For a simple RT task, movement complexity increases RT and also corticospinal excitability, as measured by the motor evoked potential (MEP) elicited by TMS of the motor cortex. However, it is unknown if complexity-related increases in corticospinal excitability during the preparation of movement are mediated at the cortical or spinal level. The purposes of this study were to establish a time course of motoneuronal excitability before prime mover activation and to assess task-dependent effects of complex movements on motoneuronal and cortical excitability in a simple RT paradigm. It was hypothesized that motoneuronal and cortical excitability would increase before prime mover activation and in response to movement complexity. In a seated position, participants completed ballistic elbow extension/flexion movements with their dominant arm to one, two, or three targets. TMS and transmastoid stimulation (TS) were delivered at 0%, 70%, 80% or 90% of mean premotor RT for each complexity level. Stimulus intensities were set to elicit MEPs and cervicomedullary MEPs (CMEPs) of ∼10% of the maximal M-wave in the triceps brachii. Compared with 0% RT, motoneuronal excitability (CMEP amplitude) was already 10% greater at 70% RT. CMEP amplitude also increased with movement complexity as both the two- and three-movement conditions had greater motoneuronal excitability than the one-movement condition (p < .038). Importantly, when normalized to the CMEP, there was no increase in MEP amplitude. This suggests that complexity-related increases in corticospinal excitability are likely to be mediated more by increased excitability at a motoneuronal than cortical level.