Emerging evidence suggests that inhibitory control (IC) plays a pivotal role in science and maths counterintuitive reasoning by suppressing incorrect intuitive concepts, allowing correct counterintuitive concepts to come to mind. Neuroimaging studies have shown greater activation in the ventrolateral and dorsolateral pFCs when adults and adolescents reason about counterintuitive concepts, which has been interpreted as reflecting IC recruitment. However, the extent to which neural systems underlying IC support science and maths reasoning remains unexplored in children. This developmental stage is of particular importance, as many crucial counterintuitive concepts are learned in formal education in middle childhood. To address this gap, fMRI data were collected while fifty-six 7- to 10-year-olds completed counterintuitive science and math problems, plus IC tasks of interference control (Animal Size Stroop) and response inhibition (go/no-go). Univariate analysis showed large regional overlap in activation between counterintuitive reasoning and interference control, with more limited activation observed in the response inhibition task. Multivariate similarity analysis, which explores fine-scale patterns of activation across voxels, revealed neural activation similarities between (i) science and maths counterintuitive reasoning and interference control tasks in frontal, parietal, and temporal regions, and (ii) maths reasoning and response inhibition tasks in the precuneus/superior parietal lobule. Extending previous research in adults and adolescents, this evidence is consistent with the proposal that IC, specifically interference control, supports children's science and maths counterintuitive reasoning, although further research will be needed to demonstrate the similarities observed do not reflect more general multidemand processes.