Emotional information prioritizes human behavior. How much emotions influence ongoing behavior critically depends on the extent of executive control functions in a given context. One form of executive control is based on stimulus–stop associations (i.e., habitual inhibition) that rapidly and effortlessly elicits control over the interruption of ongoing behavior. So far, no behavioral accounts have explored the emotional impact on habitual inhibition. We aimed to examine the emotional modulation on habitual inhibition and associated psycho-physiological changes. A go/no-go association task asked participants to learn stimulus–stop and stimulus–response associations during 10-day training to form habitual inhibition (without emotional interference). Probabilistic feedback guided learning with varying probabilities of congruent feedback, generating stronger versus weaker pairings. A reversal test measured habitual inhibition strength counteracted by emotional cues (high-arousal positive and negative stimuli compared with neutral ones). Our training protocol induced stable behavioral and psycho-physiological responses compatible with habitual behavior. At reversal, habitual inhibition was evident as marked by significant speed costs of reversed no-go trials for strongly associated stimuli. Positive and negative emotional cues produced larger impact on habitual inhibition. We report first evidence on a cognitive control mechanism that is vulnerable to emotional stimuli and suggest alternative explanations on how emotions may boost or counteract certain behavioral abnormalities mediated by habitual inhibition.

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