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May 1998
ISSN 0898-929X
EISSN 1530-8898
Neuroanatomical Correlates of Human Reasoning
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 293–302.
A Functional Neuroimaging Description of Two Deep Dyslexic Patients
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 303–315.
Coupled Temporal Memories in Parkinson's Disease: A Dopamine-Related Dysfunction
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 316–331.
Perseveration and Strategy in a Novel Spatial Self-Ordered Sequencing Task for Nonhuman Primates: Effects of Excitotoxic Lesions and Dopamine Depletions of the Prefrontal Cortex
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 332–354.
Is the Category-Specific Deficit for Living Things Spurious?
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 355–361.
Semantic and Visual Determinants of Face Recognition in a Prosopagnosic Patient
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 362–376.
H.M. Revisited: Relations between Language Comprehension, Memory, and the Hippocampal System
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 377–394.
Deficits in Complex Visual Perception Following Unilateral Temporal Lobectomy
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 395–407.
Semantic Processing of Spoken Words in Alzheimer's Disease: An Electrophysiological Study
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 408–420.
Auxiliary Selection in Italian: A Comment on Miozzo and Caramazza's “On Knowing the Auxiliary of a Verb that Cannot Be Named: Evidence for the Independence of Grammatical and Phonological Aspects of Lexical Knowledge”
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (3): 421–423.
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