The human visual system is equipped to rapidly and implicitly learn and exploit the statistical regularities in our environment. Within visual search, contextual cueing demonstrates how implicit knowledge of scenes can improve search performance. This is commonly interpreted as spatial context in the scenes becoming predictive of the target location, which leads to a more efficient guidance of attention during search. However, what drives this enhanced guidance is unknown. First, it is under debate whether the entire scene (global context) or more local context drives this phenomenon. Second, it is unclear how exactly improved attentional guidance is enabled by target enhancement and distractor suppression. In the present magnetoencephalography experiment, we leveraged rapid invisible frequency tagging to answer these two outstanding questions. We found that the improved performance when searching implicitly familiar scenes was accompanied by a stronger neural representation of the target stimulus, at the cost specifically of those distractors directly surrounding the target. Crucially, this biasing of local attentional competition was behaviorally relevant when searching familiar scenes. Taken together, we conclude that implicitly learned spatial predictive context improves how we search our environment by sharpening the attentional field.

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