s Attempt to Capture a Soviet Mole by Kay Haas and Walter W. Pickut
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 215–217.
FREEZE! The Grassroots Movement to Halt the Arms Race and End the Cold War by Henry Richard Maar III
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 217–218.
Fighting for Time: Rhodesia’s Military and Zimbabwe’s Independence by Charles D. Melson
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 218–220.
The Ends of Modernization: Nicaragua and the United States in the Cold War Era by David Johnson Lee
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 221–223.
Scars of War: The Politics of Paternity and Responsibility for the Amerasians of Vietnam by Sabrina Thomas
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 226–228.
Guns, Guerrillas, and the Great Leader: North Korea and the Third World by Benjamin R. Young
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 229–231.
Cold War Frequencies: CIA Clandestine Radio Broadcasting to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe by Richard H. Cummings
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 231–233.
The War of Nerves: Inside the Cold War Mind by Martin Sixsmith
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 233–236.
The Essential Writings of Vannevar Bush edited by G. Pascal Zachary
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 236–238.
The Sino-Soviet Alliance: An International History by Austin Jersild
Journal of Cold War Studies (2022) 24 (4): 238–241.
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