In reinforcement learning (RL) experiments, participants learn to make rewarding choices in response to different stimuli; RL models use outcomes to estimate stimulus–response values that change incrementally. RL models consider any response type indiscriminately, ranging from more concretely defined motor choices (pressing a key with the index finger), to more general choices that can be executed in a number of ways (selecting dinner at the restaurant). However, does the learning process vary as a function of the choice type? In Experiment 1, we show that it does: Participants were slower and less accurate in learning correct choices of a general format compared with learning more concrete motor actions. Using computational modeling, we show that two mechanisms contribute to this. First, there was evidence of irrelevant credit assignment: The values of motor actions interfered with the values of other choice dimensions, resulting in more incorrect choices when the correct response was not defined by a single motor action; second, information integration for relevant general choices was slower. In Experiment 2, we replicated and further extended the findings from Experiment 1 by showing that slowed learning was attributable to weaker working memory use, rather than slowed RL. In both experiments, we ruled out the explanation that the difference in performance between two condition types was driven by difficulty/different levels of complexity. We conclude that defining a more abstract choice space used by multiple learning systems for credit assignment recruits executive resources, limiting how much such processes then contribute to fast learning.

The ability to learn rewarding choices from nonrewarding ones lies at the core of successful goal-directed behavior. However, what counts as a choice? When a child tries a pink yogurt in the left cup and a white yogurt in the right cup, and then prefers the right cup, what choice should they credit this rewarding outcome to? In their next decision, should they repeat their previously rewarding reach to the yogurt on the right, independently of its color, or should they figure out where the white yogurt is before reaching for it? Selecting the type of yogurt is a more abstract choice: It requires subsequently paying attention to the other dimension (Where is the white yogurt?) and applying the appropriate motor program to execute the choice. Thus, making the more abstract choice additionally involves less abstract choices, but in this case, only the abstract choice should be credited for the yogurt's tastiness. Knowing the relevant dimension of choice to assign credit to is essential when learning. How does choice type impact how we learn?

The theoretical framework of reinforcement learning (RL) is highly successful for studying reward-based learning and credit assignment (Sutton & Barto, 2018). However, RL as a computational model of cognition typically assumes a given action space defined by the modeler, which provides the relevant dimensions of the choice space (i.e., either the yogurt color or the cup position)—there is no ambiguity in what choices are (i.e., color such as pink/white, or side such as left/right), and the nature of the choice space does not matter (Rmus, McDougle, & Collins, 2021). As such, RL experiments in psychology tend to not consider the type of choices (a single motor action such as pressing a key with the index finger; Collins, Ciullo, Frank, & Badre, 2017; Tai, Lee, Benavidez, Bonci, & Wilbrecht, 2012), or the more general selection of a goal stimulus that is not tied to a specific motor action (Daw, Gershman, Seymour, Dayan, & Dolan, 2011; Foerde & Shohamy, 2011; Frank, Moustafa, Haughey, Curran, & Hutchison, 2007) as important, and researchers use the same models and generalize findings across choice types. Recent research has shed some light on how participants might identify relevant dimensions of the state and choice space (Niv, 2019; Farashahi, Rowe, Aslami, Lee, & Soltani, 2017); however, this research does not address how learning occurs when the learner knows the relevant choice space but multiple dimensions of choice are nonetheless available, such as in our yogurt example.

Examining learning of responses when multiple-choice dimensions may be relevant is important, however, as most of our choices in everyday life are ambiguous: Did I pick the white yogurt or the one of the left? In some cases, these dimensions are hierarchically interdependent: Choices can be represented at multiple levels of abstraction (e.g., have breakfast; have yogurt; have pink yogurt; have the yogurt on the right; reach for the yogurt on the right side). In such cases, a choice along a relevant dimension (yogurt color) requires a subsequent choice on a reward-irrelevant dimension (position/motor action), which then needs to be considered for the choice's execution, but not credited during learning. By contrast, in other cases, some choice dimensions may neither be relevant for learning nor for executing the choice—for example, the child should learn to fully ignore the color of the plate that the yogurt is on for both their choice and their credit assignment.

Different types of choices may recruit different cognitive/neural mechanisms (Rescorla & Solomon, 1967). For example, previous animal models of decision-making suggest that the orbitofrontal cortex and the anterior cingulate cortex index choice outcomes for goal stimulus choices and motor action choices, respectively (Luk & Wallis, 2013). Ventral striatum lesions in monkeys impaired learning to choose between rewarding stimuli, but not between rewarding motor actions (Rothenhoefer et al., 2017). In humans, recent behavioral evidence suggests that the credit assignment process is what differentiates learning more relevant choice dimensions from less relevant (here motor) ones (McDougle et al., 2016), and that there might be a hierarchical gradation of choices in terms of credit assignment. In particular, while people are capable of learning the value of both abstract rule choices and concrete action choices in parallel (Eckstein, Starr, & Bunge, 2019; Ballard, Miller, Piantadosi, Goodman, & McClure, 2018), they also seem to assign credit to more concrete actions by default when making abstract choices that need to be realized through motor actions (Shahar et al., 2019).

The brain relies on multiple neurocognitive systems for decision-making, but whether choice format impacts learning similarly across systems remains unexplored. Specifically, although RL models provide a useful formalism of learning, they do not easily relate to underlying processes. Indeed, RL models are known to summarize multiple processes that jointly contribute to learning (Eckstein, Wilbrecht, & Collins, 2021), such as the brain's RL mechanism, but also episodic memory (Vikbladh et al., 2019; Bornstein, Khaw, Shohamy, & Daw, 2017; Bornstein & Daw, 2013; Wimmer & Shohamy, 2012; Poldrack et al., 2001), or executive functions (EFs; Rmus et al., 2021; Collins & Frank, 2012). Here, we focus on working memory (WM), which has also been shown to contribute to learning alongside RL (Collins & Frank, 2012, 2018; Collins et al., 2017). If choice type matters for learning, does it matter equally for each cognitive system that contributes to learning, or differently so?

In summary, there is a twofold gap in our understanding of how choice format impacts learning. First, when multiple-choice dimensions are available but only one is relevant, does the type of the relevant choice dimension impact learning, and if so, through what computational mechanisms? We consider, in particular, the important case where one relevant choice dimension needs to be executed through a second, irrelevant choice dimension (a motor action), and how this contrasts to learning when one dimension is fully irrelevant to both choice and learning. Second, are the differences rooted in the brain's RL system, WM, or both? To address this gap, we designed a task that directly compares learning to make choices along two orthogonal dimensions, with different levels of generality or interdependence, when there is no ambiguity about which choices are relevant to the learning problem. In our task, one choice dimension is a spatial position that directly maps onto a consistent motor action, and the other is a more general choice dimension, conceptualized as the selection of stimulus goals that constrain a downstream selection of an overall irrelevant spatial position and corresponding motor action. In a second experiment, we manipulated learning load to separately identify WM and RL contributions to learning, and investigated with computational modeling how choice matters in both systems.

Our results across two experiments suggest that choice type strongly impacted learning, resulting in slower learning when the relevant choice dimension was more general and required execution along another dimension. This was in part driven by an incorrect, asymmetric credit assignment to less general choices when they were irrelevant. Furthermore, WM (rather than RL) mechanisms seemed to drive the deficits in performance in the more general choice format condition, indicating that defining a more general action space, shared by multiple-choice systems, recruited limited executive resources. In both experiments, we ruled out the simple explanation that the performance difference was driven by an effect of difficulty by 1) implementing experimental controls that minimize this concern and 2) ruling out predictions of a pure difficulty effect in analyses and modeling.


Experiment 1

Our sample for Experiment 1 consisted of 82 participants (40 women, age mean = 20.5 years, SD = 1.93 years, age range = 18–30 years) recruited from the University of California, Berkeley, Psychology Department's Research Participation Program. We based our sample size on samples from previous similar behavioral experiments (Collins, 2018: 91 participants; Collins, Brown, Gold, Waltz, & Frank, 2014: 85 participants; Collins & Frank, 2012: 78 participants). In accordance with the University of California, Berkeley, institutional review board policy, participants provided written informed consent before taking part in the study. They received course credit for their participation. To ensure that the participants included in analyses were engaged with the task, we set up an exclusion criterion of or greater average accuracy across all task conditions. This cutoff was determined based on an elbow point in the group's overall accuracy in the task (Figure 12). We excluded 20 participants based on this criterion, resulting in a total sample of 62 participants for the reported analyses.

Experiment 2

For the second experiment, we recruited 75 participants (54 women, 1 preferred not to answer; age mean = 20.34 years, SD = 2.4 years, age range = 18–34 years) from the University of California, Berkeley, Research Participation Program. One of the prerequisites for participating in Experiment 2 was that participants had not previously taken part in Experiment 1. We also relied on previous research to decide on the sample size, as in Experiment 1. Participants completed the experiment online (De Leeuw, 2015) and received course credit for their participation. Using the same exclusion criteria as the previous experiment (based on the distribution of average accuracy), we excluded 18 participants, resulting in the total sample of 57 participants.

Experimental Protocol

Experiment 1

Learning blocks.

Participants were instructed that they would be playing a card sorting game, and that on each trial, they would sort a card into one of three boxes. Their goal was to use reward feedback to learn which box to sort each card into. The boxes were labeled with three different colors (green, blue, and red), and participants chose one of the boxes by pressing one of three contiguous keyboard keys (corresponding to the box position) with their index, middle, and ring finger. Importantly, the color of the boxes changed positions on different trials (i.e., the blue box could appear on the right side on trial n, and in the middle on trial n + 1). Participants received deterministic feedback after each selection (+1 if they selected the correct box for the current card, 0 otherwise).

Before the experiment, participants read detailed instructions and practiced each task condition. The task then consisted of eight blocks, divided into three conditions. Each of the three conditions was defined by its distinct sorting rule. In the label condition, the correct box for a given card was defined deterministically by the box's color label (Figure 1A). For instance, if the blue box was the correct choice for a given card, participants were always supposed to select the blue box in response to that card, regardless of which key mapped onto the blue box on a given trial. In the position condition, the correct box was defined deterministically by the box's position (left/middle/right). For example, the correct response of a given card would always be achieved by pressing the leftmost key with the index finger, regardless of the box color occupying the left position (Figure 1B). The sorting rule in the position control condition was identical to the sorting rule in the position condition, but the boxes were not tagged with color labels. This condition allowed us to assess participants' baseline performance when only one response type (e.g., position, but not the label) was available. Importantly, participants were explicitly told the sorting rule (position or label) at the beginning of each block, to avoid any performance variability that may arise as a function of rule inference and uncertainty. Following the eight learning blocks, participants performed two additional tasks; these are not the focus of the current article and are not analyzed here.

Figure 1.

Experiment design. (A) Participants played a card-sorting game with three different conditions: label (learning which box color is correct for each card – more general choice), position (learning which motor action/position is correct for each card – less general choice), control (identical sorting rules as position condition, but without labeled boxes). (B) We assumed that participants track card-dependent reward history for both positions and labels, and that both of these contribute to the choice selection process, sometimes resulting in interference errors. Note that the card-dependent reward history is cumulative (tracked across all past trials during which the given card was presented, rather than only one-trial back), but for simplicity of illustration, we only show 1-back trial in (B).

Figure 1.

Experiment design. (A) Participants played a card-sorting game with three different conditions: label (learning which box color is correct for each card – more general choice), position (learning which motor action/position is correct for each card – less general choice), control (identical sorting rules as position condition, but without labeled boxes). (B) We assumed that participants track card-dependent reward history for both positions and labels, and that both of these contribute to the choice selection process, sometimes resulting in interference errors. Note that the card-dependent reward history is cumulative (tracked across all past trials during which the given card was presented, rather than only one-trial back), but for simplicity of illustration, we only show 1-back trial in (B).

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Out of eight blocks in total, two were control condition blocks, three were position conditions, and three were label conditions. Block order was pseudorandomized: Participants completed a control block first and last, whereas the conditions of Blocks 2–7 were randomly chosen within participants, but counterbalanced across participants. In each block, participants learned how to sort six different cards; we used a different set of images to represent cards in each block. The boxes were labeled with the same three colors across all blocks, except the position control blocks, where the boxes were not labeled. Participants experienced 15 repetitions of each card, resulting in 90 trials per block; trial order was pseudorandomized to ensure a uniform distribution of delays between repetitions of the same card in a block. We controlled for the card-dependent position–label combinations across trials. Specifically, each label occurred in each position an equal number of times (i.e., the blue label occurred 5 times on the left, right, and middle box for each card). We also ensured that the position–label combinations were evenly distributed across the task (i.e., the blue–middle combination did not occur only during the first quarter of block trials).

Single trial structure.

On each trial, participants first saw the three boxes with their color labels underneath a fixation cross at the center of the screen. After 1 sec, the card appeared in the center of the screen, replacing the fixation cross. Participants were allowed to press a key only when the card appeared, with a 1-sec deadline. Following their response, participants received feedback (+1 or 0) that remained on the screen for 1 sec, followed by a 1-sec intertrial interval (fixation cross). This trial structure was designed to mitigate the concern that condition-based differences in performance might stem from the label condition being more difficult, by giving participants time to identify where each color label was positioned. This minimizes a potential advantage of the position condition, where participants did not need to know where colors were on a trial-by-trial basis to make a correct response. Giving participants time to identify where each color is positioned before card presentation decreases the difference between the conditions in terms of difficulty, making this confound less likely.

We designed the label and position conditions to engage choice processes with different degrees of generality. The position condition should capture the less general choice process in which the rewarding response is defined by a single motor action, and the label is irrelevant to both choice and learning. The label condition, on the other hand, captures a more general choice process in which the rewarding response (i.e., choice of the correct label) can be made by identifying one of three positions and executing any of the three motor actions, depending on where the correct box label is positioned on the given trial, such that the other dimension (position) remains irrelevant for learning but becomes relevant for choice.

Experiment 2

The task design for Experiment 2 was the same as the task design for Experiment 1, with one important exception—we varied the number of cards per block between 2 and 5, for both position and label conditions. This manipulation has previously been shown to enable computational modeling to disentangle WM and RL processes (Collins & Frank, 2012).The order of blocks was counterbalanced across participants; they completed either label or position blocks first, with the order of set sizes randomized for the first completed condition, and then repeated for the second. In addition, we removed the control condition, given that we previously observed no difference between position and control. Participants completed four blocks of position and label each, where each block within each condition had a different set size.


Model-independent Analyses

In addition to general diagnostics and standard statistical analyses (see Results), we sought to analyze participants' choices and RTs as a function of how often each motor action and each label had been rewarded for each card. Specifically, we computed card-dependent cumulative reward history (CRH) for both positions P and labels L on each trial for a card C, in each condition:
where rk is the outcome at trial k in the block, and 1 is the indicator function that takes a value of 1 if the card and position/label match C and P/L, and 0 otherwise. We used this metric to analyze how the integration of two value sources shaped choices when choice format was less/more general. In particular, in the example of the position condition, the position CRH for a card and its associated correct position indicated the past number of correct choices, whereas the CRH for other positions was 0. By contrast, in the same position condition, the label CRH for a card reflected how often each label had been rewarded because of this label being in the correct position. All label CRH values in the position condition were expected to be close to each other because label positions were counterbalanced, but slight differences because of past choice randomness could be predictive of biases in future choices. The opposite was true in the label condition.

To analyze how the value integration for each type of choice shaped decisions, we focused on the error trials and computed the proportion of errors driven by the other irrelevant choice dimension. We reasoned that if participants were randomly lapsing, any of the two possible errors should be equally likely. However, if participants experienced value interference, they should be more likely to select the error with the higher CRH in the irrelevant dimension. In the label condition, such an interference error would look like selecting the position/motor action that was rewarded on the previous trial, although the correct label had switched positions since (Figure 1B). In the position condition, an interference error would occur when participants selected the previously rewarded label that had switched positions, instead of the label currently corresponding to the position/motor action that is always correct for the given card (Figure 1B).

We ran a trial-by-trial analysis using a mixed-effects general linear model to characterize choices. We used trial-by-trial reward history difference (RHD) = CRH(chosen) − mean(CRH(unchosen)) between chosen and unchosen boxes, for both positions and labels, and tested whether this discrepancy modulated accuracy and RTs. If participants implemented an optimal decision strategy, their accuracy and RTs should increase and decrease, respectively, with an increased RHD in the relevant choice dimension (i.e., label RHD in label condition, position RHD in position condition). Alternatively, contribution by the irrelevant dimension RHD (i.e., position RHD in label condition or vice versa) would serve as evidence of value interference. Our mixed-effects models had the following general structure:
where pRHD is RHD based on position reward history and lRHD is RHD based on label reward history. Performance can refer to either accuracy (coded as correct/incorrect) or RTs.
In the analysis of Experiment 2 data, we also ran mixed-effects models including predictors that indexed WM mechanisms (set size and delay between presentations of the current stimulus and the most recently rewarded stimulus, which, respectively, correspond to indexing capacity and susceptibility to decay properties of WM) and RL effects (dimension-relevant, card-dependent reward history, calculated from the cumulative number of earned points for each card, indexing reward-based learning):
where RL corresponds to RL factors such as reward history, and WM corresponds to WM factors such as decay and set size. Note that this is a general structure to demonstrate how we structured the mixed-effects model, but set size and decay were entered as separate predictors.

In other words, we explored the effects of interest on a group level, as well as how the estimates of these effects vary across individual participants. We included a predictor for trial number in this model, to ensure that reduction in RTs is not simply conflated with practice effects/task progression. In addition, we added block number as one of the regressors, to capture overall improvement in performance across the task.

Computational Modeling


To computationally quantify the differences in learning processes between the motor choice/general choice conditions, we used a set of hybrid RL and WM models. Our baseline assumption was that, in the RL process, participants track and update two independent sets of stimulus-action value tables, corresponding to the two possible choice spaces: a card-position value table and a card-label value table. We also assumed that the choice policy may reflect a mixture of both the relevant and the irrelevant value tables, potentially leading to interference errors when the value of irrelevant choice dimension (position/label) contributes to the choice process (Figure 2A). In addition to the RL module, a WM module allows us to capture the contribution of WM to performance. The WM memory module learns fast, but is sensitive to short-term forgetting and cognitive load, and is thus particularly identifiable in the second experiment where the set size varies between 2 and 5 (Collins, 2018; Collins & Frank, 2012, 2018). WM also potentially tracks associations between cards and two choice types, and like RL, its policy may reflect a mixture of both relevant and irrelevant associations. We investigated a range of models to pinpoint the computational mechanisms of divergence between the learning processes in the two conditions, by varying the extent to which the models allowed for condition-dependent specificity/model-parameters.

Figure 2.

(A) In Experiment 1, we used RL model variants, which assume incremental, feedback-driven learning. In Experiment 2, we combined RL and WM modules, under the assumption that learning is a weighted interaction between RL and WM systems. (B) The extent to which participants relied on WM was determined by the WM weight parameter (ω), proportional to participants' WM capacity (K), and inversely proportional to set size.

Figure 2.

(A) In Experiment 1, we used RL model variants, which assume incremental, feedback-driven learning. In Experiment 2, we combined RL and WM modules, under the assumption that learning is a weighted interaction between RL and WM systems. (B) The extent to which participants relied on WM was determined by the WM weight parameter (ω), proportional to participants' WM capacity (K), and inversely proportional to set size.

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RL Rule

The RL module assumes incremental learning through a simple delta rule (Sutton & Barto, 2018). Specifically, on each trial t, the values of labels QL(c, l) and positions QP(c, p) for the trial's card c and chosen labels and positions l and p are updated in proportion to the reward prediction error:
where α is the learning rate and r = 0/1 is the outcome for incorrect and correct trials. Q-tables are initialized at 1/3 (3 = total number of positions/labels) at the start of each block to reflect initial reward expectation in the absence of information about new cards.

WM Learning Rule

Unlike RL, WM processes can encode and retain the previous trial's information perfectly, thus enabling one-shot learning. Note that other cognitive processes (such as episodic memory) could also support one-shot learning and contribute to learning behavior in this experiment; however, here, we focus on RL and WM processes only, as our protocol does not allow us to disentangle other contributions (Yoo & Collins, 2022). Following previous works (Collins, 2018; Collins et al., 2014; Collins & Frank, 2012), we model the one-shot learning in WM by storing the immediate outcome as the stimulus–response weight:
Prior work in similar tasks (Katahira, 2018; Gershman, 2015; Niv, Edlund, Dayan, & O'Doherty, 2012; Frank et al., 2007) has shown an asymmetry in learning based on positive/negative feedback, such that individuals are less likely to integrate negative feedback while learning rewarding responses. Thus, we included a learning bias (LB) parameter (0 ≤ LB ≤ 1), which scales the learning rate α by LB when participants observe the negative feedback. We applied LB to both RL and WM (for both position and label dimensions, showing only an example for position here):
To capture the phenomenon that maintenance of information in WM is short term and subject to interference, the weights stored in WM are susceptible to decay (ϕ) at each trial, which pulls all position and label weights to their initial values (WP0, WL0) following the application of the WM forgetting rule (5):

Whereas information stored in WM decays over time, reflecting the well-documented short time-scale of WM maintenance, RL is assumed to be a more robust system that is less susceptible to forgetting. Therefore, it is theoretically less justified to include a decay mechanism for Q-values. Nevertheless, for completeness, we fit the version of the model with a separate decay process in the RL module as well and confirmed that it does not improve the model fit. Thus, in further implementations of the RL-WM model, we limited decay implementation to the WM module only.


We used the softmax function to transform WM weights and RL Q-values into choice probabilities to produce position choice policies PRLP and PWMP:
We applied the same softmax transformation to the label Q- and W-tables to obtain the label and choice policies PRLP and PWMP. This policy permits the selection of choices with higher Q-values/weights with higher probability. The softmax β is the inverse temperature parameter, which controls how deterministic the choice process is. For each module, the overall choice policy is a mixture of both policies, determined by mixture parameters, ρ:
We apply the same mixture process with mixture weight ρL for the label dimension blocks:
The RL-WM model posits that choice comes from a weighted mixture of RL and WM, where one's reliance on WM is determined by the WM weight (ω) parameter:
where ω reflects the likelihood of an item being stored in WM and is proportional to the ratio of capacity parameter (K) and block set size (or number of stimuli; ns), scaled by the baseline propensity to rely on WM (ω0; Figure 2):
We further modified the policy to parameterize additional processes. For instance, individuals often make value-independent, random lapses in choice while doing the task. To capture this property of behavior, we derived a secondary policy by adding a random noise parameter in choice selection (Nassar & Frank, 2016):
where nA is the total number of possible actions and 1/nA is the uniform random policy and is the noise parameter capturing the degree of random lapses.

We fit the different configurations of the full RL-WM model to the data from Experiment 2, where we varied set size, which permitted us to modulate WM involvement. Note that previous research with experiments including multiple set sizes has shown that single process models (such as RL with decay or interference) are insufficient to capture set-size effects; indeed, these processes can be decomposed into both pure cognitive load and increased forgetting with longer delays between stimuli across set sizes. Thus, in Experiment 2, we do not consider RL-only models.

In the absence of a set-size manipulation, it is not possible to separately identify the WM module from the RL module. Thus, in the first experiment, where set size is fixed, we only consider the RL module as approximating the joint contributions of both, and do not include a WM module. Because the RL module summarizes both RL and WM contributions, we add to it a short-term forgetting feature of the RL-WM's WM module: Specifically, we implemented decay in Q-values for all cards and all choices at each trial:
whereas in the RL-WM model, the forgetting parameter is limited to the WM module only. The list of baseline parameters for RL-WM model (Experiment 2) includes learning rate (α), inverse temperature (β), lapse (ε), LB, decay (ϕ), capacity (K), WM weight (ω), and value mixture (ρ). The baseline RL model (Experiment 1) include learning rate (α), inverse temperature (β), lapse (ε), LB, decay (ϕ), and value mixture (ρ). We explored different model variants by making different parameters fixed/varied across conditions. In the RL-WM (Experiment 2) model, the parameters did not vary as a function of set size (i.e., same label/position parameter values for all set sizes).

Model Fitting and Comparison

Fitting procedure.

In both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 modeling, we used maximum likelihood estimation to fit participants' individual parameters to their full sequence of choices. All parameters were bound between 0 and 1, with the exception of the β parameter, which was fixed to 100 (found to improve parameter identifiability here and in previous similar tasks; Master et al., 2020), and the capacity parameter (K) of Experiment 2 models, which could take on one of the discrete values between 2 and 5. To find the best fitting parameters, we used 20 random starting points with MATLAB's fmincon optimization function (Wilson & Collins, 2019).

Model validation.

To validate whether our models could indeed capture the behavioral properties we set out to model, we simulated performance from the best parameter estimates for each participant 100 times per participant. We then compared whether the model predictions from the simulated data captured the patterns we observed in the actual data set.

These simulations also allowed us to ensure that our fitting procedure could adequately recover parameters in our experimental context, by fitting the model to the simulated data and evaluating the match between the true simulation parameters and recovered parameters fit on simulated data.

Model comparison.

Exploring the full model space would lead to a combinatorial explosion of models, given the possible variations along all parameters. Thus, to explore the model space, we took a systematic approach by starting with the most complex model (all parameters varied across conditions), and gradually decreasing model complexity, while also monitoring the goodness of model fit. Specifically, we reduced the model complexity only if we found that removing a parameter improved the model fit. We chose this approach to conduct model comparison systematically, testing out plausible parameter configurations with varying complexity. We compared the models using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC; Wagenmakers & Farrell, 2004), which evaluates model fit using likelihood values and applies a complexity penalty based on the number of parameters. To ensure that our models were identifiable with AIC, we computed a confusion matrix (Wilson & Collins, 2019) by creating synthetic data sets from each model, fitting each model to the simulated data sets, and performing AIC-based comparison where the ground truth was known. This confirmed that AIC was adequately penalizing for model complexity in our situation.

Experiment 1: Behavioral Results

We first asked whether participants learned differently across experimental conditions. Learning curves show that participants learned well in all conditions, as their accuracy increased with more exposure to each card (Figure 3A). A repeated-measures one-way ANOVA confirmed that there was a main effect of Condition (label/position/control) on performance, F(2, 61) = 97.7, p < .001, η2 = .62. We next tested which specific conditions contributed to this significant difference and found a marginal difference between control and position conditions; however, this difference did not reach statistical significance (paired t test: t(61) = 1.61, p = .11, Cohen's d = 0.20). This result suggests that the additional choice feature (the labels) in the position condition did not have a strong impact on the choice process. Performance in the label condition, however, was significantly lower than that in the position and the control conditions (paired t test: position: t(61) = 11.1, p < .001, Cohen's d = 1.42; control: t(61) = 12.9, p <: 001, Cohen's d = 1.65).

Figure 3.

Experiment 1 model-independent results. (A) Proportion of correct choices as a function of number of previous rewards obtained for a given stimulus. Participants performed worse in the label condition, compared with the position and control conditions. Performance in the position and control conditions did not differ statistically. (B) Asymmetric value interference: The values of motor actions interfered with values of correct labels in the label condition, thus resulting in the interference errors, but not the other way around. (C) Mixed-effects regression model shows that the interference of motor action reward history/values may have resulted in the longer RTs in the label condition. *Indicates statistical significance at p < .05.

Figure 3.

Experiment 1 model-independent results. (A) Proportion of correct choices as a function of number of previous rewards obtained for a given stimulus. Participants performed worse in the label condition, compared with the position and control conditions. Performance in the position and control conditions did not differ statistically. (B) Asymmetric value interference: The values of motor actions interfered with values of correct labels in the label condition, thus resulting in the interference errors, but not the other way around. (C) Mixed-effects regression model shows that the interference of motor action reward history/values may have resulted in the longer RTs in the label condition. *Indicates statistical significance at p < .05.

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We next examined why label condition performance was worse. We hypothesized that choice was not simply noisier in the label condition, but instead that choice might be contaminated by the reward history of irrelevant motor choices. To test this hypothesis, we computed the cumulative card-dependent label/position reward history (see Methods section) and quantified the proportion of error trials in which participants incorrectly chose a box with high reward history of an incorrect feature (Figure 1B). In the position condition, participants did not make more interference errors than expected at chance level (for two possible errors; Figure 3B; t(61) = 0.13, p = .89, Cohen's d = 0.01). This confirms that the presence of labels in the position condition did not impact choice compared with the control condition. By contrast, in the label condition, the proportion of interference errors was significantly higher than chance (Figure 3B; t(61) = 2.54, p = .01, Cohen's d = 0.32). Furthermore, the proportion of interference errors in the label condition was significantly greater than interference errors in the position condition, t(61) = 2.13, p = .03, Cohen's d = 0.27. This result suggests an asymmetry in interference between different choice spaces, in that the values of less general/motor action choices seem to contaminate the more general choice process (but not the other way around). To rule out the possibility that the effect we observed was driven by the block/condition order (i.e., transfer of incorrect strategy from the previous block), we ran a mixed-effects general linear model predicting accuracy with previous versus current block conditions. The result of this analysis showed that participants' performance was affected by the current block condition (p < .001), but not the previous block condition (p = .45), thus ruling out order effects as a possible explanation of our results. In addition, our results were replicated in the second experiment (as reported later), where we removed the control condition altogether, and counterbalanced the remaining condition blocks such that participants could either experience position or label condition blocks first. This further supports the conclusion that the observed results are unlikely to be explained by the order effects.

Next, we performed a trial-by-trial analysis to examine the effect of card/label values on correct trials' RTs. For each condition, we used a mixed-effects linear model to predict log(RT) from the RHD between chosen and unchosen choices (see Methods section), where choice referred to label in one predictor and position in the other. The rationale behind this analysis is that, if participants are engaging in the appropriate decision strategy, then RTs should decrease with the higher RHD in the condition-relevant dimension (label or position), because a higher RHD means greater evidence in favor of the correct response. On the other hand, in the event of interference, we expected participants' RTs to be modulated by the RHD of the incorrect dimension (e.g., position RHD in label condition). We controlled for the trial number in the model.

As predicted, in models for each condition (position condition model f2 = .27; label condition model f2 = .154), participants' RTs decreased with increased respective RHD (Figure 3C; label condition: βlabel = −.04, p < .001, position condition: βposition = −.06, p < .001). Label RHD did not affect the RTs in the position condition (βlabel = −.004, p < .055). Hence, the mixed-effects model aligned with interference errors, confirming that participants' choices were not affected by the presence of an additional feature (the labels) in the position condition. On the other hand, the position RHD surprisingly increased RTs in the label condition (βposition = −.034, p < .001), suggesting that the interference of motor action values with label values may have resulted in the delay of choices (Figure 3C). We compared the subject-level β estimates of the effect of incorrect dimension RHD on RTs in position and label conditions, and found that the incorrect RHD effect was significantly greater in the label condition (paired t test: t(61) = 3.87, p < .001, Cohen's d = 0.49), confirming the asymmetry between conditions that was revealed in previous analyses.

Experiment 1: Modeling Results

We used computational modeling to tease apart the mechanisms driving condition effects. We fit several variants of RL models and focus here on four models that represent the main different theoretical predictions (Figure 4A and Figure 4B). The standard RL model (M1) assumes no difference between the conditions and serves as a baseline that cannot capture the empirical effect of condition. RL model M2 lets learning rates depend on condition and tests the prediction that slower learning with labels is driven by different rates of reward integration. Model M3 extends model M2 with an additional mechanism, parameterized by the value mixture (ρL), that enables the position value to influence policy in the label condition.

Figure 4.

Experiment 1: Modeling results. (A) Model validation comparing the observed data to predictions of tested models; M3 reproduces behavior best. (B) Parameters used in models M1–4 (left); M3 has best group-average AIC. (C) Comparison of condition-dependent learning rates shows that learning rates are correlated, and that label condition learning rates are significantly lower compared with position condition learning rates.

Figure 4.

Experiment 1: Modeling results. (A) Model validation comparing the observed data to predictions of tested models; M3 reproduces behavior best. (B) Parameters used in models M1–4 (left); M3 has best group-average AIC. (C) Comparison of condition-dependent learning rates shows that learning rates are correlated, and that label condition learning rates are significantly lower compared with position condition learning rates.

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Ruling out the difficulty explanation using computational modeling. Model M4, the dual-noise model, is an RL model with a condition-dependent noise parameter (ε). M4 captures the hypothesis that the label condition is more difficult, resulting in a noisier choice process. Models M1–4 all assume ρP = 1, with no influence of labels in position blocks. Other models considered separate decay (ϕ) parameters and a free position condition ρP, but did not improve fit.

Model M3 offered the best quantitative fit to the data, as measured by AIC (Figure 4B). Furthermore, only model M3 was able to qualitatively reproduce patterns of behavior. Specifically, for each of the models, we simulated synthetic data sets with fit parameters and tested whether the model predictions matched the empirical results. We focused on two key data features in our model validation: performance averaged over the stimulus iterations (learning curves) and asymmetrical interference errors. Model validation showed that only the model with two learning rates and one ρ parameter (M3) captured both properties of the data (Figure 4A). These results confirm that the learned value of (irrelevant) motor actions influenced the selection of more general label choices. Furthermore, model comparison results show that slower learning in the label condition was not because of a noisier choice process, but because of a reduced learning rate. Indeed, the position condition was significantly greater than the label condition α (sign test; z = 6.35, p < .001, effect size: .81; Figure 4C). Interestingly, the learning rates in the two conditions were correlated (Spearman ρ = .39, p = .003; Figure 4C), suggesting that the learning process in the two conditions was driven by related underlying mechanisms.

Experiment 2: Behavioral Results

The results of the first experiment suggest that the choice type affects learning. However, given the experimental design, our conclusions could not dissociate whether the difference in RL parameters actually reflected a difference in RL mechanisms or in WM mechanisms. Recent work (Collins, 2018; Collins & Frank, 2018), nevertheless, suggest that RL behavior recruits other learning systems, such as WM. Hence, the variations that may appear to be driven by RL mechanisms might conceal what is actually a WM effect. To address the question of whether the choice definition matters for learning at the level of RL or WM, and whether slowed learning stems from slowed WM or RL, we ran a second experiment. In Experiment 2, we varied the number of cards (set size) to manipulate WM involvement. Furthermore, we fit variants of the RL-WM model to test the contribution of WM mechanisms.

Experiment 2 results replicated findings from Experiment 1, showing that there was a main effect of Condition (Figure 5A; repeated-measures one-way ANOVA, F(1, 56) = 98.95, p < .001, η2 = .63). Furthermore, we replicated the pattern of interference errors, suggesting that the value of position choices interferes with that of label choices, but not the other way around (Figure 5B; t(55) = 2.89, p = .006, Cohen's d = 0.38).

Figure 5.

Experiment 2 results. (A) Participants' overall performance varied by set size (a marker of WM contribution) and was worse in the label condition. (B) The asymmetry in value interference replicated from Experiment 1, showing that values of position choices interfere with values of label choices, but not the opposite. (C) The interference errors did not vary by set size.

Figure 5.

Experiment 2 results. (A) Participants' overall performance varied by set size (a marker of WM contribution) and was worse in the label condition. (B) The asymmetry in value interference replicated from Experiment 1, showing that values of position choices interfere with values of label choices, but not the opposite. (C) The interference errors did not vary by set size.

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We next investigated how set size manipulation affected these results. As predicted, performance decreased with set size in both conditions, position: F(3, 56) = 11:83, p < .001, η2 = .38; label: F(3, 56) = 23.498, p < .001, η2 = .55. There was an interaction between set size and condition, F(3, 56) = 16.21, p < .001, η2 = .46 (Figure 5A). There was a marginal set size effect in interference errors that did not reach significance, F(3, 56) = 2.17, p = .09, η2 = .20 (Figure 5C).

To better understand the source of the set size effect, we ran a general linear mixed-effects model to predict trial-by-trial performance. Our mixed-effects model included predictors indexing WM mechanisms (set size and delay between presentations of the current stimulus and the most recently rewarded stimulus; indexing capacity and susceptibility to decay properties of WM, respectively) and RL effects (dimension-relevant, card-dependent reward history, calculated from the cumulative number of earned points for each card, indexing reward-based learning). We also ran a model that tests for an interaction between individual RL/WM factors and the task condition.

A likelihood ratio test provided evidence in favor of the interaction model over a model without interactions (model without interactions f2 = .42; model with interactions f2 = .43; LR p < .05). The interaction model showed that, as expected, participants' performance increased as a function of reward history (β = .62, p < .001), and decreased as a function of set size (β = −.18, p = .00011). There was no effect of Block (β = .04, p = .58) or Delay (β = −.04, p = .37), suggesting that neither overall task exposure nor delay affected performance over and above reward history and set size. The only significant interaction term was the Condition × Reward History interaction (β = .16, p = .01), suggesting that the reward history more heavily contributed to an increase in performance in the label condition. To understand our results on a more mechanistic level, we turned to computational modeling.

Experiment 2: Modeling Results

The set size manipulation in Experiment 2 enables us to identify distinct contributions of RL and WM (Collins & Frank, 2012) with the full RL-WM model (see Methods section). Briefly, RL-WM disentangles an incremental, value-learning process (RL), as well as a rapid-learning, but decay-sensitive, short-term, memory-based decision process (WM). Choice policy is a weighted mixture of RL and WM (Figure 2A, B), where the weighting is proportional to one's WM capacity. In other words, the model architecture posits that if one's WM capacity is low, one might be more likely to rely on RL than WM, especially when set size (number of items) is high. We first replicated in Experiment 2 that models including only one of those mechanisms could not adequately capture the set size effect, as has been shown before (Collins & Frank, 2012). We then approached model comparison by systematically varying the complexity of the RL-WM model (Figure 2A), to establish whether specificity in RL or WM module parameters (or both) is necessary to capture the divergence between behavioral patterns in the two conditions. Because the RL-WM model assumes the policy for choice generation at the level of both RL and WM, we also tested if integrating irrelevant dimension interference with a mixture parameter in the policy of RL module or WM module (or both) could best capture our data. We were interested in the condition-based dissociation between parameters.

Exploring all possible parameter combinations was computationally prohibitive. Thus, we explored a subset of the most relevant models (see Methods section; in the main text, we focus only on a subset of models). Using AIC comparison, we identified the simplest model that allowed us to capture the properties of the data (M1, Figure 6A). In M1, the WM weight (ω) and ρ parameters were condition-dependent (with free ρ parameter for label condition, and position condition ρ fixed to 1). Capacity (K), learning rate (α), decay (ϕ), LB, and noise (ε) were shared across the two conditions—model comparison showed no benefits to making them independent (Figure 9). We further consider three other variants of this model: no value interference ρ (M2), ρ in RL policy alone (M3), and ρ in WM policy alone (M4; Figure 6A). Last, we consider a control model with condition-dependent ε and α, which would primarily attribute the decline in label condition performance to noise/RL system (M5). Consistent with Experiment 1 results, the AIC comparison revealed that M5 could not capture data well, and that M1 without ρ (M2) fit worse (Figure 6A), providing additional evidence for the necessity of the interference mechanism to capture choice data and, thus, the existence of motor value interference in label blocks. However, the AIC comparison failed to significantly distinguish between the remaining models M1 (ρ in RLWM), M3 (ρ in RL), and M4 (ρ in WM; repeated-measures ANOVA: F(2, 56) = 2.63, p = .07, η2 = .08), although in RL, models fit numerically worse, supporting the idea that we needed to include motor value interference in the WM module to account for the results. Therefore, we henceforth focus on the simplest model, M1 with condition-dependent ω and ρ in RL and WM policy, as this model makes the fewest specific assumptions about RL-WM dissociation between the two conditions. Note that model comparison results were identical (and stronger) when using Bayesian Information Criterion instead of AIC, and that protected exceedance probability supported M1 over other models.

Figure 6.

(A) AIC comparison allowed us to narrow down the space of models. Models with condition-specific WM weight (ω) fit the best (M1–M4). Removing the mixture parameter (ρ) harmed the model fit (M2). A model assuming impairment in RL did not fit as well (M5). See main text for model specifications. (B) Model simulations of the best model M1 captured the behavioral data patterns. (C) Model validation for M1 (ρ) and M2 (no ρ) confirms the necessity of ρ parameter in capturing the interference error patterns. (D) M1 captured interference errors in different set sizes. We note that the numerical dip in set size 3 is not statistically significant. While it is unclear why the model simulations reproduce it, it is possible that it arises from a pattern in the stimulus sequences, which is used by participants and model simulations. (E) Comparison of condition-dependent parameters shows that ω is lower in the label condition.

Figure 6.

(A) AIC comparison allowed us to narrow down the space of models. Models with condition-specific WM weight (ω) fit the best (M1–M4). Removing the mixture parameter (ρ) harmed the model fit (M2). A model assuming impairment in RL did not fit as well (M5). See main text for model specifications. (B) Model simulations of the best model M1 captured the behavioral data patterns. (C) Model validation for M1 (ρ) and M2 (no ρ) confirms the necessity of ρ parameter in capturing the interference error patterns. (D) M1 captured interference errors in different set sizes. We note that the numerical dip in set size 3 is not statistically significant. While it is unclear why the model simulations reproduce it, it is possible that it arises from a pattern in the stimulus sequences, which is used by participants and model simulations. (E) Comparison of condition-dependent parameters shows that ω is lower in the label condition.

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The M1 model adequately captured the data patterns in (1) learning curves (Figure 6B), (2) overall interference errors (Figure 6C), and (3) interference errors by set size (Figure 6D). Furthermore, the WM weight ω was significantly reduced in the label condition compared with the position condition in M1 (Figure 6E).

Overall, the results suggested that the performance decrease in the label condition was driven primarily by deficits in WM, specifically by a smaller WM weight that indexes the set-size-independent contribution of WM to learning. Therefore, the choice type (more/less general) impacted learning, and it seemed to do so by decreasing participants' ability to use WM for learning. However, the value interference appeared to be present in both RL and WM mechanisms.

Humans and animals make many types of choices, at multiple levels of generality, where some choices are dependent on others. We designed a new experimental protocol to investigate whether and how different choice types impact learning. Across two experiments, behavioral analyses and computational modeling confirmed our prediction that the generality of choice type impacts learning, with worse performance for choices that do not map onto a simple motor action. Computational modeling revealed two separable sources of impairment. First, value learning for relevant choices of a more general type was slower, as revealed by smaller learning rates (α) in Experiment 1. Second, choices were contaminated by irrelevant motor action values. Experiment 2 examined whether this dissociation originated in different neurocognitive systems' contributions to learning, namely, RL and/or WM. Our results revealed that the reduction in learning speed for general-format choices stemmed more from WM than the RL process, with WM weight (ω) reduced but RL (α) unchanged, when controlling for WM contributions. However, the interference of low level values appeared to be present in both mechanisms. The selective reduction in WM weight implies that participants' executive resources might be leveraged to define the choice space that is then used by both the RL and WM system; a more generalized choice space requires a higher degree of such computation, thus leaving reduced resources for actual learning.

In both experiments, we found an asymmetry in interference between choice types. When participants learned to make more general choices (selecting a label) that required a subsequent motor action (pressing the key corresponding to the label's location), their choices were influenced by the irrelevant reward history of motor actions. By contrast, when participants learned to make less general choices (the correct response is defined by pressing the same key corresponding to the box location), they were not influenced by the irrelevant reward history of box labels. This result is consistent with a choice hierarchy interpretation, where participants may be unable to turn off credit assignment to irrelevant choice dimensions when the realization of their (abstract) choice does involve this dimension (Eckstein & Collins, 2020), but are able to do so when the irrelevant choice dimensions are more abstract, as shown here.

Although our results imply that participants exhibit a decision bias toward motor actions, we acknowledge that our protocol cannot disambiguate between the motor actions themselves and the corresponding spatial location of the boxes. That is, we cannot confirm whether the participants track the value of specific motor actions (index/middle/ring finger key press) or of the corresponding box positions (left/middle/right). Hence, a competing interpretation of our results would be that spatial positions, rather than motor actions, are prioritized in tracking value, compared with other visual features such as labels. To completely rule out this possibility, we would need to modify the current task with a condition where the motor actions are not aligned with the specific positions, and inspect whether the interference effect persists in such a condition. However, we think this account is less likely than a choice abstraction account, which explains our results more parsimoniously, without requiring a “special status” for a “position” visual feature.

Furthermore, animal research supports this interpretation, as it shows differences in the neural code of choices, which are defined primarily as motor actions versus more abstract choices (Rothenhoefer et al., 2017; Luk & Wallis, 2013). Specifically, these studies have utilized recordings from neurons of animals trained to perform a task that contrasted motor action choices with stimulus goal choices, to identify the neural substrates that differentiate between the two. The results seem to implicate pFC, ACC, OFC, and striatal regions (ventral striatum) as areas that differentiate between how choices with different levels of abstraction are coded in the brain. Therefore, it is likely that it truly is a dissociation between motor actions, rather than positions, and more abstract choices that led to the interference and the effects we observed in our work. Our results have implications for research on hierarchical representations. Specifically, although simple RL algorithms are useful to capture reward-based learning, they are commonly criticized because they fail to capture the flexibility and richness of human learning. Hierarchical reinforcement learning was developed in part to address limitations of standard RL (Xia & Collins, 2021; Collins & Frank, 2013; Botvinick, Niv, & Barto, 2009; Stolle & Precup, 2002). Previous research suggests that the choice space might be hierarchically represented, with the lower level of hierarchy consisting of primitive actions, and the higher level consisting of temporally extended actions (state-dependent, extended policies), also known as options (Stolle & Precup, 2002). Evidence from this research suggests that hierarchical representations are useful for enabling transfer; instead of learning from scratch in the novel context, an agent can leverage higher-level representations to speed up learning (Xia & Collins, 2021). The transfer results also suggest that choices at different levels of hierarchy show an asymmetry in flexibility in novel contexts (lower level choices being less flexible). Our results are consistent with this finding because motor actions seem less flexible and less impacted by competing reward information, providing additional supporting claims for hierarchical representations in choice space.

In addition to this, there is evidence of hierarchical representations at the neural level. In particular, frontal areas (primarily pFC) and BG are also frequently investigated as neural mechanisms that support hierarchical reasoning/learning (Collins & Frank, 2013). Converging insights suggest that the cortico-BG loops support representations of both low-level associations and abstract rules/task sets, giving rise to latent representations that can be used to accelerate learning in novel settings (Xia & Collins, 2021; Eckstein et al., 2019; Collins & Frank, 2013; Stolle & Precup, 2002).

Both experiments implicated overall slowed learning, in addition to value interference, in the worse performance for more general choices. Our first experiment (which allowed us to test RL models only) implicated the learning rate (usually interpreted as a marker of the RL system; Eckstein et al., 2019) as the mechanism driving the difference between conditions with different choice types. However, our second experiment enabled us to test the more holistic hybrid model of RL and WM, and revealed that the impairment in the more general choice condition likely stemmed from the WM system, rather than RL. Previous work has shown that EF, in its different forms (i.e., WM, attention), contributes to RL computations (Niv, 2019; Collins, 2018). The general summary of this work is that high-dimensional environments/tasks pose difficulty to RL; EF then acts as an information compressor, making the information processing more efficient for RL (Rmus et al., 2021). Operating in a more generalized choice space might more heavily rely on the contribution of EF (in this case WM) relative to operating in the less abstract condition. Therefore, resource-limited WM might be leveraged to define the choice space (i.e., relevant features of the choice space, like labels in label condition). As a result, the WM weight included in the WM + RL hybrid model, which indexes the WM contribution to learning, appears to be reduced in the label condition. Our interpretation of this result is that this reduction in WM contribution may indicate that some of participants' limited WM resources are recruited elsewhere, and specifically that it has already been used to define the choice space over which learning and decision making occurs.

Although we conclude that WM is used for defining the choice space, consistent with prior results on EF contributions to RL computations (Todd, Niv, & Cohen, 2008), we do not make any particular assumptions about how the use of choice space is divided between RL and WM once it is defined. We tested different model variations, with the parameter mixing label/position values, to explain value interference at the policy level of RL, WM, or both. If there was clear evidence in favor of the mixture parameter in either the RL or WM policy, it would imply that the policy generation based on choice space is primarily driven by that system. However, our model comparison revealed no evidence that the mixture parameter is specific to either RL or WM, suggesting that the choice space is shared between the two. This will be important to further explore in future research.

A competing interpretation for our findings of slowed learning for more abstract choices is that the label condition required more attention and was more difficult. Although this is true, we took steps to mitigate this potential confound on two levels—task design and modeling. In the task design, we constructed the single trial structure such that participants had a chance to see box labels first, before the onset of the card. By doing this, we aimed to eliminate potential advantages of the position condition, where participants do not need to perform an additional process of identifying the label location before executing the response. Furthermore, our modeling enabled us to validate the effects of our task design. Specifically, in both experiments, we tested the model with condition-dependent noise parameters, which predicts that different noise/difficulty levels are what drive the performance difference in our conditions. This model did not fit the data well (Experiment 1: best model AIC > 2 noise model AIC t(56) = −5.179, p = 3.13e−06, Cohen's d = 0.69; Experiment 2: best model AIC > 2 noise model AIC t(56) = −5.05, p = 4.98e−06, Cohen's d = 0.67), making it unlikely that difficulty-induced lack of attention/motivation could explain our condition effect.

A competing interpretation of our results might be that participants simply did not pay attention to the labels in the position condition, accounting for the observed asymmetry. That is, because the labels are not informative for selecting a correct response in the position condition, participants might simply not be attending to them at all, as opposed to encoding them, with the choice process remaining unaffected by the interfering information from labels. However, we think this competing account is unlikely, for multiple reasons. First, the labels were very salient (colors, and presented before the stimulus); thus, participants would need to actively avoid them to not perceive them. While we have no direct measure of participants' attention to the labels, it is unlikely that they did not process them at all. Second, there is evidence from previous work that participants encode and use information from unattended stimuli, especially when the unattended stimuli might be relevant for the reward structure in the task (Sasaki, Nanez, & Watanabe, 2010; Gutnisky, Hansen, Iliescu, & Dragoi, 2009). Therefore, the labels (even if not strongly attended to in the position condition) would be a part of the input in the choice process that, according to the results, does not strongly impact the choice of the position, which is consistent with our interpretation. We thus consider the more probable interpretation to be that the participants do perceive and attend to the irrelevant labels, but successfully avoid learning their values. However, future work should investigate more directly how much attention participants pay to irrelevant labels.

Another limitation is that our design did not manipulate the degree of value interference between the choice dimensions, because we equally counterbalanced the position of labels. Instead, introducing a systematic bias such that, in a label block, for example, some positions had higher value because of overlapping with correct labels more frequently, would provide an opportunity to induce and measure different magnitudes of interference. This would be an interesting question to explore in the future.

Surprisingly, we found that participants' RTs on correct trials increased as a function of position RHD in the label condition. This implies that when both label and position sorting rules were in agreement on the best choice to make (i.e., the blue box was the correct box and was in the position that had been most rewarded so far), RTs tend to be longer (the corresponding effect was not observed in the position condition, where label RHD had no effect on RTs). This is, therefore, a counterintuitive effect, as we would expect the congruent information to accelerate response execution, rather than slow it, as observed here. One possibility might be that participants do engage in a form of arbitration between selection of different response types. Specifically, they might be biased to execute the motor action based on the RHD, as it seems to present itself as a default option based on our results. However, because they are informed that the response based on label selection is correct for the given block, they might delay the response execution, to override the default. Nevertheless, this is a speculation—careful modeling of RTs is required to further explain this effect, which is beyond the scope of this article. This account would also predict the highest degree of conflict in this congruent situation, rather than in situations where both rules disagree. It will be an important question to solve in future research.

Our results highlight the importance of correct credit assignment and investigation of mechanisms, which might lead to errors in the credit assignment process. Our results are consistent with the previous research suggesting that motor actions might have a stronger effect on the choice selection process than is usually considered (Shahar et al., 2019). Our modeling approach allowed us to show that the mixture of Q values at the policy level is what may lead to the interference effect/incorrect credit assignment. However, as of now, we cannot conclusively say whether the mixture happens selectively at the policy level of RL, WM, or both.

Identification of correct rewarding responses is a critical building block of adaptive/goal-directed behavior. Impairments in one's ability to identify the appropriate choice space, which is then used for one's inference process, may consequently result in maladaptive/suboptimal behavioral patterns. Our interference effect results suggest that some aspects of the choice space might be incorrectly overvalued, thus resulting in choice patterns that reflect repeated erroneous selection of incorrect choice types or an inability to utilize flexible stimulus–response mappings. These kinds of perseverative responses are reminiscent of the inability to disengage from certain actions, observed in conditions such as obsessive–compulsive disorder (Rosa-Alcázar et al., 2020). It would be interesting to use our task and computational modeling approach to investigate whether the mixture/interference of values at the policy level could also explain the behavior of such populations.


In conclusion, our findings provide evidence that the choice type and how we define a choice have important implications for the learning process. The behavioral patterns (i.e., value interference from less abstract choices) are consistent with the premises of hierarchy in learning and behavior (i.e., lower levels in hierarchy impacting processing in higher levels), which has become an increasingly promising topic of research (Eckstein & Collins, 2020; Collins & Frank, 2013; Stolle & Precup, 2002). We also demonstrate additional evidence, relevant to the definition of the choice space, that EF (specifically WM) contributes to RL in reward-driven behaviors (Rmus et al., 2021), further demonstrating the complex interplay between various neurocognitive systems.

Reprint requests should be sent to Milena Rmus, Department of Psychology, University of California Berkeley, 2121 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94704, United States, or via e-mail: [email protected].

Amy Zou: Project administration; Visualization; Writing—Original draft; Writing—Review & editing. Anne G. E. Collins: Conceptualization; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Resources; Supervision; Visualization; Writing—original draft; Writing—Review & editing.

Anne G. E. Collins, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (, grant number: NSF2020844.

Retrospective analysis of the citations in every article published in this journal from 2010 to 2021 reveals a persistent pattern of gender imbalance: Although the proportions of authorship teams (categorized by estimated gender identification of first author/last author) publishing in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (JoCN) during this period were M(an)/M = .407, W(oman)/M = .32, M/W = .115, and W/W = .159, the comparable proportions for the articles that these authorship teams cited were M/M = .549, W/M = .257, M/W = .109, and W/W = .085 (Postle and Fulvio, JoCN, 34:1, pp. 1–3). Consequently, JoCN encourages all authors to consider gender balance explicitly when selecting which articles to cite and gives them the opportunity to report their article's gender citation balance.

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The statistical structures of reinforcement learning with asymmetric value updates
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
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Choice coding in frontal cortex during stimulus-guided or action-guided decision-making
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Disentangling the systems contributing to changes in learning during adolescence
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Credit assignment in movement-dependent reinforcement learning
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Taming the beast: Extracting generalizable knowledge from computational models of cognition
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Learning task-state representations
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Neural prediction errors reveal a risk-sensitive reinforcement-learning process in the human brain
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Interactive memory systems in the human brain
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Two-process learning theory: Relationships between Pavlovian conditioning and instrumental learning
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The role of executive function in shaping reinforcement learning
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Cognitive flexibility and response inhibition in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder
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Advances in visual perceptual learning and plasticity
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Credit assignment to state-independent task representations and its relationship with model-based decision making
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Learning options in reinforcement learning
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Learning to use working memory in partially observable environments through dopaminergic reinforcement
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Ten simple rules for the computational modeling of behavioral data
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Preference by association: How memory mechanisms in the hippocampus bias decisions
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Temporal and state abstractions for efficient learning, transfer, and composition in humans
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How working memory and reinforcement learning are intertwined: A cognitive, neural, and computational perspective
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
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