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C. A. Marzi
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Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (2005) 17 (1): 113–123.
Published: 01 January 2005
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When both detections and responses to visual stimuli are performed within one and the same hemisphere, manual reaction times (RTs) are faster than when the two operations are carried out in different hemispheres. A widely accepted explanation for this difference is that it reflects the time lost in callosal transmission. Interhemispheric transfer time can be estimated by subtracting RTs for uncrossed from RTs for crossed responses (crossed – uncrossed difference, or CUD). In the present study, we wanted to ascertain the role of spatial attention in affecting the CUD and to chart the brain areas whose activity is related to these attentional effects on interhemispheric transfer. To accomplish this, we varied the proportion of crossed and uncrossed trials in different blocks. With this paradigm subjects are likely to focus attention either on the hemifield contralateral to the responding hand (blocks with 80% crossed trials) or on the ipsilateral hemifield (blocks with 80% uncrossed trials). We found an inverse correlation between the proportion of crossed trials in a block and the CUD and this effect can be attributed to spatial attention. As to the imaging results, we found that in the crossed minus uncrossed subtraction, an operation that highlights the neural processes underlying interhemispheric transfer, there was an activation of the genu of the corpus callosum as well as of a series of cortical areas. In a further commonality analysis, we assessed those areas which were activated specifically during focusing of attention onto one hemifield either contra- or ipsilateral to the responding hand. We found an activation of a number of cortical and subcortical areas, notably, parietal area BA 7 and the superior colliculi. We believe that the main thrust of the present study is to have teased apart areas important in interhemispheric transmission from those involved in spatial attention.
Journal Articles
Publisher: Journals Gateway
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience (1998) 10 (2): 216–230.
Published: 01 March 1998
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The present study represents an attempt to find an electrophysiological correlate of the redundant targets effect, or RTE (i.e., the speeding up of reaction time, or RT, for redundant vs. single targets). Subjects made a speeded response either to one small checkerboard presented to the left or right of fixation or to a pair of identical checkerboards presented simultaneously to both hemifields. Both single and double targets could appear either in the upper or lower visual hemifield. The task required detection but not discrimination of the stimuli. During task performance, we recorded the event-related potentials (ERPs) elicited by the checkerboard targets. As in previous studies, we found that manual RTs to bilateral stimuli were faster than those to unilateral stimuli. This effect was more marked for lower-than for upper-field stimuli and could not be ascribed to probability summation. In addition, we found that the P1 and N1 components of the visual ERP had a shorter latency for bilateral than for summed unilateral stimuli presented to the two hemifields. In parallel with the behavioral findings, the latency values for the above components showed a larger RTE for lower-field stimuli. These findings indicate that the RTE occurs at the level of early visual processing, probably in the extrastriate visual cortex, rather than at late decisional or pre-motor stages.