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June 2015
ISSN 0898-929X
EISSN 1530-8898
Prescription Stimulants' Effects on Healthy Inhibitory Control, Working Memory, and Episodic Memory: A Meta-analysis
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1069–1089.
Neural Correlates of Perceived Confidence in a Partial Report Paradigm
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1090–1103.
Choice-related Activity in the Anterior Intraparietal Area during 3-D Structure Categorization
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1104–1115.
The Default Mode of Human Brain Function Primes the Intentional Stance
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1116–1124.
Metacognitive Processes in Executive Control Development: The Case of Reactive and Proactive Control
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1125–1136.
Neural Correlates of Fixation Duration during Real-world Scene Viewing: Evidence from Fixation-related (FIRE) fMRI
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1137–1145.
Grasping with the Press of a Button: Grasp-selective Responses in the Human Anterior Intraparietal Sulcus Depend on Nonarbitrary Causal Relationships between Hand Movements and End-effector Actions
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1146–1160.
Training-induced Changes in the Dynamics of Attention as Reflected in Pupil Dilation
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1161–1171.
Brief Exposure to Aversive Stimuli Impairs Visual Selective Attention
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1172–1179.
The Allocation of Attention and Working Memory in Visual Crowding
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1180–1193.
High-resolution 7T fMRI of Human Hippocampal Subfields during Associative Learning
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1194–1206.
Short-term Motor Training, but Not Observational Training, Alters Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Action Processing in Infancy
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1207–1214.
Disentangling the Role of Cortico-Basal Ganglia Loops in Top–Down and Bottom–Up Visual Attention: An Investigation of Attention Deficits in Parkinson Disease
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1215–1237.
Delay Period Activity of the Substantia Nigra during Proactive Control of Response Selection as Determined by a Novel fMRI Localization Method
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1238–1248.
Making Cognitive Latent Variables Manifest: Distinct Neural Networks for Fluid Reasoning and Processing Speed
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1249–1258.
How Early Does the Brain Distinguish between Regular Words, Irregular Words, and Pseudowords during the Reading Process? Evidence from Neurochronometric TMS
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2015) 27 (6): 1259–1274.
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