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November 2006
ISSN 0898-929X
EISSN 1530-8898
Humor Comprehension and Appreciation: An fMRI Study
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1789–1798.
M1 Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Agonism Alters Sleep without Affecting Memory Consolidation
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1799–1807.
A Single System Explains Human Speed Perception
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1808–1819.
Age-related Changes in the Activation of the Intraparietal Sulcus during Nonsymbolic Magnitude Processing: An Event-related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1820–1828.
Hierarchical and Linear Sequence Processing: An Electrophysiological Exploration of Two Different Grammar Types
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1829–1842.
Inhibitory Control is Slowed in Patients with Right Superior Medial Frontal Damage
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1843–1849.
Visual Grouping and the Focusing of Attention Induce Gamma-band Oscillations at Different Frequencies in Human Magnetoencephalogram Signals
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1850–1862.
Event-related Potential Signatures of Relational Memory
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1863–1876.
Neuroanatomic Organization of Sound Memory in Humans
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1877–1888.
Neural Correlates of Modality-specific Spatial Extinction
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1889–1898.
Cerebrocerebellar Circuits for the Perceptual Cancellation of Eye-movement-induced Retinal Image Motion
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1899–1912.
The Frontal Cortex and Exogenous Attentional Orienting
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1913–1923.
Why You Think Milan is Larger than Modena: Neural Correlates of the Recognition Heuristic
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1924–1936.
Distinct Neural Correlates for Resolving Stroop Conflict at Inhibited and Noninhibited Locations in Inhibition of Return
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1937–1946.
Neural Bases of Motivated Reasoning: An fMRI Study of Emotional Constraints on Partisan Political Judgment in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1947–1958.
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