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A. Tirado-Fabregat
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (2018) 49 (1): 1–8.
Published: 01 June 2018
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The contributions to this special issue share important themes and methodologies in their quest to explicate economic development and its effects. Nonetheless, each area under examination has its own peculiarities and warrants its own scope of analysis. The result is a special issue that pursues an innovative line of research, exploring parallels and contrasts in economic growth and inequality based on new data at the regional, rather than simply the national, level.
Journal Articles
Alfonso Díez-Minguela, Julio Martinez-Galarraga, M.
Teresa Sanchis-Llopis, Daniel
A. Tirado-Fabregat
Publisher: Journals Gateway
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History (2018) 49 (1): 93–116.
Published: 01 June 2018
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Regional income inequality in Latin Europe (France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal) showed a distinctive pattern between 1870 and 1950. Data about population on a decadal basis and Gross Domestic Product ( gdp ) for 171 regions (84 French départements , 22 Italian regioni , 18 Portuguese distritos , and 49 Spanish provincias ) shows that regional inequality increased from 1870 to 1910 but gradually flattened out thereafter until 1950. Current regional disparities in per-capita income throughout Latin Europe are essentially the result of a long-term evolution that traces back to the origins of modern economic growth. Moreover, this study shows the emergence of the core–periphery pattern that characterizes much of Latin Europe today.