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Fall 1997
ISSN 0898-929X
EISSN 1530-8898
In this Issue
What Is Special about Face Recognition? Nineteen Experiments on a Person with Visual Object Agnosia and Dyslexia but Normal Face Recognition
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1997) 9 (5): 555–604.
Face-Specific Processing in the Human Fusiform Gyrus
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1997) 9 (5): 605–610.
Common Blood Flow Changes across Visual Tasks: I. Increases in Subcortical Structures and Cerebellum but Not in Nonvisual Cortex
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1997) 9 (5): 624–647.
Common Blood Flow Changes across Visual Tasks: II. Decreases in Cerebral Cortex
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1997) 9 (5): 648–663.
Sentence Reading: A Functional MRI Study at 4 Tesla
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1997) 9 (5): 664–686.
On the Different Processing of Wholes and Parts: A Psychophysiological Analysis
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1997) 9 (5): 687–698.
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