Working memory (WM) is the cognitive ability to store and manipulate information necessary for ongoing tasks. Although frontoparietal areas are involved in the retention of visually presented information, oscillatory neural activity differs for temporal and spatial WM processing. In this study, we corroborated previous findings describing the modulation of neural oscillations and expanded our investigation to the network organization underlying the cognitive processing of temporal and spatial information. We utilized MEG recordings during a Sternberg visual WM task. The spectral oscillatory activity in the maintenance phase revealed increased frontal theta (4–8 Hz) and parietal beta (13–30 Hz) in the temporal condition. Source level coherence analysis delineated the prominent role of parietal areas in all frequency bands during the maintenance of temporal information, whereas frontal and central areas showed major contributions in theta and beta ranges during the maintenance of spatial information. Our study revealed distinct spectral profiles of neural oscillations for separate cognitive subdomains of WM processing. The delineation of specific functional networks might have important implications for clinical applications, enabling the development of stimulation protocols targeting cognitive disabilities associated with WM impairments.

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