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Brynn E. Sherman
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2024) 36 (11): 2302–2316.
Published: 01 November 2024
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Although the role of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and the hippocampus in episodic memory is well established, there is emerging evidence that these regions play a broader role in cognition, specifically in temporal processing. However, despite strong evidence that the hippocampus plays a critical role in sequential processing, the involvement of the MTL in timing per se is poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated whether patients with MTL damage exhibit differential performance on a temporal distance memory task. Critically, we manipulated context shifts, or boundaries, which have been shown to interfere with associative binding, leading to increases in subjective temporal distance. We predicted that patients with MTL damage would show impaired binding across boundaries and thus fail to show temporal expansion. Consistent with this hypothesis, unilateral patients failed to show a temporal expansion effect, and bilateral patients actually exhibited the reverse effect, suggesting a critical role for the MTL in binding temporal information across boundaries. Furthermore, patients were impaired overall on both the temporal distance memory task and recognition memory, but not on an independent, short-timescale temporal perception task. Interestingly, temporal distance performance could be independently predicted by performance on recognition memory and the short temporal perception task. Together, these data suggest that distinct mnemonic and temporal processes may influence long interval temporal memory and that damage to the MTL may impair the ability to integrate episodic and temporal information in memory.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2024) 36 (8): 1741–1759.
Published: 01 July 2024
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Stress is widely considered to negatively impact hippocampal function, thus impairing episodic memory. However, the hippocampus is not merely the seat of episodic memory. Rather, it also (via distinct circuitry) supports statistical learning. On the basis of rodent work suggesting that stress may impair the hippocampal pathway involved in episodic memory while sparing or enhancing the pathway involved in statistical learning, we developed a behavioral experiment to investigate the effects of acute stress on both episodic memory and statistical learning in humans. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: stress (socially evaluated cold pressor) immediately before learning, stress ∼15 min before learning, or no stress. In the learning task, participants viewed a series of trial-unique scenes (allowing for episodic encoding of each image) in which certain scene categories reliably followed one another (allowing for statistical learning of associations between paired categories). Memory was assessed 24 hr later to isolate stress effects on encoding/learning rather than retrieval. We found modest support for our hypothesis that acute stress can amplify statistical learning: Only participants stressed ∼15 min in advance exhibited reliable evidence of learning across multiple measures. Furthermore, stress-induced cortisol levels predicted statistical learning retention 24 hr later. In contrast, episodic memory did not differ by stress condition, although we did find preliminary evidence that acute stress promoted memory for statistically predictable information and attenuated competition between statistical and episodic encoding. Together, these findings provide initial insights into how stress may differentially modulate learning processes within the hippocampus.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2023) 35 (8): 1312–1328.
Published: 01 August 2023
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We encounter the same people, places, and objects in predictable sequences and configurations. Humans efficiently learn these regularities via statistical learning. Importantly, statistical learning creates knowledge not only of specific regularities but also of regularities that apply more generally across related experiences (i.e., across members of a category). Prior evidence for different levels of learning comes from post-exposure behavioral tests, leaving open the question of whether more abstract regularities are detected online during initial exposure. We address this question by measuring neural entrainment in intracranial recordings. Neurosurgical patients viewed a stream of photographs with regularities at one of two levels: In the exemplar-level structured condition, the same photographs appeared repeatedly in pairs. In the category-level structured condition, the photographs were trial-unique but their categories were paired across repetitions. In a baseline random condition, the same photographs repeated but in a scrambled order. We measured entrainment at the frequency of individual photographs, which was expected in all conditions, but critically also at half that frequency—the rate at which to-be-learned pairs appeared in the two structured (but not random) conditions. Entrainment to both exemplar and category pairs emerged within minutes throughout visual cortex and in frontal and temporal regions. Many electrode contacts were sensitive to only one level of structure, but a significant number encoded both levels. These findings suggest that the brain spontaneously uncovers category-level regularities during statistical learning, providing insight into the brain's unsupervised mechanisms for building flexible and robust knowledge that generalizes across input variation and conceptual hierarchies.