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Ayelet N. Landau
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2024) 36 (4): 632–639.
Published: 01 April 2024
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Neural oscillations in the 8–12 Hz alpha band are thought to represent top–down inhibitory control and to influence temporal resolution: Individuals with faster peak frequencies segregate stimuli appearing closer in time. Recently, this theory has been challenged. Here, we investigate a special case in which alpha does not correlate with temporal resolution: when stimuli are presented amidst strong visual drive. Based on findings regarding alpha rhythmogenesis and wave spatial propagation, we suggest that stimulus-induced, bottom–up alpha oscillations play a role in temporal integration. We propose a theoretical model, informed by visual persistence, lateral inhibition, and network refractory periods, and simulate physiologically plausible scenarios of the interaction between bottom–up alpha and the temporal segregation. Our simulations reveal that different features of oscillations, including frequency, phase, and power, can influence temporal perception and provide a theoretically informed starting point for future empirical studies.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2024) 36 (4): 614–631.
Published: 01 April 2024
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Perception is suggested to occur in discrete temporal windows, clocked by cycles of neural oscillations. An important testable prediction of this theory is that individuals' peak frequencies of oscillations should correlate with their ability to segregate the appearance of two successive stimuli. An influential study tested this prediction and showed that individual peak frequency of spontaneously occurring alpha (8–12 Hz) correlated with the temporal segregation threshold between two successive flashes of light [Samaha, J., & Postle, B. R. The speed of alpha-band oscillations predicts the temporal resolution of visual perception. Current Biology , 25 , 2985–2990, 2015]. However, these findings were recently challenged [Buergers, S., & Noppeney, U. The role of alpha oscillations in temporal binding within and across the senses. Nature Human Behaviour , 6 , 732–742, 2022]. To advance our understanding of the link between oscillations and temporal segregation, we devised a novel experimental approach. Rather than relying entirely on spontaneous brain dynamics, we presented a visual grating before the flash stimuli that is known to induce continuous oscillations in the gamma band (45–65 Hz). By manipulating the contrast of the grating, we found that high contrast induces a stronger gamma response and a shorter temporal segregation threshold, compared to low-contrast trials. In addition, we used a novel tool to characterize sustained oscillations and found that, for half of the participants, both the low- and high-contrast gratings were accompanied by a sustained and phase-locked alpha oscillation. These participants tended to have longer temporal segregation thresholds. Our results suggest that visual stimulus drive, reflected by oscillations in specific bands, is related to the temporal resolution of visual perception.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2023) 35 (8): 1350–1360.
Published: 01 August 2023
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Our ability to detect targets in the environment fluctuates in time. When individuals focus attention on a single location, the ongoing temporal structure of performance fluctuates at 8 Hz. When task demands require the distribution of attention over two objects defined by their location, color or motion direction, ongoing performance fluctuates at 4 Hz per object. This suggests that distributing attention entails the division of the sampling process found for focused attention. It is unknown, however, at what stage of the processing hierarchy this sampling occurs, and whether attentional sampling depends on awareness. Here, we show that unaware selection between the two eyes leads to rhythmic sampling. We presented a display with a single central object to both eyes and manipulated the presentation of a reset event (i.e., cue) and a detection target to either both eyes (binocular) or separately to the different eyes (monocular). We assume that presenting a cue to one eye biases the selection process to content presented in that eye. Although participants were unaware of this manipulation, target detection fluctuated at 8 Hz under the binocular condition, and at 4 Hz when the right (and dominant) eye was cued. These results are consistent with recent findings reporting that competition between receptive fields leads to attentional sampling and demonstrate that this competition does not rely on aware processes. Furthermore, attentional sampling occurs at an early site of competition among monocular channels, before they are fused in the primary visual cortex.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2020) 32 (2): 315–325.
Published: 01 February 2020
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In a dynamically changing environment, the ability to capture regularities in our sensory input helps us generate predictions about future events. In most sensory systems, the basic finding is clear: Knowing when something will happen improves performance on it [Nobre, A. C., & van Ede, F. (2017). Anticipated moments: Temporal structure in attention. Nature Reviews Neuroscience , 19 , 34–48, 2017]. We here examined the impact of temporal predictions on a less-explored modality: touch. Participants were instructed to detect a brief target embedded in an ongoing vibrotactile stimulus. Unbeknownst to them, the experiment had two timing conditions: In one part, the time of target onset was fixed and thus temporally predictable, whereas in the other, it could appear at a random time within the ongoing stimulation. We found a clear modulation of detection thresholds due to temporal predictability: Contrary to other sensory systems, detecting a predictable tactile target was worse relative to unpredictable targets. We discuss our findings within the framework of tactile suppression.