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Árni Kristjánsson
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) 17 (6): 859–873.
Published: 01 June 2005
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We examined priming of visual search by repeated target location or color in two patients with left visual neglect and extinction, following strokes centered on the right inferior parietal lobe. Both patients, like the healthy controls we tested, showed intact priming, with performance speeded when either the location or color of a singleton target was repeated over successive trials in a standard search condition (Experiment 1). This was observed both from and to targets on the contralesional (left) side. Moreover, priming of search was still observed even when a return of fixation back to display-center was required between successive trials (Experiment 2). When briefer displays were used (Experiment 3), the patients often failed to detect left targets. This situation revealed an important dissociation: Whereas location priming only arose from preceding left targets that had been consciously detected, color priming (possibly arising within the intact ventral stream) did not depend on awareness of the preceding target. There was considerable color priming from missed targets. These findings demonstrate relatively intact priming of visual search by color and location in patients with right parietal damage, and also reveal that location priming may differ from color priming in requiring awareness.