In everyday life, we frequently engage in ‘hybrid’ visual and memory search, where we look for multiple items stored in memory (e.g., a mental shopping list) in our visual environment. Across three experiments, we used event-related potentials to better understand the contributions of visual working memory (VWM) and long-term memory (LTM) during the memory search component of hybrid search. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that the FN400 (an index of LTM recognition) and the CDA (an index of VWM load) increased with memory set size (target load), suggesting that both VWM and LTM are involved in memory search, even when target load exceeds capacity limitations of VWM. In Experiment 3, we used these electrophysiological indices to test how categorical similarity of targets and distractors affects memory search. The CDA and FN400 were modulated by memory set size only if items resembled targets. This suggests that dissimilar distractor items can be rejected before eliciting a memory search. Together, our findings demonstrate the interplay of VWM and LTM processes during memory search for multiple targets.

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