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Argye E. Hillis
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2009) 21 (11): 2073–2084.
Published: 01 November 2009
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There is evidence for different levels of visuospatial processing with their own frames of reference: viewer-centered, stimulus-centered, and object-centered. The neural locus of these levels can be explored by examining lesion location in subjects with unilateral spatial neglect (USN) manifest in these reference frames. Most studies regarding the neural locus of USN have treated it as a homogenous syndrome, resulting in conflicting results. In order to further explore the neural locus of visuospatial processes differentiated by frame of reference, we presented a battery of tests to 171 subjects within 48 hr after right supratentorial ischemic stroke before possible structural and/or functional reorganization. The battery included MR perfusion weighted imaging (which shows hypoperfused regions that may be dysfunctional), diffusion weighted imaging (which reveals areas of infarct or dense ischemia shortly after stroke onset), and tests designed to disambiguate between various types of neglect. Results were consistent with a dorsal/ventral stream distinction in egocentric/allocentric processing. We provide evidence that portions of the dorsal stream of visual processing, including the right supramarginal gyrus, are involved in spatial encoding in egocentric coordinates, whereas parts of the ventral stream (including the posterior inferior temporal gyrus) are involved in allocentric encoding.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (11): 1889–1898.
Published: 01 November 2006
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Sites of lesions responsible for visual, tactile, and/or motor extinction have not been clearly identified. We sought to determine the frequency of extinction in various modalities immediately after acute ischemic stroke, the rate of co-occurrence of extinction across modalities, and areas of infarct and/or hypoperfusion associated with each modality of extinction. A total of 148 patients with right supratentorial stroke were studied. In Study 1, 88 patients without hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, or visual field cuts were tested within 24 hours of onset for visual, tactile, and motor extinction, and underwent magnetic resonance diffusion and perfusion imaging. Associations between modality of extinction and areas of neural dysfunction (hypoperfusion/infarct) were identified. Of the 88 patients, 19 had only tactile extinction, 8 had only visual extinction, 12 had only motor extinction, 14 had extinction in two or more modalities, and 35 had no extinction. Tactile extinction was associated with neural dysfunction in the inferior parietal lobule; visual extinction was associated with dysfunction in the visual association cortex; and motor extinction was associated with neural dysfunction in the superior temporal gyrus. In Study 2, data from 60 patients who were excluded from Study 1 because of motor deficits were analyzed in the same way to determine whether frontal lesions contributed to visual or tactile extinction. Results again demonstrated that tactile extinction is associated with inferior parietal dysfunction, and visual extinction is associated with dysfunction of the visual association cortex. Potential accounts of the results, based on the “hemisphere rivalry” model of extinction and the limited attentional capacity model, are considered.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2006) 18 (7): 1223–1236.
Published: 01 July 2006
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The spatial neglect syndrome, defined by asymmetric attention and action not attributed to primary motor or sensory dysfunction and accompanied by functional disability, is a major cause of post-stroke morbidity. In this review, we consider the challenges and obstacles facing scientific researches wishing to evaluate the mechanisms and effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions. Spatial neglect is a heterogeneous disorder, for which consensus research definitions are not currently available, and it is unclear which of the deficits associated with the syndrome causes subsequent disability. We review current opinion about methods of assessment, suggest a rational approach to selecting therapies which requires further study, and make systems-level and theoretical recommendations for building theory. We lastly review some creative questions for consideration in future research.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2002) 14 (7): 1099–1108.
Published: 01 October 2002
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A longitudinal study of oral and written naming and comprehension of nouns and verbs in an individual (M. M. L.) with nonfluent primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is reported. M. M. L. showed progressive deterioration of oral naming of verbs well before deterioration of written naming of verbs and before deterioration of oral or written naming of nouns. Her comprehension of both nouns and verbs remained intact, at least relative to oral naming of verbs. Her performance is compared to that of two other individuals with nonfluent PPA, who were tested at two time points. These patients showed similar patterns with respect to grammatical word class (verbs more impaired than nouns) and modality (spoken production more impaired than written production), but somewhat different courses of deterioration. The modality-specific nature of the observed verb production deficits rules out a semantic locus for the grammatical class effects. The results provide a new source of evidence for the hypothesis that there are distinct neural mechanisms for accessing lexical representations of nouns and verbs in language production.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1995) 7 (4): 457–478.
Published: 01 October 1995
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We report detailed analyses of the performance of a patient, DHY, who as a consequence of strokes in the left occipital lobe and the periventricular white matter in the region of the spleniuni, showed severely impaired naming of visual stimuli despite spared recognition of visual stimuli and spared naming in other modalities. This pattern of performance—labeled “optic aphasia”—has been previously interpreted as support for the hypothesis that there are independent semantic systems, either a visual and a verbal semantic store (Beauvois, 1982; Lhermitte & Beauvois, 1973) or a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere semantic system (Coslett & Saffran, 1989, l092), which are “disconnected” in these patients. We provide evidence that DHY shows precisely the types of performance across a variety of verbal and visual tasks that have been used to support these claims of separate semantic systems: (1) good performance in naming to definition and naming objects presented for tactile exploration (which has been interpreted as evidence of spared verbal or left hemisphere semantic processing), and (2) good performance on various “semantic” tasks that do not require naming (which has been interpreted as access to spared visual or right hemisphere semantic processing). Nevertheless, when nonverbal semantic tasks were modified such that they required access to more detailed semantic information for accurate performance, DHY was Par less accurate, indicating that she did not access complete semantic information about objects in the visual modality. We argue that these data undermine the claim that cases of optic aphasia can be explained only by proposing multiple semantic systems. We propose an alternative account for this pattern of performance, within a model of visual object naming that specifies a single, modality-independent semantic system. We show that the performance of DHY and other “optic aphasic” patients can be explained by proposing a deficit in accessing a complete, modality-independent, lexical-semantic representation from an intact stored, structural description of the object. We discuss the implications of these conclusions for claims about the neuroanatomical correlates of semantic and visual object processing.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1995) 7 (3): 396–407.
Published: 01 July 1995
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We report the performance of a patient who, as a consequence of left frontal and temporoparietal strokes, makes far more errors on nouns than on verbs in spoken output tasks, but makes far more errors on verbs than on nouns in written input tasks. This double dissociation within a single patient with respect to grammatical category provides evidence for the hypothesis that phonological and orthographic representations of nouns and verbs are processed by independent neural mechanisms. Furthermore, the opposite dissociation in the verbal output modality, an advantage for nouns over verbs in spoken tasks, by a different patient using the same stimuli has also been reported (Caramazza & Hillis, 1991). This double dissociation across patients on the same task indicates that results cannot be ascribed to "greater difficulty" with one type of stimulus, and provides further evidence for the view that grammatical category information is an important organizational principle of lexical knowledge in the brain.